Can I add a key to the system keyboard in iOS? - iphone

I need to add a custom key to the iOS system keyboard without requiring a jailbreak. For example, when I go into any app, I want my custom key to show up and then have it launch a view from my app.
I've seen tons of examples that do things like this from a custom UITextView, but nothing that modifies the keyboard for all apps.

No. Apple has iOS pretty locked down. Your app is pretty much in its own sandbox with a few outlets to the rest of the system.
You also can't create a custom keyboard like Android.

You can't but how about adding a UIToolBar on top of your keyboard?

You can't modify the system keyboard.


Creating Custom Keyboard like emoji

Is it possible to create custom Keyboard in iPhone which can get use by any other application. Similar to the Emoji keyboard. Is it possible to take advantage of the international keyboard feature for the iPhone and create a custom keyboard that can be used over for apps on iPhone?
Any help would be appreciated.
My suggestion is exploit the inputView property of textField. You can create a UIView having buttons on it like the keys in key board, and set action for each buttons. Do actions appropriately for tapping each key.

Is it OK to Add Digit Buttons above the keyboard in an iPhone app?

I am writing an iPhone application. In one of my views the user will have to enter Canadian zip codes which alternate letters and numbers (e.g. V0E 5N0). I would like to have the default keyboard showing up, but additionally, I want to allow the user to be able to enter numbers without having to switch keyboards back and forth by pressing the ".?123" key, which makes the process tedious for this type of entry. Will my app violate apple guidelines if I add into my view 10 buttons with the digits to show right above the keyboard?
There are plenty of Apps that already exist on the App store with such functionality, so I don't see why your App would get rejected specifically for having a view above the keyboard. It may still get declined because of other things, but not a custom keyboard view.
Nebulous Notes - Approved and on the App store:
iSSH also has a custom keyboard with toolbar on iphone and ipad and is on the App store.
Normally incase of a zip code entry , users are provided with a UINumberKeyPad and it makes it easy for them (But in your case it would not help you). In your case, if you wish to add another UIToolbar right on top of the inputView, I would say go for it, but it is not the best practice !
This will not violate the apple guidelines, and you can implement in your view with a UIToolbar as an inputAccessoryView. Make sure to remove the Toolbar from the superView during the keyboard event resignFirstResponder.

how to create and install own keyboard (like emoji) which we can use in any application?

emoji keyboard is being enabled on device when we enable the key KeyboardEmojiEverywhere in the plist file /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/
So,just with a key how can we get a keyboard? What is logic behind that?
I want to create my custom keyboard like emoji and want to install it on iphone,so that i can use it with any application with pressing globe button.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
With iOS 8, Apple has made it possible to create custom keyboard that user can access throughout the device(in other applications also).
Please check Keyboard Extension.
You can create your own custom keyboard using Keyboard extension. You can check a nice tutorial here.

Keypad language change during runtime?

At runtime for the app, I want the user to be able to select the keypad language. And when the app is finished for it to switch back.
You could not do it programmatically but there is one option is available in keyboard itself.
Go through the following post, will helpful for you
Change Your Keyboard or Display Language in iOS
Setting the iPhone keyboard language
I don't think that there is a programmatic way to enforce this. You can inplemet your own custom input if you want.

iPhone create/register/add new custom smiley keyboard

i need a custom keyboard like Emoji application does in my application. Any ideas how to create/register/add a new custom smiley keyboard?
If you're targeting for AppStore — you can't create/register/add a custom keyboard that reuses Apple's code (as they're undocumented). The only way you can do is create a custom view with many buttons as the keys.