Get small keyboard on iOS8? - iphone

So, I got the following image from graphic designer.
On the right is keyboard popping in our application, on the left is keyboard he sees everywhere else on his phone (iPhone 6), apparently. He wants the keyboard on the left to appear in our application too. This looks like standard iOS keyboard, only smaller, but I don't see any option to get it. How do I get it? Or is it just particularly popular custom keyboard/extension? Or maybe it's really easy to do custom keyboard/extension (note, I don't know a thing about custom keyboards/extensions in iOS)?

The keyboard is adjusted when you have inputAccessoryView assigned for active field.


when UITextField is focused and scribble is on,keyboard don't show

I'm making drawing app on iPad with iOS14.
this app enables to use apple pencil.
I'm facing a problem.
when i try to write a text on UITextField by scribble hand write,keyboard don't showing.
my client said it can be enabled keyboard writing when scribble hand write is on.
is it possible?
I'm seeing this quite late but I'll still try to give you (or people looking for the same answer lates) some useful information:
I don't think that you can use "normal" keyboard with pencil (although it will appear immediately after you touch text field with your finger)
You can use pencil to show small screen keyboard by tapping the Scribble toolbar (usually bottom left corner, small icon of pencil tip) and then keyboard button, see here
Hope it will be helpful :)

Is it OK to Add Digit Buttons above the keyboard in an iPhone app?

I am writing an iPhone application. In one of my views the user will have to enter Canadian zip codes which alternate letters and numbers (e.g. V0E 5N0). I would like to have the default keyboard showing up, but additionally, I want to allow the user to be able to enter numbers without having to switch keyboards back and forth by pressing the ".?123" key, which makes the process tedious for this type of entry. Will my app violate apple guidelines if I add into my view 10 buttons with the digits to show right above the keyboard?
There are plenty of Apps that already exist on the App store with such functionality, so I don't see why your App would get rejected specifically for having a view above the keyboard. It may still get declined because of other things, but not a custom keyboard view.
Nebulous Notes - Approved and on the App store:
iSSH also has a custom keyboard with toolbar on iphone and ipad and is on the App store.
Normally incase of a zip code entry , users are provided with a UINumberKeyPad and it makes it easy for them (But in your case it would not help you). In your case, if you wish to add another UIToolbar right on top of the inputView, I would say go for it, but it is not the best practice !
This will not violate the apple guidelines, and you can implement in your view with a UIToolbar as an inputAccessoryView. Make sure to remove the Toolbar from the superView during the keyboard event resignFirstResponder.

How to mimic the behavior of the iPhone Mail app when entering email addresses?

I was wondering whether any of you may have an idea how to mimic the behavior of the native Mail app on the iPhone, when selecting email contacts in the To/CC lines.
If you note carefully, when touching that line the keyboard opens and you get a cursor, which is like the normal behavior of a UITextField. However, after keying a name and selecting it, the name is added inside a blue bubble. Still fine - one could create the bubble and move the text field. However, if you go back using the backspace key - the blue bubble becomes marked (darker blue), the cursor disappears, but the keyboard stays visible.
Any idea how to accomplish that?
Check out the Three20 control library from the Facebook:
Either the TTMessageController, or the TTPickerTextField control are what you want. For using TTPickerTextField there's a good demo here:

Why isn't my keyboard appearing?

I have an application that allows the user to edit multiple text fields and views. Rather than mess around raising each view to the top when the keyboard is active, I decided to instead make one textView for editing and hide/show it when input is needed, then transfer the data when it is done. To move focus to the new textView, I call its becomeFirstResponder method, and lo and behold, the cursor goes to the right place. However if I use this method, the iPhone keyboard does not appear. I have no idea why. Can anyone explain, and tell me how to make the keyboard appear? All the other questions I've looked at seem to indicate that setting becomeFirstResponder for a textView ought to make the keyboard come up.
Is Hardware -> Simulate Hardware Keyboard enabled?
Are you doing this whole thing programatically or using Interface Builder as well?
If so are the IB connections setup right?

iPhone virtual keyboard bug

In iPhone virtual keyboard...
1.Change the alphabetical keypad view to numerical view.
2.Tap on the single quote(') button the view changes to alphabetical.
3.In this view tapping on space twice displays a fullstop.
I don't know whether it is apple bug or feature, How to fix this issue through coding?
This is not a bug, this is a feature.
(Apple deliberately make pressing ' switch back to the alphabetic plane for contractions like "Peter's".)
(And tapping space twice gives a period is also a feature. It's even documented.)
If you want to modify this feature, the whole UIKBKeyboard class of the keyboard layout needs to be changed at runtime, which means "private API" etc.
This answer may help: iPhone: Disable the "double-tap spacebar for ." shortcut?