I am having issues with an app I am developing (NOTE: It is for research/learning purposes only so it does not need to be apple store approved). I need access to system files outside of the sandbox. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to install to the root /Applications/ folder to avoid being sandboxed. From reading other questions this seems to be impossible for Xcode, but is there a way to build non-sandboxed apps with other editors? If so, what are some?
It seems that you need root permissions first and then you use the SSH feature of a jailbroken device in order to install to the /applications folder. See here for more information that helps on this topic: Gaining root permissions on iOS for NSFileManager (Jailbreak)
I've developed a macOS app written with Swift. For testing I archived then Distribute for AppStore and export it. The exported folder includes MyApp.pkg file then I zipped .pkg file and send it to testers. But when app is installed and they try to open it there is an error with The application can't be opened.
In my current development laptop, it works but in testers not working. I try to execute it with
chmod +x "/MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS/MyApp" but there is no response.
How can I solve the problem for working it in testers laptops.
Thanks in advance!
An app archived and then distributed for the App Store cannot be sent directly to testers. It must be downloaded from the App Store. A pkg file is useless to individuals. You need to distribute for people! Send them an app, not a pkg.
I am new in iPhone.I am developing iPhone application. My iPhone is jailbreak, I want to use a message history from my jailbreak device. But i can't used that message history. So I want to give root access permission to my application for access SMS history. How can I do it, How can I give root permission to my application. Thank You for your answer.
After compiling, unzip the ipa and drop the .app folder in "Payload" into /Applications. Now run chmod -R 777 /Applications/<YourAppName> This should get rid of Apple's sandbox and let you take advantage of your jailbreak. You might even want to consider packaging it into a .deb file so that others can install it like this automatically.
I'm working on app which is distributed with Cydia. So it is installed in /Applications folder, not /var/mobile/Applications/ as usual AppStore apps. And I assume that installation give me some huge problems.
At first, keychain read & write with famous Apple's KeychainItemWrapper doesn't work at all.
Also, my settings.bundle doesn't work too. App settings don't displayed in Settings.app.
When I test application in Simulator or even deploy it from Xcode to device directly (it is deployed to /var/mobile/Applications/) everything works like a charm.
I tried moving installed .app to var/mobile/Applications/XXXXXX/myapp.app with making mobile:mobile as it's owner. It didn't help.
Any solution for making this work?
Settings Bundle
Settings work a little differently for jailbreak apps. You need to do something similar to the normal Settings.bundle, but there are differences.
See here for some information on that.
And here
And here
You should make your app depend on the preferenceloader package, which helps jailbreak apps manage Settings. So, you'll have something like this in your DEBIAN/control file:
package: com.mycompany.MyApp
Name: MyApp
Version: 2.2-2
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Depends: preferenceloader
Description: Do something for jailbreak iPhones
In order to make the keychain work for my app, I needed to add entitlements to my binary. The way I found out which entitlements were needed was to first build the app in the normal way (not a jailbreak app, just a normal 3rd-party app store app using Xcode). Then, I inspected the entitlements in the binary built by Xcode:
ldid -e MyApp.app/MyApp
And then spliced those entitlements into a new entitlements.xml file. See here for an example of applying entitlements. I believe the entitlements for your app should look something like this:
It's possible that this method of adding entitlements isn't necessary. See comments below your question for other options. However, I was adding other entitlements for other reasons, and could not do that through Xcode.
I have a problem that i can't solve, i have a little application that uses a settings bundle, i don't have the apple license developer, so to test the app in a real iphone, i have to manual install (copy the application to the applications folder and set the permissions).
After refreshing the GUI I can run the application fine, but the settings doesn't show in the settings and my application can't read them...
How can i add the settings to the settings of the iphoen?
Assuming your developing on a jailbroken iPhone since your installing without codesigning...
Have a look at this, which is a tutorial on how to use PreferenceLoader.
how can I deploy my prototype app in order to test it on my iphone? obviously it isn't at the stage where it can go on the app store but I;d like to play about with it for testing..
Do I HAVE to enrol in the developer program?
You need to be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program to receive a certificate you can use to sign your apps to be installed on your iDevice.
In short, yes. But you knew that.
Although we as a developer don't suggest illegal installation, but some developers may find it is actually easier with the dark method:
Install you iPhone or iPad with "Installous" and "iFile",
with iFile, you can open a wifi port for any computer in the same wifi network to access the machine from there browser and upload file to the machines (without using iTune), so you can put your *.ipa file in the machine.
In order to manually install the ipa file, you may want to use the Installous, so what someone will do is to put the ipa to the [root]/mobile/Documents/Installous/Downloads, then when you open up Installous, go to Downloads, you will see your ipa and be able to install it!
Hope this hope.