How do I install JIRA-Dashboard in Eclipse? - eclipse

I am getting javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart errors when trying to add a server

You should install the JIRA Mylyn plugin for the recent versions of Eclipse, and not Dashboard. I did that the other day and it worked out of the box (after enabling RPC in JIRA).


Unable to install Sonarlint on Eclipse

I am trying to install Sonarlint on Eclipse. I am getting the below error:
No repository found at
Please help.
Assuming you're trying to install it on a relatively recent version of Eclipse (latest is 2020-09), you should just be able to open the Marketplace Client ("Help"->"Eclipse MarketPlace...") and enter "sonarlint" in the filter field, and install the "SonarLint" plugin that it finds.

Unable to install IBM Bluemix Eclipse plugin for Luna and Mars

I am tried to install IBM Bluemix eclipse plugin for Eclipse Mars from Eclipse Market place. Eclipse listing all required libraries and dependencies but installation its showing following error as shown in image.
I was able to download install other eclipse plugins like PyDev,Subclipse etc.
Any suggestions or links? Thank you :)
Which version of Eclipse are you using? I just tried with the JEE Package for Mars SR1: Then, search for the Eclipse marketplace entry from Eclipse and do the install.
and I can complete the install successfully. It may just be a temporary outage on the server. Would you mind to try it again?
If the problem still exist, can you list out the details of your setup, e.g. Eclipse package that you start with, platform, steps to reproduce, etc. so I can try to reproduce the problem.

Unable to install PMD in Spring tool suite

I am unable to install PMD plug-in for STS (build on top of Luna).
Could someone please give the steps to do it?
Try this and install for Eclipse 4.
I'm the developer of eclipse-pmd, one of the two PMD plugins you mentioned in your question. If your installing the plugin through the Eclipse Marketplace then you're doing everything right. Once the installation is finished the getting started guide will help you with setting up eclipse-pmd.
You are, however, not the first who has a problem getting eclipse-pmd 1.4 to work with the Spring Tool Suite. Unfortunately we have not yet found the cause of the problem and are still looking for a solution. If you'd like to help or would like to follow the issue's progress then head over to the eclipse-pmd issue tracker at Github.
Update: the issue has been fixed and it had nothing to do with STS.
If your problem is something different then I need more information on what exactly does not work, e.g. does the installation give you an error message or doesthe installation work and you get an error message when running PMD?
Please follow below steps to install PMD in STS.
Download PMD from & Extract it.
Copy net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse_1.8.0 folder into ..\sts-bundle\sts-3.9.6.RELEASE\plugins\
then Install eclipse PMD from Eclipse Market Place you will find in Help this option.
Restart your STS.

cannot install SVN connectors in eclipse

I am running Eclipe Juno and trying to get SVN installed, ive included all the svn jars avaliable from the
when at the select connectors to install screen when i try and install i get the error.
Problms occured while performing installation: HTTP Server Unknown HTTP Response Code (-1):
The issue is an internet blocking exception rule i cannot change so instead i am now using subclipse not subversion.
My solution is not to use Subversive and to use Subclipse Instead. Works fine.
So i would suggest anyone else who faces this issue to check your firewall rules/Outgoing exception rules. For me i can not change these as i have no control over th firewall.
The update which you mentioned
works fine for me. Thanks and i am able to install the plugin. this doesn't work actually.

Eclipse - Cannot install subclipse / subversive

I am unable to install new plugins to eclipse (tried subclipse and subversive). Installing fails around 47/48 %. This happens with both Helios and Indigo. I tried installing via Help>Install New Software and Help>Eclipse Marketplace.
Errors in both versions are about the same:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee,
phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Unable to read repository at
Read timed out
Unable to read repository at
/dist/.sitestore/4f/4f 5ba7f7716b8c0f63ef9b74b0173826/../../../../artifacts/
Read timed out
I don't think it's my internet connection as I'm having no issues browsing the web and multiple tracert tests work fine. I have tried removing the sites from available software sites and tried setting Active Provider in network connects to both direct and native.
Please help. Thanks
I also faced the same issues and resolved with following steps:
Check all .jar files that are causing errors "Unable to read repository at..."and "Read timed out"
Manually download those .jar files
Manually put .jar to eclipse's "\plugins" folder
Again start installation
Won’t get error
You done.
These are the steps to follow while Enable SVN in Eclipse Version: 2018-12 (4.10.0):
Visit this link: to get the “Eclipse update site URL” for Subclipse plugin. As of now Feb 2019 its move to location -
Here you can
Basic Steps:
Help>Install New Software.
Click on Add - Give name: Subversive
Install all the components, and accept the license.
Restart the eclipse.
I had the same issue with Windows 7 / 64bit / Eclipse Java EE Juno SR1.
I got around the issue by installing Subversive via the Eclipse Marketplace rather than with "Install new Software" using the Eclipse Juno update site.
I had exactly the same problem with EGit and the above solved it as well.
It worked for me by downloading and installing subclipse locally, from here :