Unable to start Netbeans 7.2 Profiler for Java ME projects - netbeans

I'm trying to figure out why my Java ME app (a media player) is throwing Out of Memory Exceptions,however I have been unable to start the Netbeans profiler.The profiler works fine for other project types but is grayed out when I select any Java ME projects.
I tried to start it by invoking the emulator at the command prompt and supplying appropriate arguments(Xprofile to start cpu profiler and Xnetmon to start network monitor) but the emulator started without the profiling tools.
Next,I tried re-installing Netbeans hoping that would clear any configurations issues I might have ran into but still no luck.
I'm using Windows 7 64bit with JDK version 1.7.0_04 and Netbeans 7.2 which comes with Java ME SDK 3.0.5 and I've installed Java SDK tools.
Other Info:
When I select the unintegrate profiler from project(under Advanced Commands under the Profile Menu) I get a message that it is not integrated in the first place but I have no idea how trigger this integration. When I select the calibrate profiler option I only see JDK 1.& platform and none of my Java Me Platforms.
I am not sure what the profiler is dependent on or of the quirks of Netbeans so I may not have provided enough information any pointers for more relevant information will be appreciated.

While searching for another answer I came across this question. The problem here is no J2ME platform is integrated with the IDE. The way to add a platform is : on Tools menu --> click "Java Platforms" --> click "Add Platforms..." button --> on the add platform wizard click "Java ME CLDC Platform Emulator" (2nd option) --> click "Next" --> browse and select location of your J2ME platform --> finish the add process. After restarting netbeans IDE the profiler will now be activated.


Installing J2ME plugins in NetBeans 12.4

I downloaded J2ME plugins from here: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javame-sdk-downloads.html
I can't install the plugins, this is the error:
Some plugins require plugin Java Profiler Core to be installed.
The plugin Java Profiler Core is requested in version >= 2.1.1 (release version 2) but only 3.41 (of release version different from 2) was found.
The following plugins are affected:
    Java ME SDK CPU Profiler Snapshot Viewer
    Profiler (Java ME Projects Support)
Please help me, thank you
First a couple of basic points:
I don't know whether Java ME works with NetBeans using a JDK version > 8 so I first set the default platform for NetBeans to JDK 8. This step may not be necessary, but it definitely works.
Do not download the NetBeans plugins from the Oracle page you linked to. Instead, use the approach detailed below to use older plugins which are compatible.
In NetBeans 12.4:
Go to Tools > Plugins > Settings and click Add to add http://updates.netbeans.org/netbeans/updates/8.2/uc/final/distribution/catalog.xml.gz as an Upgrade Center, then check the Active column for its entry.
Click the Available Plugins tab. You should see four entries for Java ME. Click the Install checkbox for all four, then click the Install button to install those plugins:
Next download oracle-jmesdk-8-0-rr-win32-bin.exe from the Oracle page you linked to, then run the downloaded executable to install the Java ME SDK to a location of your choice (if you haven't already done that).
Add the ME JDK you just installed as a Java Platform within NetBeans using Tools > Java Platforms > Add Platform.... The exact steps are detailed in the update at the end of this answer to How to fix Netbeans 8.0 not detecting Java ME.
So Java ME SDK has been added as a Java Platform, and the older Java ME... plugins have been installed. The final step is to verify that you can now use the Project Wizard to create a Java ME Embedded Application in NetBeans 12.4:
Select Files > New Project... and you should see a new entry in the list of Categories list titled Java ME Embedded. In the Projects list there will be a single entry titled Java ME Embedded Application:
Click Next >, and you should see a screen similar to this:
Set the Project Name field, and any other fields, as necessary.
Finally, click Finish to create the Java ME project.

Running into JDK files from Eclipse IDE

I develop software on Eclipse Mars IDE, under MS Windows 10 OS, based on Java v7. And now I've got some configuration problems related to the IDE. What I want, is that to run into JDK source code from the IDE once I click on the 'step into' (or in other way). I've included the 'src.zip' on the path in the way provided by the IDE. Yet, when I attempt to run into the source code, the IDE says the 'source code not found'.
I want this feature in order to be able to debug some things related to my current app.
You need to set this through the Java->Installed JRE's found in Eclipse -> Window ->Preferences. See screen shot below.

eclipse: Java ME SDK plugin doesn't work

I'm trying to work with Java ME Platform SDK in Eclipse Juno on Windows XP.
I have followed this tutorial: I installed Java ME SDK 3.2, MTJ toolkit and plugin for Eclipse. Everything was done without errors, and of course I have restarted Eclipse, but I can't see any effect:
Say, at this step from instruction: Select Window > Open Perspective > Other and choose Java ME, then click OK.
There is actually no "Java ME" perspective in "Other" list.
Or, this one: Select Window > Preferences > Java ME and select Device Management, and click Manual Install.
The same: I go to Select Window > Preferences, and there is NO "Java ME" item.
If I go to Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation details, then I see installed plugins there: Java ME SDK Demos, Java ME SDK Tools, Mobile Tools for Java Examples, Mobile Tools for Java SDK.
I have read instruction many times, and I still can't find what did I miss.
Any help appreciated.
I had the same problem. After enough reading I realized that there are some conflicts that occur with Mobile Tools for Java in the Juno edition. It works well with Indigo.
Alternatively, you could use Eclipse Pulsar for developing for the mobile platform. It comes preloaded with all the tools required for mobile app development.
Download Eclipse Pulsar (Helios SSR2) from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/pulsar-mobile-developers/heliossr2.

Adding Java ME platform in NetBeans

I installed NetBeans 7.2.1 with JDK 7 and the plug-in - Java ME SDK 3.2 (it has Wireles Toolkit 2.5.2 inside).
I try to create new project by clicking File/New Project/Java ME/Mobile Application. Then I click next. In next window the message:
Every CLDC project needs to have CLDC compatible SDK/platform/emulator assigned to it.
Pressing Install SDK/Platform/Emulator button opens Platform Installation wizard, which allows you to "add platform".
I tried clicking Install SDK/Platform/Emulator button and I tried then indicating the folder, where Java ME 3.2 is installed. It can recognize the emulator, but the project cannot be started.
After the choice, there appear several options. How to make in new version? Most of the thing in Internet are connected to old version.
Have you tried using this Oracle tutorial online? It's fairly current (September 2012). There's also an even newer one just posted here.
If you install the Java ME SDK that way, you should have the proper Java Platforms there already. It's hard to read your screen capture, but it doesn't look like the proper Java Platforms are there. I would try again, following the steps in the link I provided.
I just tried it, with NetBeans 7.2.1, and the Java ME SDK 3.2. The version of NetBeans I used was from this download page and was the Java EE version.
One easy thing to miss in the steps below is that on this download page, you need to download both the Java ME SDK and the Java ME SDK Plugin for Netbeans. Not just the plugin. This applies for the installation instructions in either of the two links I posted above. Install the SDK, and not just the plugin.
In case that link later changes/dies, here are the important steps:
How to integrate Java ME SDK 3.2 with NetBeans
By SungmoonCho on Sep 25, 2012
Many people like to use Java ME SDK with IDEs. We provided instructions on how to integrate the SDK with NetBeans through the download page, and also through the release note, however, let me explain it here once again with some screen shots.
Download Java ME SDK and NetBeans plugin from here.
Install Java ME SDK first. You will have the emulator and the runtime on your machine. Also please unarchive the NetBeans plugin somewhere.
Launch NetBeans.
Go to "Tools" - "Plugins".
Check out the "Installed" tab. Check "Show details". If you see the previous version of Java ME SDK Tools installed already. Check those to uninstall them.
Go to "Settings" tab.
Click "Add", and provide the location of NetBeans plugin. In my case, it is "file:/C:/Users/sungcho/Downloads/nb-me-sdk-plugins-uc/updates.xml". Don't forget to add "updates.xml" at the end.
Click "Okay"
Click "Available Plugins" tab.
If you scroll down, you will see three Java ME SDK Tools. Check "Java ME SDK Tools" plugin. Also check others as you desire.
Follow the instruction and install them.
Restart NetBeans
That is it. Done. Now you will see Oracle Java ME SDK 3.2 in your Java Platform list.
Finally, I configured it. I had plug-in without SDK:). I uninstalled plug-in. I installed Java ME SDK 3.2, then I installed plug-in. I installed SDK not in the default path. I indicated platform using "Add platform" button. I indicated 2 platforms and now the project can be run in the emulator.
Here are platforms:):

After installing Blackberry Java plug-in in Eclipse cannot see the option for running the blackberry project

I have being developing application using android on Eclipse Helios(Windows XP).
Now i want to develop it for blackberry, and for that i found the following links
Now installation ran smoothly, i can see the blackberry installed in HELP -> ABOUT option in Eclipse. but when i started Eclipse i cannot see the option's for blackberry.
Have you tried the menu on the upper right border of eclipse?
Go to Window->Open Perspective->BlackBerry Application Development
There you have it.