After installing Blackberry Java plug-in in Eclipse cannot see the option for running the blackberry project - eclipse

I have being developing application using android on Eclipse Helios(Windows XP).
Now i want to develop it for blackberry, and for that i found the following links
Now installation ran smoothly, i can see the blackberry installed in HELP -> ABOUT option in Eclipse. but when i started Eclipse i cannot see the option's for blackberry.

Have you tried the menu on the upper right border of eclipse?

Go to Window->Open Perspective->BlackBerry Application Development
There you have it.


ADT opens as Eclipse?

i downloaded ADT bundle for linux 64bit from developers android website
also downloaded adt plugin zip and installed developer tools form HELP --->> INSTALL NEW SOFTWARE.
but when i open eclipse from the folder it opens as eclipse juno (i.e.the splash screen) and not as Android Developer Tools.
can anyone tell me what is wrong or am i openeing it the wrong way?
and i am using fedora 20.
Not sure if I understand your question correctly but ADT is mainly context menus integration in Eclipse. If you are in the Java perspective you can see on the Window menu the options Android SDK Manager, Android Virtual Devices, etc. You also have a perspective to debug called DDMS. You can create new project with template Android Project (or import Android project from existing sources). If you right click in a project you also have and Android Tools context menu, etc.

NetBeans with J2ME can't find the Visual Mobile Designer

I am new to NetBeans.
And I am trying to create a simple J2ME application,
I have installed NetBeans 7.3 and I installed mobile emulator.
I created a new mobile application project, till now every thing is ok and the project is running, but I can't find the designer tab to drag and drop objects(buttons,textbox ..) on the screen, I have searched all the menus but no results.
any suggestion please.
thanks in advance
In netbeans goto Tools menu -> Plugins -> Available Plugins ->Check For newest-> Mobile Visual Designer-> Install.
Internet is required for installing Mobile Visual Designer.

eclipse: Java ME SDK plugin doesn't work

I'm trying to work with Java ME Platform SDK in Eclipse Juno on Windows XP.
I have followed this tutorial: I installed Java ME SDK 3.2, MTJ toolkit and plugin for Eclipse. Everything was done without errors, and of course I have restarted Eclipse, but I can't see any effect:
Say, at this step from instruction: Select Window > Open Perspective > Other and choose Java ME, then click OK.
There is actually no "Java ME" perspective in "Other" list.
Or, this one: Select Window > Preferences > Java ME and select Device Management, and click Manual Install.
The same: I go to Select Window > Preferences, and there is NO "Java ME" item.
If I go to Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation details, then I see installed plugins there: Java ME SDK Demos, Java ME SDK Tools, Mobile Tools for Java Examples, Mobile Tools for Java SDK.
I have read instruction many times, and I still can't find what did I miss.
Any help appreciated.
I had the same problem. After enough reading I realized that there are some conflicts that occur with Mobile Tools for Java in the Juno edition. It works well with Indigo.
Alternatively, you could use Eclipse Pulsar for developing for the mobile platform. It comes preloaded with all the tools required for mobile app development.
Download Eclipse Pulsar (Helios SSR2) from

Installed Eclipse GWT plugin, but no Web Application project

I have Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (3.7) installed on Windows XP and I installed Google plugin and GWT SDK , but even though plugin shows up as installed, I still do not get an option File > New > Web Application Project as it should be. And no icon with 'g' in blue circle on toolbar. What am I missing?
Here is what I see on 'Plug-ins' tab in my Eclipse Installation Details screen:
Google App Engine Java SDK 1.7.6
Google Eclipse 3.7 Platform Plugin 3.2.2.v201303261859-r3l-r37
Google Eclipse Platform Plugin 3.2.2.v201303261859-r3l-r37
Google Eclipse Shared Platform Plugin 3.2.2.v201303261859-r3l-r37
Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.5.1
Go to Eclipse Market Place --> Search For GWT Plugin --> Download Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7
It will take some time to download and install all the packages and plugins. But once it will be done, you will be able to see the google icon at the toolbar.
Also go through the following link.
I had the same problen when following the GWT Tutorial and I fix the issue.
You can go:
Eclipse --> Help -->Install New Software --> Work with
Then paste, any of these urls but change indigo or helios for your eclipse IDE distribution
Indigo Update Site -
Wait a moment and Eclipse will show you all options.
Check the option:
Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development
Then click the Next, Apply and Finish and restart your IDE to see the changes.
Is all.
You are probably missing Java 7 JDK.
Download and install the JDK from the above link, then follow these instructions to let Eclipse know where to find it.
After I installed Java 7, the GWT plugin buttons and menus finally appeared next time I started Eclipse.

How to install J2ME compatible platform/emulator in NetBeans IDE 6.7.1

I'm pretty new to J2ME development scene. And for that matter, have just recently installed, JDK 6 update 16 bundled with NetBeans 6.7.1 IDE and Sun WTK 2.5.2, on Ubuntu 9.04 machine.After going through some start up tutorials and basics, from various sites, I was eager to try some hands on experience by coding some 'Hello World' program. But to my dismay, I haven't been able to! After initial confusion, I'd installed 'Mobility' plugin for NetBeans IDE for J2ME development. But when I choose to create a new project, it turned out that, there is some error since now it says that 'No J2ME compatible platform/emulator found installed in NetBeans IDE'. I've searched through google to find a way to fix this issue but I couldn't find any solution on this matter.
Please help me to fix this issue. Do I need to re-install the IDE? Am I missing out something? I've tried various ways but the IDE simply doesn't detect any platform on my machine.
Thanks for your help.
Try this in Netbeans:
Click menu-item: Tools->Java Platforms
Click button: Add platform...
Choose radio-button: Java ME MIDP Platform Emulator
then click button: Next >
Find the directory where Netbeans 6.7.1 is installed
then click OK
WTK2.5.2 that comes with Netbeans should be visible. Select it and click Next and follow further instructions.
If no WTK is found the dowload it, unpack it and try as above again but find the directory to the WTK this time.
Hope this helps.