eclipse: Java ME SDK plugin doesn't work - eclipse

I'm trying to work with Java ME Platform SDK in Eclipse Juno on Windows XP.
I have followed this tutorial: I installed Java ME SDK 3.2, MTJ toolkit and plugin for Eclipse. Everything was done without errors, and of course I have restarted Eclipse, but I can't see any effect:
Say, at this step from instruction: Select Window > Open Perspective > Other and choose Java ME, then click OK.
There is actually no "Java ME" perspective in "Other" list.
Or, this one: Select Window > Preferences > Java ME and select Device Management, and click Manual Install.
The same: I go to Select Window > Preferences, and there is NO "Java ME" item.
If I go to Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation details, then I see installed plugins there: Java ME SDK Demos, Java ME SDK Tools, Mobile Tools for Java Examples, Mobile Tools for Java SDK.
I have read instruction many times, and I still can't find what did I miss.
Any help appreciated.

I had the same problem. After enough reading I realized that there are some conflicts that occur with Mobile Tools for Java in the Juno edition. It works well with Indigo.
Alternatively, you could use Eclipse Pulsar for developing for the mobile platform. It comes preloaded with all the tools required for mobile app development.
Download Eclipse Pulsar (Helios SSR2) from


Adding Java ME platform in NetBeans

I installed NetBeans 7.2.1 with JDK 7 and the plug-in - Java ME SDK 3.2 (it has Wireles Toolkit 2.5.2 inside).
I try to create new project by clicking File/New Project/Java ME/Mobile Application. Then I click next. In next window the message:
Every CLDC project needs to have CLDC compatible SDK/platform/emulator assigned to it.
Pressing Install SDK/Platform/Emulator button opens Platform Installation wizard, which allows you to "add platform".
I tried clicking Install SDK/Platform/Emulator button and I tried then indicating the folder, where Java ME 3.2 is installed. It can recognize the emulator, but the project cannot be started.
After the choice, there appear several options. How to make in new version? Most of the thing in Internet are connected to old version.
Have you tried using this Oracle tutorial online? It's fairly current (September 2012). There's also an even newer one just posted here.
If you install the Java ME SDK that way, you should have the proper Java Platforms there already. It's hard to read your screen capture, but it doesn't look like the proper Java Platforms are there. I would try again, following the steps in the link I provided.
I just tried it, with NetBeans 7.2.1, and the Java ME SDK 3.2. The version of NetBeans I used was from this download page and was the Java EE version.
One easy thing to miss in the steps below is that on this download page, you need to download both the Java ME SDK and the Java ME SDK Plugin for Netbeans. Not just the plugin. This applies for the installation instructions in either of the two links I posted above. Install the SDK, and not just the plugin.
In case that link later changes/dies, here are the important steps:
How to integrate Java ME SDK 3.2 with NetBeans
By SungmoonCho on Sep 25, 2012
Many people like to use Java ME SDK with IDEs. We provided instructions on how to integrate the SDK with NetBeans through the download page, and also through the release note, however, let me explain it here once again with some screen shots.
Download Java ME SDK and NetBeans plugin from here.
Install Java ME SDK first. You will have the emulator and the runtime on your machine. Also please unarchive the NetBeans plugin somewhere.
Launch NetBeans.
Go to "Tools" - "Plugins".
Check out the "Installed" tab. Check "Show details". If you see the previous version of Java ME SDK Tools installed already. Check those to uninstall them.
Go to "Settings" tab.
Click "Add", and provide the location of NetBeans plugin. In my case, it is "file:/C:/Users/sungcho/Downloads/nb-me-sdk-plugins-uc/updates.xml". Don't forget to add "updates.xml" at the end.
Click "Okay"
Click "Available Plugins" tab.
If you scroll down, you will see three Java ME SDK Tools. Check "Java ME SDK Tools" plugin. Also check others as you desire.
Follow the instruction and install them.
Restart NetBeans
That is it. Done. Now you will see Oracle Java ME SDK 3.2 in your Java Platform list.
Finally, I configured it. I had plug-in without SDK:). I uninstalled plug-in. I installed Java ME SDK 3.2, then I installed plug-in. I installed SDK not in the default path. I indicated platform using "Add platform" button. I indicated 2 platforms and now the project can be run in the emulator.
Here are platforms:):

Eclipse cannot open java me perspective

I'd like to learn java me. I've gone to the following site to download what is needed. My Eclipse version is Juno.
I've done the following:
Eclipse Juno
The Oracle Java ME SDK requires the MTJ toolkit, but it is not bundled with Juno and it must be installed manually. Therefore, install MTJ toolkit first.
Go to Help > Install New Software.
In the "Work with" field, enter this URL:
Click Add. When the plugins are discovered, open the Mobile and Device Development Tools hierarchy and check Mobile Tools for Java Examples, Mobile Tools for Java SDK, and Mobile Tools for Java Examples. Click Next. On the installation screen select all plugins and click Finish.
A Juno plugin named org.eclipse.jetty.server_(version).jar conflicts with the MTJ libraries when the plugin version is higher than 6. If it is you must prevent it from loading by changing its name so the Jar file is not parsed. For example, change it to: org.eclipse.jetty.server.old
To open the device selector, select Window > Open Perspective > Other and select Java ME.
The MTJ is installed along with the 3 packages that also need to be installed:
Mobile Tools for Java Examples
Mobile Tools for Java SDK
Mobile Tools
for Java Examples
When I choose: Window > Open Perspective > Other
there is no Java ME option. Does anyone know why that option is not shown?
I do not know exactly why, but MTJ does not run with Juno. If you like Eclipse try it with Indigo.
Have you considered using NetBeans?

Unable to start Netbeans 7.2 Profiler for Java ME projects

I'm trying to figure out why my Java ME app (a media player) is throwing Out of Memory Exceptions,however I have been unable to start the Netbeans profiler.The profiler works fine for other project types but is grayed out when I select any Java ME projects.
I tried to start it by invoking the emulator at the command prompt and supplying appropriate arguments(Xprofile to start cpu profiler and Xnetmon to start network monitor) but the emulator started without the profiling tools.
Next,I tried re-installing Netbeans hoping that would clear any configurations issues I might have ran into but still no luck.
I'm using Windows 7 64bit with JDK version 1.7.0_04 and Netbeans 7.2 which comes with Java ME SDK 3.0.5 and I've installed Java SDK tools.
Other Info:
When I select the unintegrate profiler from project(under Advanced Commands under the Profile Menu) I get a message that it is not integrated in the first place but I have no idea how trigger this integration. When I select the calibrate profiler option I only see JDK 1.& platform and none of my Java Me Platforms.
I am not sure what the profiler is dependent on or of the quirks of Netbeans so I may not have provided enough information any pointers for more relevant information will be appreciated.
While searching for another answer I came across this question. The problem here is no J2ME platform is integrated with the IDE. The way to add a platform is : on Tools menu --> click "Java Platforms" --> click "Add Platforms..." button --> on the add platform wizard click "Java ME CLDC Platform Emulator" (2nd option) --> click "Next" --> browse and select location of your J2ME platform --> finish the add process. After restarting netbeans IDE the profiler will now be activated.

Java EE perspective in eclipse

I have Standard version of eclipse Galileo. Now I want to develop enterprise applications on it. Any idea how can I get Java EE perspective? How to install Java EE tools in the standard version?
I had the same problem. I installed the latest Eclipse platform, Indigo, first using the Ubuntu Software Center, and when I didn't see the JavaEE perspective, I though I'd gotten the wrong one. I deleted that and installed the Java EE version downloadable from -- but still no Java EE perspective available. Then I read the advice above (and elsewhere) about installing the WTP plugins.
I decided to blow away the previous installation of Eclipse, because I prefer installing everything through the normal package management system. Then, after having installed Eclipse again, through the Ubuntu Software Center (and not seeing the Java EE perspective)... but I'll tell the rest of the story as a set of instructions:
Install Eclipse. In Ubuntu, you can do it at least in these two ways:
Go to the Ubuntu Software Center, search for eclipse, and install "Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE"; or
Give the command sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt eclipse-emf eclipse-emf-examples eclipse-emf-sdk eclipse-jdt eclipse-pde eclipse-platform eclipse-platform-data eclipse-rcp eclipse-rse eclipse-xsd eclipse-xsd-sdk (those are what I have after doing all these steps; they might not all be necessary, but can't hurt)
Open Eclipse, and give a directory to use as a workspace.
Go to "Help" -> "Install New Software...".
In the new dialog, in the "Work with:" pull-down list, select "Indigo - -".
Click the checkbox to the left of "Web, XML, Java EE and OSGI Enterprise Development".
Click the "Next >" button. The installation will start.
The dialog will now list the items to be installed, and ask you to confirm the installation. Click the "Next >" button. The installation will complete.
Now, back in the main window, in "Window" -> "Perspective", I still could not see "Java EE" -- but it might have been under the "Other" selection; I didn't check, and that's where it can be found now that I've done everything described here.
Click on "File" -> "New" -> "Dynamic Web Project". The existence of this selection means that you've successfully installed the web development tools.
Configure the project. After you've pressed "Finish", Eclipse should ask you whether you want to open the Java EE perspective.
By the way, some of those Eclipse packages that I give for installing through apt-get might have been installed during the Eclipse software update phase, as I didn't install all of them by myself. The most important ones are eclipse, eclipse-platform, eclipse-platform-data, eclipse-pde, and eclipse-rcp. The descriptions of all of them are:
eclipse - Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE
eclipse-cdt - C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse
eclipse-emf - Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
eclipse-emf-examples - Eclipse EMF/XSD examples
eclipse-emf-sdk - Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - (Source/Documentation)
eclipse-jdt - Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT)
eclipse-pde - Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
eclipse-platform - Eclipse platform without plug-ins to develop any language
eclipse-platform-data - Eclipse platform without plug-ins to develop any language (data)
eclipse-rcp - Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP)
eclipse-rse - Eclipse Remote System Explorer (RSE)
eclipse-xsd - XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Eclipse
eclipse-xsd-sdk -
The standard edition can be upgraded to J2EE edition by installing the different plug-ins like WTP and so on.
Did you try to look at the update site for Galileo?
It's better to download newest version of eclipse "for Java EE Developers".
It also includes standard version.

Problems in Installation of Blackberry JDE Plugin for Eclipse

I am having issues installing the BlackBerry JDE plugin. I have downloaded and installed the plugin from the BlackBerry site. The installation ran smoothly and completed. However when I open Eclipse the option for BlackBerry is not showing.
I don't know what the problem is exactly. I tried many things but I am heading nowhere. I want to know how to add the plugin and get started on BlackBerry development.
The default download of the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse is a combination of Eclipse and the BlackBerry Eclipse plugin. For version 1.3 and 1.5, the install directory will contain a full Eclipse Helios installation, along with the BlackBerry plugin. You should start eclipse from that directory.
From the download page, one of the new features for version 1.5 is:
Ability to download and install the BlackBerry Plug-in into an existing Eclipse environment by providing the BlackBerry Plug-in through an Eclipse update site.
So to take advantage of that, follow the instructions on "BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse Update Site" which explain how to add the site to your existing Eclipse setup, and then install the plugin from the site.
There are 2 options, as noted above.
The blackberry way: you download the full plugin (the name is misleading, since it's a full eclipse install including the plugin) from here.
The eclipse way: you install a 32-bit Java 6 SDK (64-bit is not supported and Java 7 has known problems with the code signing tool), then download the 32-bit Eclipse (I use version 3.7 "Indigo"), and install the plugin from Eclipse (Menu Help->Install new software, type the url "" inside the "Work with" box, then you need to select the plugin and at least a Blackberry SDK from the list)
If everything works, you should see the blackberry icon in the "About" box.
You should also see a Blackberry perspective (under Window->Open Perspective), a Blackberry menu item under "Project"), and a Blackberry section if you create a new project.
There is no such thing as a "Blackberry tab". The Blackberry development tools are integrated with the environment.
you could have done some mistakes while the installation. I am also using in windows 7 only. Its working perfectly for me. Please delete the current eclipse and try to install as shown in this tutorial.
I have installed it on my new laptop just yesterday. Simple, follow the steps and you will be done. Note that the latest eclipse is Indigo and not Helios; I am using Indigo and I advocate it.
Go grab your Indigo
Unzip into ANY dammed directory. You must see a folder with "eclipse" created.
Double click the Violet eclipse Icon. You must now be seeing eclipse smiling at you.
Select the menu Help->Install New Software
Select a hyperlink present at label "Find more software by working with the "Available Software Sites" preferences"
Now select Preferences and the select the button "Add".
Fill up Name and Location values with the following
Name:BlackBerry Java Plug-in Update Site, Value: ""
Select OK.
That's it!