Sublime coffeescript comment formatting? - coffeescript

Does anyone know how to (or if it is possible) to format coffeescript comments in Sublime?

I use the plugin CoffeeScript.tmbundle to provide CoffeeScript syntax highlighting in Sublime Text 2.
You can install this plugin to Sublime Text 2 by:
In Linux:
cd ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages
git clone git://
(On Windows, its git clone C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages)
Result Screenshot:


how to disable jupyter editor in vscode

like the title mentioned, how to disable jupyter editor in vscode?
every time,I want to new a file just for text or markdown,I do not like to appear a choice between two, but just default for the inner editor applied by vscode. and how can I configure this.
for right now,I never need to use jupyter notebook.
It seems to be appeared unexpected after vscode update or installed some python package.
This can be disabled by python.dataScience.useNotebookEditor if you are using the Python extension.
You also need the Jupyter extension along with Python extension for VS Code. The setting key has been renamed from python.dataScience.useNotebookEditor to jupyter.useNotebookEditor^update
With the July/August 2021 introduction of the new Native Notebook Support in VS Code, the answers involving your settings.json are now obsolete. Now the Notebook editor will be used to open .*ipynb files even if you've never installed the Python or Jupyter extensions.
However, you can open a *.ipynb file in the regular text editor by right-clicking on the file in the VS Code File Explorer, doing "Open With", and then selecting the "Text Editor".

Is there a VSCODE equivalent for the Vi 'z' command?

In the Vi editor, one can issue a 'z' command to relocate the current line at the top of the page. I cannot yet see a similar option available in VSCODE.
Does anyone know if such an option is available in VSCODE, please?
NOTE: I have taken note of the Vim extensions, but I am not looking for a solution based upon installing an extension. Thanks.
Take a look at this VIM extension for Vscode which may contain what you are looking for

Markdown preview in emacs fails: (pandoc?) error 127

I am trying to create a markdown document in Emacs *.
It does highlight the syntax etc. and goes into Markdown mode (I am not quite sure if I installed that package or if it is standard issue)..
When I try to create a preview (either via C-c C-c p or the GUI), it returns this error code:
markdown failed with exit code 127
What does this error tell me? Is there a way to get a more complete error message?
The docs for markdown-mode suggest that it calls on an external library such as pandoc, which I have installed. According to these SO questions, pandoc can return this error code, but I could not quite establish what it means.
How do I fix this / what documentation should I go to?
I am pretty new to Emacs, so anything will help. Thanks!
*Emacs version 25.3.1 on a Mac (Sierra 10.12.6)
The simplest fix is likely to install the markdown package using your package manager.
I fixed this error for myself with:
$ brew install markdown
(on MacOS Mojave, at the bash command line). Brew installed the "bottle" markdown-1.0.1.mojave.bottle.tar.gz, after which C-c C-c p or M-x markdown-preview worked to export the markdown file and open a browser window showing the exported file.
On an Ubuntu 19 (and now 20.04 and 21.10) system, sudo apt install markdown worked too.
You could do the same thing with a symlink to pandoc's markdown, but a) this just worked, b) there's no fiddling with a potentially messed up manually created symlink, and c) it's tiny (a 36 KByte executable). Pandoc's markdown may support more "modern" markdown, though.

How to remember SVN credentials in Sublime Text

OS: Ubuntu 12.04,
Sublime version : Sublime Text 3,
Package for SVN: Wbond SVN for sublime Text,
Problem: I am using sublime text 3 as code editor and SVN as version control. Everything is working fine like, update, commit, difference etc. I just face one issue every time I go for commit or update, Sublime text asks for my SVN credentials again and again. I want to save these credentials once and do not want to enter again and again like it happens in Eclipse.
can somebody please help me in knowing how to do so?
You could try doing svn over ssh and setting a default ssh key for that host, then using the friendly-name for the connection. If your server allows for ssh, I'll be glad to expand on this.

There isn't INSTALL PACKAGE on PACKAGE CONTROL (Sublime Text 2)

(Operation System : Ubuntu)
I want to install Sublime ALignment plugin to my Sublime Text 2 .So, ı have installed Package Control plugin with this :
import urllib2,os;pf='Package Control.sublime-package';ipp=sublime.installed_packages_path();os.makedirs(ipp) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None;open(os.path.join(ipp,pf),'wb').write(urllib2.urlopen(''+pf.replace(' ','%20')).read())
But i couldn't install ALignment via Package Control. There isn't Install Package option on my Sublime Text 2.
Screenshot of Preferences > Package Control
Can you explain me how can i install Sublime Alignment (and other plugins) ?
Had the same problem with ST2. It looks like it's something about localization, anyway, as a quick fix: just run "LANG=C" command before you start Sublime Text 2 from command line.
aranel#aranel-desktop:~/Desktop/Sublime Text 2$ LANG=C
aranel#aranel-desktop:~/Desktop/Sublime Text 2$ ./sublime_text
It should work correctly now :)
PS: In fact, you answered my question, Eray :) I was looking for a fix and just noticed Eray is a Turkish name too. And I noticed we have something in common :)
That's very strange. Try removing Package Control from your Packages folder (Preferences > Browse Packages) and reinstalling. Make sure you restart Sublime Text after you install it. If it still doesn't appear, your best option is to contact Will Bond or file an issue on github (
What I did is delete the entire Sublime Text 2 folder in /Application Support/Sublime Text 2 and restart,reinstall