There isn't INSTALL PACKAGE on PACKAGE CONTROL (Sublime Text 2) - plugins

(Operation System : Ubuntu)
I want to install Sublime ALignment plugin to my Sublime Text 2 .So, ı have installed Package Control plugin with this :
import urllib2,os;pf='Package Control.sublime-package';ipp=sublime.installed_packages_path();os.makedirs(ipp) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None;open(os.path.join(ipp,pf),'wb').write(urllib2.urlopen(''+pf.replace(' ','%20')).read())
But i couldn't install ALignment via Package Control. There isn't Install Package option on my Sublime Text 2.
Screenshot of Preferences > Package Control
Can you explain me how can i install Sublime Alignment (and other plugins) ?

Had the same problem with ST2. It looks like it's something about localization, anyway, as a quick fix: just run "LANG=C" command before you start Sublime Text 2 from command line.
aranel#aranel-desktop:~/Desktop/Sublime Text 2$ LANG=C
aranel#aranel-desktop:~/Desktop/Sublime Text 2$ ./sublime_text
It should work correctly now :)
PS: In fact, you answered my question, Eray :) I was looking for a fix and just noticed Eray is a Turkish name too. And I noticed we have something in common :)

That's very strange. Try removing Package Control from your Packages folder (Preferences > Browse Packages) and reinstalling. Make sure you restart Sublime Text after you install it. If it still doesn't appear, your best option is to contact Will Bond or file an issue on github (

What I did is delete the entire Sublime Text 2 folder in /Application Support/Sublime Text 2 and restart,reinstall


Unable to install VisualStudioCode custom theme (.vsix)

So I made a custom theme for VScode, and I just want to install it for personal use, not to be put on the marketplace. Once I customized it, and edited the package.json and files appropriately, I opened the terminal and ran these lines of code, one after the other. This is my first time making a theme and therefore first time running these commands (in case that matters):
npm i -g vsce
vsce package
I then saw the .vsix file created in my explorer on the left hand side. The text appears dim, I'm not sure if that is an indication that something is wrong... is it?
I right clicked on the file and selected 'Install Extension VSIX' on the bottom
There was no indication that anything had happened, even after clicking install several times.
After that, I tried finding the theme in the color theme searcher, and couldn't find it there either, leading me to assume that it did not install. I also tried doing it through the terminal, using:
code --install-extension dv1-0.0.1.vsix
However, I was greeted by the response: "zsh: command not found: code". I was following this video tutorial to install my custom theme:
The section about installing your theme starts at 11:05. Is there something I have to download to utilize that 'code' command? Regardless I feel like the first installation method I tried should have worked.
In case this matters, I will mention that a "" file was created as well. I did not find it helpful.
Any way in which you can help is much appreciated!
I installed the 'code' command, so I ran
code --install-extension dv1-0.0.1.vsix
in my terminal and this time it told me that the current VScode version was incompatible, so I went to my package.json and changed the version to 1.51.1 and I was able to install my theme. However, now when I look for the theme in the theme search, I am not seeing it. I know it was installed because it says so in the terminal.
Any idea where I can find and use my theme? Thanks

Can't Install Jedi -Autocomplete in Sublime Text 3

I'm trying to install the jedi autocomplete package in Sublime Text 3. Each time I try to install it using Package Control it just doesn't complete installation even after several HOURS!!!
It shows me no error messages . The package just doesn't install .
I've installed Various Packages but never faced this issue.It just Keeps displaying at the bottom of the Sublime Text as Installing but never completes the installation.
How to solve this problem?
Is there any other way to install the package?
Sorry for the late reply. Reinstalling sublime and rebooting my Windows 10 seems to have fixe this issue.
I tried to install jedi again, but in vain. So I reinstalled Sublime Text 3, rebooted my Windows 10 and I was able to install the jedi Autocomplete package.

Sublime Text 3 plugin, Anaconda, doesn't work

I've installed anaconda plugin using package control in sublime text 3, I've python 33 and anaconda installed separately and their path has been added to the PATH variable in MS Windows 7 (if matters). every plugin works fine except anaconda plugin which doesn't work at all! It has been install and I can see the user and default settings. But none of key bindings works. The lint capability is also doesn't work.
I've tried external path in the user setting via adding my anaconda installation path but it seems Sublime doesn't accept windows path such as :
I've also tried re-installing but nothing has changed.
This was a known issue already fixed in the last version. Just upgrade the plugin using Package Control.
Refer to for more details
It is an old question but I struggled a bit with it.
If you are using Windows executable, make sure to use slash after each backslash
Without the slash, the anaconda will not take the executable's path into account

Show active plugins in Sublime Text and disable them

I just installed sublime text 2 and was overwhelmed by the php plugins that I installed ALL of them. Now auto-complete is crazy, a million unnecessary suggestions and I dont remember which plugin does what or which ones I installed. Is there a way to see all active plugins for a particular file so I can disable some?
I'm not sure about the active plugin on a file part, but you can quickly go in and remove plugins that are installed by opening the Command Pallete (Cmd-Shift-P on Mac) and typing remove if you have Package Control installed.
You will see Package Control: Remove Package**
Once the list of installed plugins shows up you can click these and remove them and then test out your code.
You can do the reverse and quickly re-install the packages if something you needed was missing.
You probably already knew this so I am not sure that this will be helpful or not.
BTW: Sublime Text 3 Beta just came out and is available to licensed users. I have not done much with it yet, but it loads almost instantly.
There's no need to remove packages as packages can be simply disabled by using Package Control: Disable Package option in the Command Palette.
Click on Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings - User to see a list of the installed packages. It will looks something like this:
"bootstrapped": true,
"Package Control",
"Python 3",
You can't disable packages, but you can remove them. Click on Preferences > Package Control and enter Package Control: Remove Package, then select the package.

Sublime coffeescript comment formatting?

Does anyone know how to (or if it is possible) to format coffeescript comments in Sublime?
I use the plugin CoffeeScript.tmbundle to provide CoffeeScript syntax highlighting in Sublime Text 2.
You can install this plugin to Sublime Text 2 by:
In Linux:
cd ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages
git clone git://
(On Windows, its git clone C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages)
Result Screenshot: