How to remember SVN credentials in Sublime Text - eclipse

OS: Ubuntu 12.04,
Sublime version : Sublime Text 3,
Package for SVN: Wbond SVN for sublime Text,
Problem: I am using sublime text 3 as code editor and SVN as version control. Everything is working fine like, update, commit, difference etc. I just face one issue every time I go for commit or update, Sublime text asks for my SVN credentials again and again. I want to save these credentials once and do not want to enter again and again like it happens in Eclipse.
can somebody please help me in knowing how to do so?

You could try doing svn over ssh and setting a default ssh key for that host, then using the friendly-name for the connection. If your server allows for ssh, I'll be glad to expand on this.


my terminal inserts and enters the letter "Y" after most git commands

Myself and a coworker have started experiencing an odd issue where the "Y" character is inserted and then entered after nearly every git command. (Git add. , git commit, git push etc)
I am using Visual studio and typing my commands in the terminal window.
This issue does not break any functionality, it's just weird and very hard to google.
Probably because of the new setting:
Terminal > Integrated: Auto Replies
see v1.64 Release Notes
Do you have anything in this setting: "terminal.integrated.autoReplies"?
The feature is supposed to be opt-in so it shouldn't be doing that unless you have something in that setting. Unless there is a git extension that is doing that "for you". You could look through any git extension settings you may have installed to see if they enable an auto replies feature - I don't think the built-in git extension does.
In your case if you don't have a "terminal.integrated.autoReplies" that looks like a bug to me.
Even I had this similar issue with the vscode terminal in windows. Its kinda irritating when it keeps adding that "Y" after git commands automatically. (I did not turn on the feature. This is the default behaviour)
Add this to your vscode settings.json file and it should get disabled.
"terminal.integrated.autoReplies": {
"Terminate batch job (Y/N)": null }

Vscode interfering with npm GitHub install

Today npm started to act up when I executed npm i <github repo> inside a VSCode terminal.
The action was interrupted by a VSCode popup window
"Image: The extension GitHub wants to sign in using GitHub."
I [Cancel]'ed that popup, but npm still hung.
This time two popups occurred in vscode asking me for username and password.Image: VSCode input dialogues for username and password
I [ESC][ESC]'ed out of those, but the same thing happened a second time.
I avoided that too by doing [Cancel][ESC][ESC] again.
Despite my actions to "ignore" the interruption, the GitHub library actually got installed (Hurray).
Retrying the same install in a terminal outside VSCode, did not show the same interruption.
Does anybody know how I can get rid of this annoying interference from VSCode?
It should be noted that there are no GitHub extension showing in the VSCode extension list.
Is there some internal GitHub extention in VSCode?
I already have perfectly good SSH-key credentials for GitHub that works well with npm outside VSCode. I do not see why I should spread my credentials to VSCode as well.
VSCode 1.48.2,
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
I had this problem too, and only found suggestion of setting
"github.gitAuthentication": false,
This stopped the first popup you describe, but I could still not suppress the second Git username and password dialog. I've found that to stop that, it is also necessary to set:
"git.terminalAuthentication": false,
Note: The integrated terminal will need to be exited/restarted for this to take effect.

GitHub clone to desktop uses TortoiseGit instead of GitHub Desktop

When i try to clone a repository to desktop the default app for cloning has suddenly became TortoiseGit instead of GitHub. Anyone with a fix?
The following fix is a permanent solution for this issue that also withstands TortoisGit-updates/repairs.
It adds GitHubDesktop's protocol-associations the way described in
Add to the registry (You can save this content as .reg file and double-click it to auto-import these keys into registry):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Reboot or on a windows-server sign-out and log-in.
The next time a project is cloned from github, a message-box popped-up asking to pick an app.
GitHubDesktop will now also be available in the Windows settings: Choose default apps by protocol. So it can be recovered with Windows settings, if TortoisGit (or another app) was chosen as default handler for GitHub-clone.
I also opened a new error at GitHubDesktop-development:
There was a bug in 2.6.0 which made TortoiseGit the default if the github handler was enabled on installation.
To fix this, go to the default programs settings in Windows, open the file-type associations dialog and set github-windows and x-github-client back to the official github client. Maybe you have to update to TortoiseGit 2.7.0 first.
You could try whether the hard way works: (Store this as a .reg file and import it, you need to madjust the paths)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"URL Protocol"=""
#="\"C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\GitHubDesktop\\app-1.4.2\\GitHubDesktop.exe\" --protocol-launcher \"%1\""
"URL Protocol"=""
#="\"C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Local\\GitHubDesktop\\app-1.4.2\\GitHubDesktop.exe\" --protocol-launcher \"%1\""
change windows registry is not working.
I have met the same problem and the registry is all right,but github desktop wont come out.
As a software developer,I used url protocol once.I cannt understand why Windows setting is not related to the ROOT registry . I would appreciate a comment.
here is how i solve the problem:
After uninstall tortoise and reinstall github. Chrome works fine.
When you install tortoise,be careful with this setting:
but even if you unchecked this,x-github-client is registed to tortoisegit client again.
You can check it in your windows setting of default apps - choose default apps by protocal.
So i think this is a bug for tortisegit.
I use tortoisegit 2.7.0 and win10 1809.
If you really want github desktop to popup , you should not install tortoisegit
This is based on tobias.loew answer:
If you don't have this line at the start:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Script won't compile
Create github.reg file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Put this in a file called github.reg and then double click it.

How can I upload to GitHub through Putty?

I'm very new to GitHub and I'm trying to figure out how I can upload to GitHub through Putty. I am using Windows 8 and am using a Linux environment through Putty. I was following this guide: and it worked until (step 3) where it wanted me to copy the contents of the file to clipboard. I am assuming this is not possible because my Linux environment does not have clipboard.
The issue is mostly due to the fact that my code is on the linux envirnonment and I am not sure how I can upload it to GitHub. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can do this?
Cat the file out, and copy the contents from the putty session (just highlighting the text in putty will copy it to your clipboard):
cat ~/.ssh/
Make sure to remove any new lines inserted caused by putty wrapping the text.
You will have an easier time using MinGW on Windows, or even the Github for Windows client (the latter works "out of the box")
If using MinGW, I would recommend opening C:\Users\YourUserName\.ssh\ in a text editor, such as sublime text, and copying the text, instead of using cat, because that will ensure that you do not get extra whitespace inserted by the shell (Windows command prompt is pretty bad with that sort of thing).
If using the Github for Windows client, you don't need to do any of this (it happens behind the scenes for you), and instead you simply need to login to your Github account in the client.

GitHub for website development

OK< I know I can use Eclipse for Java programming and such but I work using WAMP for editing PHP, XHTML, JavaScript files... what IDE is best to edit the files and use GitHub? Because I don't know want to go to localhost and then copy my files to my local GitHub repo...
Cloud9 IDE might be what you are looking for! It's an online IDE with out-of-the-box intergration with GitHub, heroku etc. and gives you the ability to share workspaces as well.
Eclipse has the egit plugin that is really nice. You can use aptana which is based around eclipse but includes all the web views. It can basically edit everything you mentioned and really well, while providing a nice wrapper for your git repos
well is not an IDE but vim with some git plugins is the best for me.
Eclipse should have some git plugins also, I think.
The best way to learn git is yo use it from command line!
Emacs + tramp + the command line ?
Update: magit is reported to support tramp
My experience: I have a distant linux server running a rails app. and private git repositories / apache (using several VirtualHosts with or without ssl). That server runs a ssh server. I use bare ssh session for command line usage (git, nominal admin.) and emacs + tramp to remotely edit the files presents on that server. I you are not rebuked by anti-eye candies tools (as for not-at-all drag'n'drop stuff), I would suggest you to give emacs a try (see EmacsW32 and nXhtml if you are under Windows). I assume you can install a ssh server on your WAMP machineā€¦ If this is the case, you could open your file from emacs just by using the following syntax (assuming you would edit the /home/renaud/.bashrc on the distant server):
With putty on windows: see that and this posts.
It works the same for directories. You shall be prompted for your password once, and then edit the file/directory as if it is just on your machine. For the git part, I have verified myself since I do the git stuff directly from a ssh terminal, but latest magit
is reported to support tramp (i.e. remote git plumbering from my understanding).
If you have never used emacs before, it will not be easy. You will have to learn emacs basics first and customize it to fit you needs. My opinion is that's worth to give it a try. I could help you with basic configuration if needed.
(I use myself emacs almost for everything on my linux box from simple text editing to Java programming.)
After some testing, magit works very well remotely (tested on linux)! A new mode added to my configuration thanks to your question!