Is there a VSCODE equivalent for the Vi 'z' command? - visual-studio-code

In the Vi editor, one can issue a 'z' command to relocate the current line at the top of the page. I cannot yet see a similar option available in VSCODE.
Does anyone know if such an option is available in VSCODE, please?
NOTE: I have taken note of the Vim extensions, but I am not looking for a solution based upon installing an extension. Thanks.

Take a look at this VIM extension for Vscode which may contain what you are looking for


Why is ctrl+~ not working in vscode on linux?

When I press Ctrl+~ to open the terminal in vscode, instead it will show notifications.
How can I find out which program is intercepting this key combination?
Ctrl+~ is actually Ctrl+`
And by default is bound to showing dunst history, check ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc to see the following line is there under the [shortcuts]:
history = ctrl+shift+grave
If that's not it, then the problem is probably you're looking for the ~ (tilde), instead of the ` character.
To answer the question there is a way to troubleshoot keybinding issues. See VSCode Wiki: Keybinding Issues.
In your case you could run the command Developer: Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting (from the Command Palette) and you presumably would have seen the Ctlr+` resolved to some other command with the source being listed as the extension which overrode the built-in command.

I am trying to use :g in Vim doesn't work "Command :g[lobal] is not yet implemented" i get in the status line

I wanted to try vim for a bit, and get used to it... i got stuck with trying to replicate Ctrl+D functionality of VScode... so I've tried couple Google solutions.
This is What I've tried when I got that error:
:g/oldword/norm newword
I see lots of people do search patterns like this, but it's annoying I get this message, without being able to find solution on google :D
I know I can solve this issue with /word then cgn newword and then just repeat with . operator, BUT, I want to be able to use the global command for searching patterns and stuff, for other purposes too, and it stresses me out that I can't make it work!
Here is the error I am getting.
Any help is extremely appreciated / welcome! Thanks.
Edit: Forgot to mention: We are talking about Vim for VScode, not the gvim installation stuff. Will try to install that too, and update the question.
Edit2: Okay so apparently, after instalilng gvim (from official site) and ran it through vim command in cmd prompt, the official vim can run the :g commands.
Like (for example) if you want to search for <a> and replace it with <router-link> you can do so by: :g/<a>/norm ciw<router-link>
Which means:
:g/<a>/norm run a global (file) search for pattern <a>
ciw - change in word
<router-link> the replacement pattern for <a>
Note: The same should be done for </a> after that :D
The problem still exists tho.
While the native vim exe (outside of vscode) works and can run these stuffs, I still need to fix the vscode one (the extension that is). It is defo nice to have syntax highlighting and correction.
What you are using is not Vim. It is a Vim emulator which, like all Vim emulators, can't be expected to be either complete or accurate. Its only relationship with Vim is that it tries and fails to imitate it.
Some of the Vim stuff you will find on the internet will work in that VSCode extension exactly as it does in Vim, some of it will work but partially or differently, and most of it, like :g, will simply not work.
There is nothing you can do about that except, maybe, contributing to the project.
If you want support for the global command in VSCode, install Neovim and the VSCode extension for it:
for those who expected this to work but it doesn't, it's possibly because you need to have installed neovim (firstly) and then vscode-neovim extension (secondly)
The easiest way to get this working is to enable neovim in the VS Code Vim extension you're using.
Once you have installed Neovim on your operating system, you can enable it within VSCode inside the Preferences: User Settings window:
Enable the Vim: Enable Neovim option (vim.enableNeovim)
Set the path to Neovim inside the Vim: Neovim Path setting (vim.neovimPath)
Restart VSCode

zsh autocompletion appears to only work with built in commands

I'm new to zsh, just switched over from fish. I'm trying to get autocomplete working so it displays argument/flag options for commands upon pressing tab.
Currently this works, but it only appears to work for built in commands. For example, it works for ls, grep, git, etc. but does not work for programs I have added myself. For example, fd-find, exa, and nvm all do not work.
For nvm, I have enabled the nvm plugin using Oh My Zsh. I know the plugin is working in general, because nvm itself is working (and it wasn't before enabling the plugin).
For fd-find, I see the auto-completion file in /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_fd
For exa, I manually downloaded and placed the autocompletion file in /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_exa as instructed by the site.
All 3 of these programs do not show me the typical arguments/flags autocomplete menu the way built in commands do. I'm not sure what is wrong.
I echoed the fpath environment variable to make sure /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions was in there. It is, along with /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/
When I run which nvm, I get:
_nvm () {
# undefined
builtin autoload -XUz
Which is actually what I get for all of _nvm, _exa, _fd.
Not sure what else to try.
Any suggestions for how to get autocomplete working properly?
Other info: I'm on a System76 Darter Pro laptop running Pop!_OS.
I found a fix that worked for me. After searching through zsh issues related to autocomplete on github, this solution worked for me. Credit was given to the original source of the solution on stackexchange.
The solution was simply to remove all zcompdump files:
rm ~/.zcompdump*
After running the above command, autocomplete works and expands out the possible flags/arguments for non-builtin programs!

How can I enable file path autocompletion in the IPython console in PyCharm?

Note: The suboptimal autocompletion (not necessarily of file paths only, but autocompletion in general) is a known issue, and there seems to be no generic quality solution yet. Please see the researched links below.
Path autocompletion in the IPython console in PyCharm does not work well:
should autocomplete to:
cd c:/Users/
on my machine; instead, the best it manages is:
cd c:/UserWarning
which is plain wrong. IPython in the Anaconda prompt, however, behaves as it should.
My strong assumption (supported by a link, below) is that this is due to PyCharm not using the standard IPython configuration files.
I'm aware of the console starting script in PyCharm:
Settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->Console->Python console
and I've successfully used it to activate a simple magic command I've written.
So here my question: is there a code configuration snippet that could be inserted there, and that could just enable file path autocompletion? Or a pointer to a general description on how IPython configuration files "work", that would enable me to figure it out myself? That is, I imagine, the most doable hack that would solve the problem for the time being.
Alternatively, any experiences with writing your own autocompletion using the following libraries:
Is that doable? How much work can that be?
Thanks in advance!
My SW-Setup:
I use:
PyCharm Community Edition 2017.2.1
Anaconda 2 (Python 2.7), version 4.3.22 which contains
IPython 5.1.0
on Windows 7 Professional N
Links supporting claims in the question(s) above - just two, due to lack of StackOverflow-"reputation" :(
1) Autocompletion in IPython console in PyCharm not working as it should
JetBrains (creators of PyCharm) knows about this since, at least, two years (please Google it under "PyCharm Console tab completion" or similar, I'm allowed to add just a limited number of links here), and seems to have started working on it, but never finished it.
The discussion states " this is only the initial step to getting full IPython tab completions":, but the issue is closed since October 2016.
On StackOverflow there are three questions with similar wording, but not one substantial answer (no, using Ctrl+Space instead of Tab does not solve anything). Again, I can't add more links here.
_2) PyCharm not using to configure IPython Console:_
See the comment by JetBrains at the end of the page.

How to Integrate babun shell in VS code

I have tried changing the settings for "" to babun mintty location. But the babun shell window opens separately and doesn't integrate with the VS code. Anyone knows how to achieve this?
After trying for 2 hours finally made it work.
Before reading my way of doing this, you might want to got through this issue first.
By default babun is installed in C:\Users\13000\.babun\. So we can configure it by overriding user setting in VS Code as:
"": "C:\\Users\\YOURUSERNAME\\.babun\\cygwin\\bin\\zsh.exe",
After saving , reload the window and you are done.
You will get something like :
Hope this helps!
I was searching for any solution for this issue before and I could not find any. But I was curious how Babun itself run the command "Open Babun here" from right-click menu and noticed it runs this command:
C:\Users\YOURUSER\.babun\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe /bin/env CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/zsh.exe
I've tried setting mintty.exe as shell and using leading commands as shell arguments, but this method opens an external terminal. I've noticed this behavior is because using mintty.exe, so I replaced mintty.exe with env.exe itself. At last, these are the settings:
"": "C:\\Users\\YOURUSER\\.babun\\cygwin\\bin\\env.exe",
"": [
Edit: This might not completely relate to this question, but because of having the similarity, I think it might worth mentioning.
During my search for a solution, I've seen many other questions about the same issue for integrating Atom's PlatformIO IDE Terminal package or JetBrain's IDEs with Babun's zsh.
In the case of Atom, setting the Shell Override to C:\Users\YOURUSER\.babun\cygwin\bin\env.exe and Shell Arguments to CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/zsh.exe opens zsh.exe as an integrated terminal in the project directory.
In the case of JetBrain, I've used WebStrom and this works:
cmd.exe "/k C:\Users\ehsan\.babun\cygwin\bin\env.exe CHERE_INVOKING=1 /bin/zsh.exe"
Just complementing the correct answer that Pramesh Bajracharya gave above, you can override user settings in VS Code opening the VS Code and going in:
And then paste in the field shown in your right side (WORKSPACE SETTINGS):
"": "C:\\Users\\YOURUSER\\.babun\\cygwin\\bin\\zsh.exe"
More information can be found in
Thanks Pramesh Bajracharya!