Issue with BB LWUIT 1.5 TextField - lwuit

I have problem with the LWUIT1.5 Textfield in BB . The issue is that even after I set the constraint as NUMERIC for the text field , the first character alone accepts alphabets. This happens only in BB and when Alt+key is used for entering the number, there are no issues.
If anyone has experienced such issues please help me

You need to set the text field input mode order to new String[] {"123}}


KFGQPC Uthmanic Script Hafs - Diacritical marks are not displayed properly

I'm using the KFGQPC Uthmanic Script HAFS - Font because it is the best looking font out there for my app. The only problem is, some characters are not displayed properly.
For example have a look at this:
The text, that should be displayed, looks like this:
أُو۟لَـٰٓئِكَ عَلَىٰ هُدًى مِّن رَّبِّهِمْ ۖ وَأُو۟لَـٰٓئِكَ هُمُ ٱلْمُفْلِحُونَ
Notice that circle (sukun) above the first و۟
If you ask which text I use to display the arabic text, its the following (in unicode):
\u0623\u064f\u0648\u06df\u0644\u064e\u0670\u0653\u0626\u0650\u0643\u064e \u0639\u064e\u0644\u064e\u0649\u0670 \u0647\u064f\u062f\u064b\u06ed\u0649 \u0645\u0651\u0650\u0646 \u0631\u0651\u064e\u0628\u0651\u0650\u0647\u0650\u0645\u0652 \u06d6 \u0648\u064e\u0623\u064f\u0648\u06df\u0644\u064e\u0670\u0653\u0626\u0650\u0643\u064e \u0647\u064f\u0645\u064f \u0671\u0644\u0652\u0645\u064f\u0641\u0652\u0644\u0650\u062d\u064f\u0648\u0646\u064e
Any suggestions?
Replace all Unicode characters of \u{06DF} ◌۟ with \u{0652} ◌ْ and that symbol will be replaced by Sukoon. In the text you are using instead of Sukoon upper Zero is used. That is why you see such problem.
Salam ,
I really had the same problem , but i used KFGQPC Uthmanic Taha Naskh on Excel , when i changed to KFGQPC Uthmanic Script HAFS , the display is correct .
I did arabic as the first language of display !

Remove spaces from multi select checkbox in mail body

I have a powermail form in which I use a select box with multi selection.
In the email body the selected values are written as a comma separated list but with a space after each comma.
The developer of powermail (powermail 7.4.2 / TYPO3 9.5) has given me an answer on github:
He directed me to an hardcoded entry in the answer.php of powermail.
I've changes the line in the answer.php to my needs but the spaces in the e-mail remain.
Can anyone give me a tip how to remove these spaces in the mail body for the multi select value list?
First question after code changes:
have you cleared all caches?
Then you need to verify that this line of code is responsible for your spaces. change the default delimiter to something new (like: '#').
Differentiate between the default value of this function and the value which is transmitted when the function is called. You could change the default value, but if the function is called with the old value it will override the changed default.
If that doesn't help you need to debug where your values got concatenated. That could be in FLUID, Typoscript or PHP.

Microsoft Word->Field Code->{TC}

So I am having a problem. This is what I can create on one of my laptop:
On another, when I created something that has {TC} in it, the whole field code disappeared.
For the example above, if on the other computer, both are running Office 2010,
I can input the code to create the table of content from:
{TOC \f \h \z \f 1\t "Heading 1,1,Heading 2,2,Heading 3,3,Title,1}
The moment I type in TC, the whole {} disappears.
Other field codes work just fine, except for {TC}. So my question is how do I get {TC} to show on my other laptop?
Thank you for your time.
Apparently, I found my answer.
When I searched google for my answer, most sites give this as a solution:
For Word 2010, go to File->Options->Advanced
Under Show document contents: Select "Show field code instead of their values"
This is the equivalent of pressing Alt+F9, which DID NOT solve my problem.
Apparently, the solution to get {TC} to show in your document is in:
go to File->Options->Display
and check to always show HIDDEN TEXT.
I hope this helps someone in the future.
Yeah, the disappearing TC code is annoying at first -- seems like it's broken. Other codes work, but why does that disappear, even if entering manually? Word instantly sets TC code to Hidden, even the field code itself.
To temporarily toggle this visible without permanently changing your display to show Hidden Text, you can use the normal Ctrl-Shift-8, which toggles display of spaces, paragraph marks, tabs, and Hidden Text, on and off. This is a good keyboard shortcut to have in your standard back of tricks anyway. It is frequent in Word that you need to toggle paragraph marks on and off, because paragraph formatting is attached to the Paragraph mark, and when they're hidden, it can be tricky to fix various formatting issues.
The original post was a few years ago, but I fear things have gotten worse since then, not better. I am using Word 365 v2201, which should be up to date. The other day, I wasted hours on trying to resolve this issue with TC field codes.
First I tried entering them using Insert > Quick Parts > Field. Word creates what looks like a field code, but it behaves as normal text. Messing around with the various controls to toggle field display and hidden text etc etc, has absolutely no effect. It is basically a faux field. And of course, it is completely ignored when compiling the TOC.
Next, I tried entering it manually, by using Ctrl + F9 to either create a blank field or convert some existing text into a field. Same result as above.
As with the original post, this seems to afflict only the TC field code. Other codes work fine, including TOC. And if I create a TOC field, then edit the code to TC, it immediately loses its properties as a field. If I then put the O back in, it immediately behaves as a field once again. Unlike in the original post, adjusting the settings for field display and/or hidden text, have no impact.
In the end, the only solution was to create the field using Alt + Shift + o to open the Mark Table of Contents Entry dialog box. And finally, this works!

SSRS Report parameters - Textarea instead of Textbox

Does anyone know if its possible to create a parameter in SSRS that will display a Textarea instead of a Texbox and let the user type in a few paragraphs of text, including carriage returns?
I've a requirement to create a report that will end up as data with a cover letter. A section of the cover letter needs to have a block of text, which the user can specify when setting the parameters.
I can create a 'text' parameter which displays a Textbox, but that does not accept carriage returns. I have tried to copy and paste text from Word, but then it only takes the first line of text.
Has anyone got any suggestions? So far I've not managed to find any solutions online.
Thanks in advanced.
Sorry problem solved,
I changed the text parameter so that it could accept multiple values. Then on the textbox that displayed the text on the letter I changed the expression to read:
=Join(Parameters!FreeText.Value, vbcrlf)

Currency Symbol problem in Crystal Reports XI

I am trying to customize a money field.
My goal is to achieve this format: -55,555 LEKE
But when I try to customize the currency symbol CR automatically removes the space between my price and the currency symbol (-55,555LEKE). I don't like this format. I tried everything.
Any ideas?
(Sorry for the delay, but your "crystal-reports-xi" tag isn't often used. Otherwise, someone might have answered this sooner).
Go into the Custom Style menu of your field.
Under Currency Symbol, choose Enable Currency Symbol and Fixed.
Change the position to -123$
Close the menu and left-align the field.
Now, all your currency symbols will be on the far right side of your field and the currency will be on the left. This isn't exactly what you're asking for, I know, but it's pretty close.
Remove the currency symbol from your field entirely.
Make a text object with the currency symbol inside it.
Put the text object to the right of your currency field.
If you want to right-align your field and have that space between the symbol and the currency, this is the way to go.
I'm not sure what you're using to design the report, but in Visual Studio, it's possible to achieve this by modifying the CurrencySymbol property in the property list or setting it programmatically.
Format Field > Number > Customize >Currency symbol -> click on the 'x+2'
and type the following:
totext (' '&'LEKE').
in the field between the apostrophes-- ' '& type as many spaces as you require.
Then save.
Thanks for the answer.
I'd tried the first method you suggested, but it hadn't looked so pretty.
-123 LEKE
But I realized that this problem does not exist in older versions. So I put the currency symbol with Crystal Reports 7, and opened the document with Crystal Reports 11 and completed my design ;) But you should not enter the currency settings after opening with 11 or it swallows the space immediately.