Currency Symbol problem in Crystal Reports XI - crystal-reports

I am trying to customize a money field.
My goal is to achieve this format: -55,555 LEKE
But when I try to customize the currency symbol CR automatically removes the space between my price and the currency symbol (-55,555LEKE). I don't like this format. I tried everything.
Any ideas?

(Sorry for the delay, but your "crystal-reports-xi" tag isn't often used. Otherwise, someone might have answered this sooner).
Go into the Custom Style menu of your field.
Under Currency Symbol, choose Enable Currency Symbol and Fixed.
Change the position to -123$
Close the menu and left-align the field.
Now, all your currency symbols will be on the far right side of your field and the currency will be on the left. This isn't exactly what you're asking for, I know, but it's pretty close.
Remove the currency symbol from your field entirely.
Make a text object with the currency symbol inside it.
Put the text object to the right of your currency field.
If you want to right-align your field and have that space between the symbol and the currency, this is the way to go.

I'm not sure what you're using to design the report, but in Visual Studio, it's possible to achieve this by modifying the CurrencySymbol property in the property list or setting it programmatically.

Format Field > Number > Customize >Currency symbol -> click on the 'x+2'
and type the following:
totext (' '&'LEKE').
in the field between the apostrophes-- ' '& type as many spaces as you require.
Then save.

Thanks for the answer.
I'd tried the first method you suggested, but it hadn't looked so pretty.
-123 LEKE
But I realized that this problem does not exist in older versions. So I put the currency symbol with Crystal Reports 7, and opened the document with Crystal Reports 11 and completed my design ;) But you should not enter the currency settings after opening with 11 or it swallows the space immediately.


Conditional use of $ on summary field

My summary field displays dollars. If the value is zero, I want to display a dash without the $ symbol. I currently have in the custom style settings to Show Zero Values as a "-", however, what I get in the report is "$-"
I see that there is a conditional formatting option, but I'm not sure how to refer to the summarized field in the code. How can I accomplish this?
Right click on the given field, go to Format Editor, and select Custom Style. Then click Customize... and Enable Currency Symbol. Click the X+2 button and enter the following formula:
If {yourFieldName} >= 0 Then
If you prefer a fixed currency symbol, you can use crFixedCurrencySymbol instead of crFloatingCurrencySymbol.

New line return in Crystal Report

Im creating a report based on crystal report.. I'm wondering how can i return a new line like for example im a field which is bound to a a datatable where in if the number of text reach the maximum width of the field it would carry to the next line?.
Like if i had a text that is "Representation and other incidental allowances" since it exceeds the width of my field , i want to display like below:
"Representation and other
incidental allowances"
Hope someone could help me!.. Thank you!
Campagnolo_1 says you will need a formula, but I can assure you a formula is not necessary. All you need to do is place your column where you want it, give it the width you want, and right click on the field, select "Format Text", go to the tab labelled "Common" and check the box next to "Can Grow". To the right of this option, you will be able to select how many lines this field can 'grow', in other words, this is how many additional lines the field will use to display your text.
You will have to create a formula in the "Can Grow" option under "Format Field" (right-click on field). You will have to specify after how many characters you'll want the new line, so that could be tricky if your text changes.

Add date to to Crystal Report Text Object

I have a Text Object on my report which is contains some text. What I'd like to do is add a date to the text object that will alaways show the current date. I've tried using a date field, but it is near impossible to line it up correctly.
Any ideas on how to do this? I've been told that there is a way to do this using something like &[], but I can't figure out how.
You can edit the date inline, double click on the text field then select the date text, you can now click on the formatting button on the toolbar and setup the date format.
You can drag any field, including special ones (Print Date for example) into text object - it will line up without problems.

format number in ssrs report

Can't stand it that i can't figure it out myself....
i've used this in the formatting of a number in my report:
'€' #,0.00;('€' #,0.00)
and that formats to € 1,212.89
which is not exactly what i want, because i want € 1.212,89
regardless of the regional setting of the server.
So i tried this
'€' #.0,00;('€' #.0,00)
but that gives me this:
Typing this i realize that i don't know what the # and the . and the , mean in the format string.....
You can find the definition of the comma and period dynamic behavior here:
I think the best way to reliably get what you want is to hard code a locale into the expression for this field.
= (new Decimal(11123.55)).ToString("€#,0.00;(€#,0.00)",
new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("es-ES"))
This will always use the comma as decimal, and period as millions, thousands &c.
There are ways to be more dynamic and always return in the clients local set format, that would usually be preferable.
I know this is an old thread, but in case someone needs it, there is an easiest and most proper way to do it :
Right click on the Textbox of your expression
Select "Number" in the popup "Text Box Properties"
In the "Category", select "Number"
Tick the "Use 1000 separator
Click OK
To "customize" your '1000 separator':
Select the Textbox of your expression
In the Properties on the right, apply the right culture in the "Language" property.
E.g. Select "fr-CH" to have 123'456 otherwise the default is 123,456 as English separator.
Try this out. It will format your value to the correct number of decimal places.
For indian currency, in the field value use like =Format(Fields!ServiceTaxAmt.Value,"##,##,##,###.00") and change the language value to hi-in for report property.
You can use the format € #,0.00 and set the language of your report to de-DE by clicking outside of the report area and in the right properties pane go to Localization -> Language.
This Works correctly with [set Language as hi-IN and Format as "##,##,##,###.00"]
Appreciate your Efforts
Also Same can be achieved by following Steps
Go to Text Box Properties
Select Number category in Number Tab
Check the check box beside [Use 1000 separator(,)]
Click Ok

How to set cell-color according to cell-value on ooo-calc?

I can change the style of a cell using conditional formatting. But there I would be limited to a maximum of 3 cases it can handle.
What I want to do is to get the value of a cell, convert it in a certain way and set the result as the cells background-color.
The simplest example would be cells with values between 0 and 10, resulting in gray-steps between white and black.
Is this possible? Are there ways to set the background-color of a cell automatically?
This has been implemented in libreoffice 3.6 (see the release notes)
Format one cell how you want (not one you want to conditionally format).
Press F11 to get the Styles dialogue box
Use the button one from the top right, which is "New Style From Selection"
Type the name you want, e.g. BlackBack
Then do the conditional formatting of the relevant cells, choosing BlackBack
Note that you can find "Conditional Formatting" under the Format menu in OOo Calc.
As Joey said: "As far as I can see conditional formatting in OOo cannot do that. Excel has no problems there, though."
It's simply not possible... :-/