Where can I get more training on Cocos2d [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am brand new to Cocos2d and have begun making a simple card game. I've followed the simple 3 part tutorial on the main Cocos2d-iphone website, but it did not cover everything I need. While it covered a large amount of information, there are still many things that are left out. For example, I had to view other project's source code in order to know that I must create an NSMutableArray of images for the cards, then make 2 sided objects (for front and back), then use a very special "shuffle" program. While that's great and all, I'm stuck for the next phase of the game, which is:
Dealing to players around the table
*Face down for all 3 AI players, but face up for the main player
*Dealt in specific pattern, fanned out like you were holding them in your hand
I've viewed several OLD (3 years) projects that are available online, but they were only slightly helpful. Some of the projects have a HUD layer, while others don't. Some projects don't even use the Cocos2d framework, but some do.
Anyway, I'm really eager to push on and keep working but my knowledge level is just not where it needs to be in order to proceed. If anyone could offer some guidance, I would deeply appreciate it. Sitting on my hands and googling night after night is driving me crazy.

If you are new to Cocos2d, or want to start cocos2d game development..
try some of the tutorial by Raywenderlich. He has some good tutorials for beginners and intermediates.

This is an excellent website with an excellent book. I used it to teach myself Cocos2D.

Nothing beats youtube. type in cocos2d tutorials and maybe learn something new!


Overview of implementing Kinect and Unity 3D Integration [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am looking to make a simple game project in the Unity 3D environment, that utilises the Kinect to have a game character mimic what occurs in real life. I am trying to achieve this in the shortest time possible. I am a relatively new programmer fluent in Python and with some knowledge of Java.
So I've been reading all over the internet about guides on Unity 3D, libraries like Zigfu, the Kinect, etc... But it's all scattered and presumes quite a lot of knowledge, so I was hoping someone could offer clarification.
What packages are needed to achieve this (I hear terms like XNA, Zigfu, Microsoft SDK being thrown around), and what would you recommend based on the circumstances?
What resources are good, and where should I start. I want to try reduce redundancies (a lot of Unity tutorials cover stuff like rockets, life bars, etc that I'm not interested in). I'm a bit overwhelmed with the multitude of tutorials, and a lot of them seem very involved time-wise, and I'm just interested in getting something up as fast as possible.
Will I need to learn another programming language / which would be the best to use to achieve these goals?
I just tried Motion Toolkit package from Unity asset store. It is based on Omek Beckon middleware and actually offer a sample that does exactly what you want, an avatar that is animated by movements of a person in real life.
It is implemented in C# though, but integrated very good into Unity, So I guess you'll be able to use Boo (which is Unity scripting language based on Python)

What are some good open-source iOS projects to study at? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am looking for a good well designed iOS code/framework that is open sourced out there that I can study on. What I mean good design is, they follow good object oriented concepts, code is clean, and organized, possibly has some unit testing in it as well. I wanted to learn these concepts and apply it to my projects as well. Any suggestions are appreciated
Apple provides some great sample code.
Additionally, I suggest looking at the abundance of iOS code available on code sharing sites such as GitHub. There's some great work done by some StackOverflow members. Marcus Zarra and Dave DeLong are two such people. I've also posted some code up there as well. Just so you know, a lot of code posted on GitHub are not complete projects, but libraries or useful classes.
There's also the Three20 framework, published by Facebook.
At risk of shameless self plugging, here's a project I wrote that's overly commented and fairly simple. The app is a "speed dial" for iPhone. Set a number, flip a switch and you don't need to jump into the phone app to tap on a number in favorites anymore. One tap dialing right from your home screen. I've got two apps based on this code that are out on the App Store, but this app itself is not.
Since writing this answer I've got some more project, much more complex than the one linked above. MBCalendarKit is the one I'm most proud of. Feel free to tear it up.
I think Apple makes good code sample codes.
Put together by facebook.

Suggest an iPhone project [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am guiding an intern in learning iPhone development.
I need to give him a sample project or I can say an app as part of his project work.
Please suggest some ideas.
1. It should be a project for which the requirements data can be easily searched on Internet.
2. It should be a 20 days project.
How about an app that given a current geolocation, position, it fetches all stores, bars, restaurants, etc. Using a RESTful API, like simplegeo, google places or cityserch. And annotated a map view. For each pin replace the image with category based icon and annotate the name of the location.
The Stanford iPhone development course once offered a pretty substantial mid-term project to its students, the Paparazzi, http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/drupal/downloads-2010-winter .
I suggest you take a look at the Paparazzi 1-4 pdf files. It seems it perfectly meets your needs, (1) Flickr data can be easily accessed on the internet, (2) it is pretty substantial and therefore requires quite a few weeks work, (3) It is meant to be help the student learn the skills along the way, therefore is easy at the beginning and gets harder and harder when the student wants to further polish their work.
Create a browser with tabs functionality on ipad.

What is a good book for learning Core Animation? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to learn how to use core-animation for the iPhone in a more serious manner; instead of just ripping other people's code to move a box a few pixels, I want to be able to write that code myself, and engage in translation, transformation, and other things with an understanding of the code I'm using to achieve it.
Unfortunately, the online documentation is, at best, rather dense. And while I have a good book for general iPhone programming, coreAnimation is a very large, complex area and it doesn't cover it in any real depth. Are there any good books that cover the subject?
Try Bill Dudney's Core Animation for Mac OSX and iPhone. The book does a fine job of walking through a lot of CA -- not all of which is available in the iPhone (yet?)
See also #neror's CA git project for good examples. #neror updates the project frequently and is a solid learning resource.
I have personally read "Core Animation: Simplified Animation Techniques for Mac and iPhone Development". This is a colorful book and quite easy to follow. This book assumes that you have some iPhone programming knowledge, so you will also need your general iPhone programming book. This book covers topics such as basic animation, path, what can be animated. The author would present you some code fragments, illustrating their ideas.
I would like to give you another suggestion.
You are asking for a good reference book about Core Animation. As mentioned above, I recommend "Core Animation: Simplified Animation Techniques for Mac and iPhone Development". However, in my experience, the book and other books on Core Animation aren't sufficient. None of the CA book is very well-written, I would rate them about 6 to 7 out of 10. Your best bet is learn from a concrete open source project. I recommend you GeekGameBoard from Apple. GeekGameBoard has two versions, the Apple version is written for MacOSX. There is a modified version for iPhone, check http://jens.mooseyard.com/2008/03/geekgameboard-getting-closer-to-iphone-ready/. Personally, I studied the source while refreshing my understanding from the book.

Best Highscores Framework - iPhone [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am trying to decide between:
OpenFeint - http://www.openfeint.com/developers
Agon - http://developer.agon-online.com
ScoreLoop - http://corporate.scoreloop.com/features
All of the websites look clean. I don't know how many users they have but ScoreLoop has some recognizable games using the service.
Have you tried any of these platforms? Which is best?
Open Feint has some of the most well known apps as cross-promotions. Open Feint has a nice Objective-C API, matching Cocoa Touch.
Agonn has not as many apps for cross promotion, but are growing fast. Agon uses a C based API.
I Have no personal experience of ScoreLoop. But I understand that it allows much better UI customization than the other, making it easier to make the leader boards an integrated part of your game.
I just started experimenting with ScoreLoop, and so far I really like it. Integrating it into my cocos2d based game was pretty straightforward (just following the Getting Started document). It looks like there's a lot of room for UI customization, but I haven't really had a chance to play with this yet.
As far as I understand it, one of the differences between ScoreLoop and similar services is that in ScoreLoop, challenges are a central concept. So if your game can use challenges (mine will), this might be a good choice. It doesn't support chat, though. If you want more social networking features, OpenFeint might be worth a look.
I haven't personally tried any of these but Cocos2d also has a high-score framework built in.
I have good experience with OpenFeint. The developers were responsive to all my questions and helped me work around a few limitations.