Suggest an iPhone project [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am guiding an intern in learning iPhone development.
I need to give him a sample project or I can say an app as part of his project work.
Please suggest some ideas.
1. It should be a project for which the requirements data can be easily searched on Internet.
2. It should be a 20 days project.

How about an app that given a current geolocation, position, it fetches all stores, bars, restaurants, etc. Using a RESTful API, like simplegeo, google places or cityserch. And annotated a map view. For each pin replace the image with category based icon and annotate the name of the location.

The Stanford iPhone development course once offered a pretty substantial mid-term project to its students, the Paparazzi, .
I suggest you take a look at the Paparazzi 1-4 pdf files. It seems it perfectly meets your needs, (1) Flickr data can be easily accessed on the internet, (2) it is pretty substantial and therefore requires quite a few weeks work, (3) It is meant to be help the student learn the skills along the way, therefore is easy at the beginning and gets harder and harder when the student wants to further polish their work.

Create a browser with tabs functionality on ipad.


Where can i find objective c xcode sample codes for iphone [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
i am a new programer and i would like to find some sample projects to learn from. Do you know any website that might help me?
Sample programs such us:
Uitable views
Uiscroll view
Plist storing data
Do to project
Note taking projects
The documentation links to useful sample projects at the top of most references.
You can also login into ios dev center ( and there is section "Sample Code" with all examples.
You can search by something specific for you or view by Topic/Framework.
I can recommend this book, it helped me allot and there is everything you need to know about programming for the iPhone:
However if you goal is to program games I would use some of these packages:
Another option is youtube there are tons of videos teaching you everything you need to know. For example:
Best advice is definitely the first one. It helped me the most :)

Which one is a better iOS Photo Viewer: Three20 or EGOPhotoViewer [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am making an app for showing an image gallery in iOS, and I came across two samples.
I want to know the differences between Three20 and EGOPhotoViewer. I mean both apps are developed by same developer (enormego).
Is it safe to use them for the app store, I mean it may not get rejected, and compatibility with iOS6?
Is there any advantage of using EGOPhotoViewer over Three20?
Is it worth to stick to Three20 for any important feature of cache, thread, etc.
In code both almost use the same classes and function with different names.
I would recommend against Three20 for 1 reason and 1 reason only: Three20 code is a bit messy and generally there are a lot of interdependencies with other Three20 classes, ones you might not need. It's sucks to include the whole Three20 library in your project just to use the photo browser. I'd like to keep things as simple as possible.
I've used the EGOPhotoViewer one in the past and while it generally worked fine, I did have some minor issues with it, which I sadly can't remember. Eventually I found a replacement in MWPhotoBrowser, so you might consider that one as well.

Code Base or Project for both iPhone and iPad - Is having one project or 2 project advisable [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am a starter and learnt objective-c two months ago and developed an iphone application using storyboard & ios 5.1. I want to replicate the same functionality on iPad with almost similar screens (scaled to ipad). I see having one project can help me share most header and implementation files.
But will it affect performance. Is it advisable to have a seperate code base for ipad. My iphone app performance is currently good. I might have little more added functionality for iPad. What are your experiences. Please share.
One project will be a lot more manageable in the long run. This post has some advice that might be relevant for your project:
How to start a project with both outputs iPhone & iPad?
Use 1 project, 1 code base and 1 repository. This is how we do all our projects and Apps.
There are not many differences between the two UIs and when you DO want to take advantage of iPad Controls not available on iPhone it is easier to simply test for device type and invoke the appropriate control. Well designed Apps will in most cases need the rest of the surrounding logic in both.
If you diverge your code it is going to get messy with you having to replicate everything you do TWICE for the most part and try to keep all the logic threads coherent. DON'T DO IT. You will regret it, and it simply is not worth it to save a few bytes.

First facebook-app: Hosting and Framework suggestions [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
I'm planning to do my first facebook-app.
The core of the app would be to choose certain photos from your profile and show them to others users (of the same app). My background is more on the C++ side and low-level programming.
I want to know your suggestions for the following:
1- Which hosting do you suggest? I have read about google-app-engine and Heroku, however I am not sure which one fits best for a free plan until it grows to a significant number of users.
Heroku seems great for a beginner since they give you a sample code, but I am not sure about their databases and their scalability while being free. From here I understand that I have only 5 mb of databases for free which seems too little... right?.
And one more thing: I'm assuming is possible to show photos from others users directly from facebook without hosting it
2- Which framework and language do you suggest given the core of my app? It is not a sophisticated app, so I want to do it as fast as I can without many technical troubles.
Thanks in advance
I think Heroku is good choice for you.

looking for Iphone tutorial app to search for venues around my location [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am fairly new to objective-c and Iphone developing. I was wondering, if anyone can direct me to a good tutorial on how to make a simple app that would search for a venue like Burger King and display the venues close to my location. This will be a non commercial app, mainly for me to understand how things work and get my feet wet on this category. I have done some simple mapkit app that will put a pin on a map but that's basically it. Thank you for your help on this matter.
This is a more or less an example app that I want to understand how to code.
for those that are on the same boat, took me a while to find something. But i came across this tutorial that in a nutshell shows you exactly what i was looking for. its s forward geocoder.
hope this help someone else like it helped me.
Look here: how use google api in iphone to query hotels around my place
You can use the response from that to get places.