What are some good open-source iOS projects to study at? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am looking for a good well designed iOS code/framework that is open sourced out there that I can study on. What I mean good design is, they follow good object oriented concepts, code is clean, and organized, possibly has some unit testing in it as well. I wanted to learn these concepts and apply it to my projects as well. Any suggestions are appreciated

Apple provides some great sample code.
Additionally, I suggest looking at the abundance of iOS code available on code sharing sites such as GitHub. There's some great work done by some StackOverflow members. Marcus Zarra and Dave DeLong are two such people. I've also posted some code up there as well. Just so you know, a lot of code posted on GitHub are not complete projects, but libraries or useful classes.
There's also the Three20 framework, published by Facebook.
At risk of shameless self plugging, here's a project I wrote that's overly commented and fairly simple. The app is a "speed dial" for iPhone. Set a number, flip a switch and you don't need to jump into the phone app to tap on a number in favorites anymore. One tap dialing right from your home screen. I've got two apps based on this code that are out on the App Store, but this app itself is not.
Since writing this answer I've got some more project, much more complex than the one linked above. MBCalendarKit is the one I'm most proud of. Feel free to tear it up.

I think Apple makes good code sample codes.

Put together by facebook.


Which one is a better iOS Photo Viewer: Three20 or EGOPhotoViewer [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am making an app for showing an image gallery in iOS, and I came across two samples.
I want to know the differences between Three20 and EGOPhotoViewer. I mean both apps are developed by same developer (enormego).
Is it safe to use them for the app store, I mean it may not get rejected, and compatibility with iOS6?
Is there any advantage of using EGOPhotoViewer over Three20?
Is it worth to stick to Three20 for any important feature of cache, thread, etc.
In code both almost use the same classes and function with different names.
I would recommend against Three20 for 1 reason and 1 reason only: Three20 code is a bit messy and generally there are a lot of interdependencies with other Three20 classes, ones you might not need. It's sucks to include the whole Three20 library in your project just to use the photo browser. I'd like to keep things as simple as possible.
I've used the EGOPhotoViewer one in the past and while it generally worked fine, I did have some minor issues with it, which I sadly can't remember. Eventually I found a replacement in MWPhotoBrowser, so you might consider that one as well.

How to learn about iPhone jailbroken programming? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm interested in learning about what additional features and APIs an app has access to when an iPhone is jailbroken. Can someone provide me with some basic resources to learn about this? I would be most interested in:
documentation on the private APIs
filesystem layout
app configuration, e.g. how did WinterBoard replace SpringBoard? Apps that replace the lockscreen?
tools needed
Suggestions appreciated.
Very good question. I've personally spend quite a bit of time on trying to find documentation on the private APIs, and even though I'm pretty sure I've come across it some time ago, right now I can't really find it anymore. However, I do have some answers to your questions. Let me share what I have so far:
Filesystem layout
An old, but still mostly true guide on filesystem layout.
"Replacing" apps
I think most of the "hijacking" of original iPhone apps is based on catching and re-implementing objective-c messages through posing and comparable techniques. A good guide on this is available here. I'm note entirely sure that this is the mechanism at work though.
A toolchain for iphone dev is available on google code. See this guide for info on how to install it.
See this guide for info on how to use the default apple Xcode environment for development on a jailbroken phone.
This is the best thing I'v found on the subject so far :
Jailbroken Development : Starter Pack

Best Highscores Framework - iPhone [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am trying to decide between:
OpenFeint - http://www.openfeint.com/developers
Agon - http://developer.agon-online.com
ScoreLoop - http://corporate.scoreloop.com/features
All of the websites look clean. I don't know how many users they have but ScoreLoop has some recognizable games using the service.
Have you tried any of these platforms? Which is best?
Open Feint has some of the most well known apps as cross-promotions. Open Feint has a nice Objective-C API, matching Cocoa Touch.
Agonn has not as many apps for cross promotion, but are growing fast. Agon uses a C based API.
I Have no personal experience of ScoreLoop. But I understand that it allows much better UI customization than the other, making it easier to make the leader boards an integrated part of your game.
I just started experimenting with ScoreLoop, and so far I really like it. Integrating it into my cocos2d based game was pretty straightforward (just following the Getting Started document). It looks like there's a lot of room for UI customization, but I haven't really had a chance to play with this yet.
As far as I understand it, one of the differences between ScoreLoop and similar services is that in ScoreLoop, challenges are a central concept. So if your game can use challenges (mine will), this might be a good choice. It doesn't support chat, though. If you want more social networking features, OpenFeint might be worth a look.
I haven't personally tried any of these but Cocos2d also has a high-score framework built in.
I have good experience with OpenFeint. The developers were responsive to all my questions and helped me work around a few limitations.

Open source CoverFlow library for iPhone [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Are there any open source, CoverFlow-like APIs or libraries available for the iPhone?
I've found one implementation that is licensed per application, however, I'd much prefer to go the open source route.
Also, I'm interested in libraries that use only public APIs, as using non-public APIs might keep an app from getting published in the App Store.
You might also want to check out a library I released at iPhoneDevCamp -- OpenFlow.
It is all core animation-based, so it's easy to understand and customize to your needs. AFOpenFlowView is a subclass of UIView.
I included a demo application, and check out the blog entry on my personal website for a bit more information about its use. fajkowski.com
Drop me a line if you have any questions or comments!
There's another nice Open Source implementation by demosthenese. Here's the link.
The nice people at Chaosinmotion have got the following available:
It's BSD licensed.
The last chapter on Erica Sadun's The iPhone Developer's Cookbook is about Cover Flow.
You can grab the source code from the sample repository of the book on Google Code:
I am not aware of any open-source libraries for what you describe above. However, if you are familiar with core animation, it wouldn't be too hard to implement what you describe.
Check out the links below for some more information:
Blog post about implementing coverflow using core animation
Core animation reference guide from Apple iPhone Dec Center
The book "SAMS Teach Yourself Cocoa Touch Programming in 24 Hours" shows you how to make your own in the CoreAnimation chapter (complete implementation).

Is there a gallery of reusable iPhone components on the web? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
There are quite a few reusable iPhone solutions/tricks on the web, mostly scattered on various blogs. However I could not find any single place where they would be collected together (something like what MacUpdate/VersionTracker is to applications).
Is there such a site already?
If not, I'm thinking to create one. What components would you like to see there, and what features do you think such a site needs? (I'm thinking about sharing non-visual classes as well as visual components, and maybe simple code snippets showing various techniques/tricks too.)
I'm aware of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/640805/open-source-iphone-components-reusable-views-controllers-buttons-table-cells.
If you need to display some sort of activity indication while doing background tasks, you can take a look at MBProgressHUD for iPhone.
i think all the answers are missing a point here.
Here are the sites from were you can find reusable components.
1) http://cocoacontrols.com/
2) http://open.iphonedev.com/
3) http://cocoaobjects.com/
Here is the twitter account where you can find popular reusable components on github about iPhone or iPad
4) https://twitter.com/#!/github_objc
The Three20 "library" helped me a lot with understanding how to create reusable components.
Perhaps you already know what functionality to implement. Plus, the library itself is already quite extensive.
If you are looking for an iPhone UI for web page design, check out the free IUI on Google Code.
Great iPhone custom UI elements repository
Graph component. Sweet and simple to use. Straighforward iPhone way: http://code.google.com/p/s7graphview/
Kal implements a Calendar like the one in the Calendar app for you.