Admob app status red even after pressing ads (Iphone) - iphone

I have added Admob ads to my Iphone app.
The app is in the AppStore and the ads are showing in my app.
I've tried to press and ad (and I know other people pressed as well), however, the status in the Admob site remains red.
(In my Android app it is indeed green).
Any thoughts why? Should I have activated it in some way?

Well, I think I figurd it out - I thought the ad code is the same for Android and Iphone, but it turns out they are not.. I copied the Iphone key to the app and re submited to AppStore.
I hope this will fix the problem


Why am I seeing iAd's advertisements, like I did in development, in my production app?

My app just got submitted to the app store and I just downloaded it, I am getting iAd's advertisements just like while I was developing it. Will is this showing up on other peoples devices? Or just on the devices that I have in my developer account?
There is a possibility that you've got a development version on the phone and that wasn't overwritten by your app downloaded from app store.
So, just try deleting the app from your phone and computer, and then try to re-sync.
Usually, you will not see your iAd ads on a device where you have installed any provisioning profiles.
In any case, to make sure that everything is working correctly, you should go to:, log in, and check the status of your app (i.e., click on the app name at the bottom of the Summary page where you land).
If everything is ok, you should see a status message like in the attached picture. If not, the status message will mention "test ads". In this case, get in touch with Apple by going to itunesconnect and clicking the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page. They will fix it quickly.

mobile ad optimisation for app installs not available

I've set up a new fb app for an IOS app we've launched. When setting up a mobile ad in FB I can't choose the "optimize for app installs" option, only clicks or impressions.
It works fine for another app and can't see any difference in the fb app and ad setup.
I'm guessing the difference must be in the IOS code, but it seems strange the fb app and ad setup would detect that?
So, essentially the question is, what is the reason I can't choose the "optimize for app installs" when creating a mobile app?

iAds still show test ads

I just released an app into the app store with iAds, however the app is still only showing the test ads. But the thing is it says "live" on itunesconnect. What is wrong with my ads?
Do you have a developer preview of iOS 6 on your device? That could always be a potential problem causing you to see iAd test ads.

issue with iAds in production

I have an approved app in the Apple app store. I programmed iAds funcitonality on several screens. It works fine in the development version. obviously iAds show up as a dummy there.
The issue is that the app got approved by Apple yesterday: Naggy, as free app. But iAds are not showing up at all.
Any clues? Could it be that I forgot to set something up in the Itunes connect? I did sign-up for iAds (contract and bank account are set).
Did you enable iAds for the app itself? Select the app and click the 'Set Up iAd Network' button.

Help me on my app version 2

I have one iPhone app in app store, in that application my in app purchase was working correctly.
again submited my another version of application without changing the code but now the in app purchase it is not working...
Please help me out, why my in app purchase is not working actually.
Check Whether it is showing "Clear for sale" status for in app purchase items in itunes.