mobile ad optimisation for app installs not available - facebook

I've set up a new fb app for an IOS app we've launched. When setting up a mobile ad in FB I can't choose the "optimize for app installs" option, only clicks or impressions.
It works fine for another app and can't see any difference in the fb app and ad setup.
I'm guessing the difference must be in the IOS code, but it seems strange the fb app and ad setup would detect that?
So, essentially the question is, what is the reason I can't choose the "optimize for app installs" when creating a mobile app?


can people see Facebook IOS app on their facebook?

I've created an IOS app as a Facebook Developer. So my question:
Are people able to see the app when they go into their Facebook - like in the Browser? Or are Facebook IOS apps only something that you can see in the actual app on the iphone/iPad that I'm creating?
Depending on whether the Facebook developer configured a canvas facing site will show what the end user will see.
Any application made by a third party once set to public in app settings can be viewed by anyone.
If you app is made for iOS then either the user will see a misconfigured webpage or dialog asking whether the user wants to send to mobile. All of this of course depends on how the the developer of the application sets everything.
See the documentation for detailed information

HelloFacebookSample project, strange behaviour on iPhone 3GS

I'm running through the sample project provided with the Facebook SDK and I'm encountering something that's a little weird.
The general idea for the sample project is: You can post via the Facebook app on your phone
if that's not available but iOS 6 integration is, you can post via that.
If that's not available the last resort is to post via the Facebook website.
Now, on the simulator, which doesn't have the Facebook app, but is iOS 6.1, it allows the Facebook integration via iOS6. The modal view controller pops up, but because I'm not logged in, it asks me to do so via the iPhone settings. That's the response I want.
However, on my development 3GS, running 6.1.3, the [FBDialogs canPresentOSIntegratedShareDialogWithSession:nil]; doesn't seem to detect that the iPhone has iOS 6 Facebook integration, but just isn't logged in. Therefore the popup window for Facebook doesn't appear and doesn't ask me to log in.
Any one know why?

Testing Facebook Native iOS App

I would like to integrate Facebook into an iOS application I am building, however it seems there is no way to set up a Facebook 'Native iOS Application' with an iOS application that is not already published and available in the App Store.
When I Set up a Native iOS Application for my Facebook App from my Facebook developer's account it requires that I fill in my App Store ID. However when I submit I get the following error message:
Your iPhone App Store ID is invalid because the iTunes App Store
reports your app as being unavailable for iPhone and iPod touch.
I have set up my application on iTunes Connect, but I have not submitted my binary yet as I am in the process of building it, so I assume that this message is due to it being unavailable on the App Store.
This seems like a catch 22 situation. I can't test my app until its in the App Store but I can't get my app in the AppStore until I have tested (and built) it. How can I test my iOS application with Facebook before release?
I've been there, but the solutions is simple.
Don't fill out the Facebook 'Native iOS Application'!
For testing all you needed is the Facebook appid.
Later on in the Deep Linking portion of the iOS Facebook Tutorial, it also mentions the AppStore ID and that you can use somebody else's ID temporarily to get all the data to save. They just say to make sure you use your own id when you finally do publish the app.
I dont think facebook Native iOS App settings are necessary. I have done facebook login with it in two of my apps and without it in one of my app and all are running well. Here are workaround by me:
Native iOS Facebook SSO won't return to app

First time authorization fails with FBConnect via mobile app

After downloading my app from app store (or via OTA) and trying to share via FBConnect SDK, the mobile app is launched but returns almost immediately to the app with error -999, without asking user for authorizations.
After that, clicking on FB share button reopens the mobile app and all goes well, authorizations are asked, my app is called back and display the FB dialog.
That issue only happens once : if I uninstall/reinstall the app and remove the FBapp authorizations from my FB account, all goes well.
I already specified the BundleID/iTunes App ID in the "Native iOS App" menu, and use the last FacebookConnect SDK.
Anyone experienced the same issue ?

How do you get your app to appear on the Facebook Mobile Application? (specifically iPhone)

We have a popular Facebook Application and a version of our App for the iPhone. I was wondering how we can make our Application appear in the "Apps" Section on the new Facebook iPhone app. On my iPhone I currently see links to the App store for Pixable, Badoo, Airbnb, Foursquare and WhoisNear iPhone Application.
I have filled out the Native iOS App settings in the Developer section on Facebook (including adding the Bundle ID and the iPhone app store ID) several weeks ago thinking it took a while to update, but still nothing shows up on my iPhone app.
Any help would be appreciated.
Screenshot of where we want our app to show up:
Edit your Application Settings and on the Basic Settings specify a Mobile Web URL for your Mobile Web integration. You should be able to set the URL to your app's iTunes URL.
Fill out the iOS information within the admin settings of your application, which also means they are using the same application id. You also have to have granted at least the basic permissions via connect on the app, and have the app installed on the phone.