Help me on my app version 2 - iphone

I have one iPhone app in app store, in that application my in app purchase was working correctly.
again submited my another version of application without changing the code but now the in app purchase it is not working...
Please help me out, why my in app purchase is not working actually.

Check Whether it is showing "Clear for sale" status for in app purchase items in itunes.


Stopping user from making in app purchases on a live iPhone app

I am trying to stop user from making in app purchases on a live iPhone app. What i have done is i made Cleared for Sale: No in itunesconnect product id and Status is changed to
Status: Developer Removed from Sale. But still i am able to do in app purchase in the app. Any idea why is it? anything i should do? i don't want to delete the product id from the itunesconnect

iOS In App Purchase - "Invalid Product ID" in release, NOT development version

I created a new app and uploaded the binary to iTunes Connect, then tested IAP using the test user account, both on the simulator and on the device. Both worked.
I submitted the final app and it is currently live on the App Store. However, after deleting the development version from my device and downloading my app from the App Store to test IAP, the app immediately receives an "Invalid Product ID:" error.
Once again, the development version worked using the test user account, but live on the store it does not work and returns invalid product ID. Any ideas what this might be? If anyone wants to test this (in case it's just me) the app is called "ContaX" and is free with ads - you don't need to actually buy the upgrade, just see if it crashes after tapping the remove ads option.
I advise you to wait for 24 hours after your app is approved.
Sometimes it takes more time for the in app purchases to be available in the released application.
I am also suffering with this issue and my app has rejected two time due to this issue. I went to Apple Developer Forum to get the solution. The problem is might be with Review team's device or environment.
Here is the link of full thread:
I think it will work for you as well.
Double-check the bundle ID you've submitted the app under and the product IDs you're sending to the app. They have to match.
You may have accidentally submitted an app with a different bundle ID.
After fighting this problem for a while I realized I was using the "Apple ID" to get the In App Purchases rather than the "Product ID". So, make sure you're using the "Product ID" and NOT the product's "Apple ID"!
I'd like to share our experience. One of our apps did not have any purchase since release. It was over a month. We have tested in app purchase during development phase in sandbox mode, everything was ok.
When we deleted the development app from our device and installed the app from the app store, we got Invalid product id during purchase.
We double checked everything and tried many things. What we think done the trick is toggle "Cleared for Sale" in the iTunes connect.
We have 3 auto renewing subscriptions. In IAP page, We uncheck Cleared for Sale. then save, then again recheck Cleared for Sale, saved again on each product. remove app from the phone and download again from App Store.
Nothing seems to happen. After 30 minutes suddenly one auto renewing subscription started working. 2 other subscriptions still didn't work. After 5 hours all 3 subscriptions started working magically.
We are seeing something similar. On a new tvOS app with 8 auto-renew subscription IAPs, for the first 30 hours or so after release, none of the IAPs were available. Then one became available and now we are at 40 hours since release with still only 1 of 8 IAPs available.

In App purchase is getting rejected again and again

i have implemented the in app purchase in my application and added few in app purchases. on itunes connect i have filled all the details for the in app purchases. Initially the status of in app purchase was "waiting for review" and i was able to test in app purchase in sandbox env. but after every 4 days, in app purchases gets new status "developer action needed" and in the language section there is a "rejected" sign of in app purchase. so to make this use able again i have been using to make little change in description, which makes the in app purchase again in review
as history of the project is: right now application version 1.0 is available on app store in which in app purchases are not implemented
and i have added new application version 2.0 which is in "rejected by developer" state
so i just want to know why itunes connect team is rejecting in app purchase again and again?
also im not getting any email regarding this rejection
any one guide me what is the solution to this problem or any one else has faced this issue before?
Have you uploaded new version on apple store which is having in-app purchase code implemented ? if not then they will reject the in-app purchase items.
also if apple is rejecting your in-app purchased , then have you provided all the details to them. As if they find the in-app purchase improper then they can can reject it. Provide them proper details and proper screen shot for the same.
Also if apple is rejecting your in-app purchase then you may can ask apple review team about the issue. Use the Link. they will let you know the exact issue.
Hope this will help you.
I recently had this problem with an app submitted to Apple.
There is a fallback system that needs to be in place for server side in app purchase validation.
It is documented in Apple, but VERY well hidden in tech note :
Here is the way to do it :
"Always verify your receipt first with the production URL; proceed to verify with the sandbox URL if you receive a 21007 status code.
Following this approach ensures that you do not have to switch between URLs while your application is being tested or reviewed in the sandbox or is live in the App Store."

In App Purchase works in simulator but not on iPhone

When I call SKProductsRequest for an in-app purchase on the Simulator title, description, price and ID all come back correctly from iTunes Connect. When I run it on my device, I get invalid product ID.
Any idea why?
I was having same problem.
I couldn't test it because my iPad was jailbroken.
I removed AppSync, and now it works fine! :)
If you delete the app from your iPhone and reinstall, it works. THis matters if you've submitted a previous version of the app for review. Thanks everyone.

Splash screen & InApp purchases not working on a live app

I have recently published an App to the App store.
When testing the app everything was fine (in-app purchases, splash screens etc.).
Now that the app is live I have two major problems:
The splash screen (Default.png) is not showing. I have retested it on my development build and it
works fine but in the live app it is not working.
The in-app purchases are not working. I have retested it on my development build in sandbox and they
work fine but in the live app they are not working.
I have read that it is possible for in-app purchases not work for up to 36 hours after release but I have never had a problem where the Default.png file did not show.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Is it possible that I am meant to do something specific for the in-app purchases in when the app goes live ?
While verification of transaction receipt check the url that u have used (This may be the case).
For an application which is going live:
For testing purpose:
Also check if the AppID that you have used while submitting the binary is Enabled for IAP.