Text overlapping in Eclipse preferences? - eclipse

I was investigating Eclipse's Preferences windows, and I came upon the Formatter options. I decided to have a look, and eventually to create my own format options. Upon clicking the "New" button and selecting a base to work from, It came up with this:
Does anyone know why this is happening? Or how I can possibly fix this? Thanks in advance.

Not sure, but it looks like a GTK-theme.
If so, have you tried a default-theme?


vscode where did the settings.json button go?

It seems the button to change the settings from the UI editor to json editor has moved somewhere and I can't find it. Where is it now? I simply want to migrate my settings from another computer and previously I have done so with copy&paste.
Thank you.
Is that what you are looking for?

Using vscode, i am driven crazy by annoying pop hint every time when i hit Space key, How to solve this problem?

i am driven crazy by annoying pop hint every time when I hit Space key. As shown below:
Now, how to find out which extension or pop snippet hint is causing the issue when I hit space key and which one to disable it ?
There are two ways to solve this issue.
Method 1:
In VSCODE. click File > preferences > keyboard shortcuts and search for space you could see space might be wrongly assigned to some intelli sense. Click on that particular keyboard shortcut. Double click the stroke and change the shortcut.
Method 2:
Very expensive way.
Disable all extensions first and try the space keystroke then try enabling one by one. You will definitely find the culprit.
Hope it helps
I solved it eventually by disable all snippet extend one bye one, then the latest extensions, found out the cause is https://github.com/bauhausr/antd-intellisense extension.
It drives me crazy too. I just turned off Editor: Suggest On Trigger Characters and it seems to be working for me!

Eclipse shows only te function selected in outline

Maybe I've broke some stuff in settings or something like this but Eclipse starts to show in editor ONLY the function/method that chosen in outline pane. No other code showing in editor. Unchecking "Link with editor" was not helpful. Once thing is helping is reopening of file. But once clicking something in Outline pane all code except chosen function disappearing again so Outline becomes quite useless pane.
Does somebody knows where I could turn off such behavior to make it acting as it was - just jumping to selected function but not hide other code.
Thanks in advance! And sorry for my english.
Sorry everybody for posting so silly question. However, maybe it would be helpful for somebody to know - just found why Eclipse was acting like I've described.
Settings->Javascript->Editor->Only show the selected element. Uncheck this.
Don't even know why it needs such strange settings option...
Thanks again!

Hiding show view toolbar in eclipse

I want to remove this toolbar shown in the image. I have tried disabling all other items in the toolbar but this one doesn't seem to go. This toolbar is blocking my editor's space and I want to get rid of it. Please tell me a way to remove this.
I think you could try writing your own WorbenchWindow or WorkbenchPage (not sure exactly which right now) and overwrite maybe createWindowContents.
See this from here (i got this quote from there, but maybe you can find a book or better reference for this):
There are limitations as to when you can override the Workbench
window. The Workbench's default implementation of
createWindowContents() creates controls that are not available to
clients, such as the job progress area, the trim that docks fast
views, and the perspective bar. When you override
createWindowContents(), you lose these areas.
There's no way of removing it. I have tried finding solutions but it isn't customizable
Hey looks like they solved this issue in eclipse juno .. just download juno and life is good !
Which version of eclipse you are using?You can toggle the toolbar visibility by clicking Window->Hide Toolbar or Window->Show toolbar

PHPEclipse weird highlight

This is not a technical problem, but very annoying.
Does anyone know how to turn off or change the color for the name highlight in phpEclipse?
I use white-on-black scheme and this highlight has a white background which makes it unreadable and very ugly.
To better explain which highlight I'm refering to, it's when I move the cursor to a variable/function/method/constant, all other places that name is typed get highlighted.
I've spent a few days going thru the settings many, many times and I haven't found one that changes that specific annoying highligh.
Anyone? please? :)
For Java in Eclipse it is:
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Mark Occurrences.
My ruby plug-in has the same option. Do a search in the preferences window for 'Mark Occurrences' and hopefully the php plug-in has the same option.
Thanks, that was it, Mark Occurences.
When I searched thru the options I was looking for color pickers instead of checkboxes :)
It would be nicer to be able to change the highlight color for that, but even removing it is of huge help.
From Eclipse, go to Window > Preference, use the filter field ("type filter text") to search for "color". It will show all the config options related to the colors.
I suppose it's not a problem with phpEclipse, but an incompatibility with another Eclipse plugin.
PS: When you fix the problem please tell us what that setting!