vscode where did the settings.json button go? - visual-studio-code

It seems the button to change the settings from the UI editor to json editor has moved somewhere and I can't find it. Where is it now? I simply want to migrate my settings from another computer and previously I have done so with copy&paste.
Thank you.

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How to implement dark mode in BlueJ using Github link

I am new to programming and have been using the IDE BlueJ. I wanted to change to dark mode using the code given in this GitHub link:
The instructions there say to "Replace path/to/BlueJ/lib/stylesheets with the stylesheets in this project". I'm not really sure how to do that. I've tried searching for files within my Mac Finder, but haven't found anything. I'm assuming this is a pretty easy thing to do because the instructions on the Github don't say much, but I'm just not sure how to proceed. Sorry if it's a dumb question!
Thanks :)
First off locate the blueJ application in finder, and then right click(or control+click), and click "Show Package Contents", then navigate to Contents/Resources/Java/stylesheets, then look for a css file named "java-colors.css". You can then either replace the file as a whole with a predefined darkmode css file or manually edit the colours to your liking.

Disable VSCode file editor re-use

In VSCode if I press Ctrl+P, I can type a filename and open it.
Since some recent update, these files open in the same editor, so it isn't possible to open multiple files one after the other.
I remember there being a setting somewhere but I can't find it. What's the name of it? And/or, how do I change this behavior?
As #Mark pointed out, the key word here is "preview".
Under Workbench -> Editor, there is Enable Preview from Quick Open.
Hopefully this helps someone else out who also doesn't know what the feature is called, and who is annoyed about VS Code constantly resetting their config when it feels like it. :-)

How to hide the highlighted lines when the ".sql" file are opened in VSCode

Below is what it looks like when opened the ".sql" file, I want to hide those highlighted lines
I'm the creator of VSCode-sqltools. In fact as #joao-caxias mentioned, that was intentional. But some users didn't like it at all, so I've added a setting to enable/disable that behavior called sqltools.highlightQuery so you should be able to remove that if you want now.
I have found out that it comes with the SQL Tools extension
You could either uninstall it or revert back to 0.21.9 version. Not sure where the root cause for highlighting is.
You can go to SQLTools and click on the setting button. Then search highlight and uncheck the button for this setting.

Drag selected text to move it?

Is it possible to drag selected text to move it? This is in almost every other editor (not to mention text input fields in browsers.) I was surprised not to find it in VS Code.
Here is a gif example.
This is now supported as of Feb 2017 release (1.10.1) but it is disabled by default.
To enable it: Go to File > Preferences > Settings and add this line "editor.dragAndDrop": true
Source: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_10#_preview-drag-and-drop-selected-text
Looks like it's not yet implemented, but there's an open issue about it.
If you want to help without diving into the internals, go 👍 the issue to add to its social signal.
I don't believe so. Their site says that it is keyboard-optimized and keyboard-centric, so their idea might be that you should highlight some text, cut it, and past it where you want it rather than dragging it.
I talk about this problem on Github Microsoft page and Microsoft engineers see this. I hope to solve it. (Please support by 👍 on this page.)

How to add views to Show In menu for particular file types

I use an older plugin called Veloeclipse for editing Velocity templates in Eclipse. There's been no development on this since 2009, which isn't a problem because it's mainly just for syntax highlighting and format validation. The really annoying thing about it, however, is that when I try to do Show In to view the current Velocity template within my Package Explorer or Project Explorer, the only available option is Properties. That's not really useful. I really need to be able to get to the file in one of the regular explorer views.
So I have sort of two questions:
Is there a way to configure this without having to monkey with any code? A configuration file or something? I've grepped through my Eclipse installation and haven't seen anything, but I'm hoping that there's something I'm missing.
So assuming that the answer to my first question is no, how do I go about modifying the plugin code so that it will show more than the Properties view in the Show In menu? Most of what I found on the plugin development wiki comes from the other direction: how to make your view or perspective appear in the Show In menu.
Any help with this would be hugely appreciated!
Try to check the plugin source code. it might do something different than other editors. What I mean is that the show in menu item that you have there is not the usual extension point but a hard coded context menu option.