Eclipse shows only te function selected in outline - eclipse

Maybe I've broke some stuff in settings or something like this but Eclipse starts to show in editor ONLY the function/method that chosen in outline pane. No other code showing in editor. Unchecking "Link with editor" was not helpful. Once thing is helping is reopening of file. But once clicking something in Outline pane all code except chosen function disappearing again so Outline becomes quite useless pane.
Does somebody knows where I could turn off such behavior to make it acting as it was - just jumping to selected function but not hide other code.
Thanks in advance! And sorry for my english.

Sorry everybody for posting so silly question. However, maybe it would be helpful for somebody to know - just found why Eclipse was acting like I've described.
Settings->Javascript->Editor->Only show the selected element. Uncheck this.
Don't even know why it needs such strange settings option...
Thanks again!


Atom popup, really annoying

I have no idea what plugin is doing this, but it's incredibly annoying everytime I move mouse mouse to constantly get a popup. When I am coping and pasting code it pops up, and I have to click somewhere else, and it blocks so much of screen. Anyone know what plugin might be doing this?
For me, this was happening because of the atom-ide-datatip package. I went into the settings for that package and unchecked "Show datatip automatically on mouse hover", and checked "Show datatip automatically on cursor stay" as that got in the way for me less.
In my opinion, it would be nice if you could turn off those datatips for certain data types, like int and str. I mostly use this package for the function parameter popups.

Is there any way to remove auto-select after autocomplete on VS-code?

as the title says I'm looking for a way to remove the autoselect code after autocomplete. Currently, the only way to remove the autoselected line is either pressing ESC key or clicking anywhere else. And it's currently giving me issues because it's quite annoying.
I've been searching for a solution for about 3 days and it's either I'm doing it wrong or I don't really know what the issue exactly is... Here's a picture of my issue
As you see in the picture, the code is autoselected/highlighted right after autocomplete and as said I really need help because it's turning annoying.
Thanks in advance.
Set Snippets Prevent Quick Suggestions to false, in text editor > suggestions

How to setting up EditBox

Im trying to set up EditBox in LiClipse for python but nothing I do makes it work. I feel like I've tried everything but maybe I missed something. Can anyone who was able to set it up explain how they did it?
I'm trying to get it to look like this:
I did some messing around and I found the answer! You need to select the category to the right that is associated with your language (or whatever category you want to store the layout in) and press the add button on the bottom left to add the file type. Simply type in your file type (for example if using the language C in script Test.c type *.c) and press OK, then from there your all set! You can customize the format in the categories tabs above to make yours look unique or more suited for your needs. Hope this helped anyone else confused about setting up EditBox :)
Image of solution:<- Click b/c I cant post pictures yet lol
My Suggestion For a Good Configuration (Using LiClipse Dark Theme): <- Click Me :D

Messed up Eclipse window layout

I accidently messed up the default eclipse layout now I can't get it back the way it used to be. HERE is a picture. What really annoys me is that eclipse now is taking up unnecessary space at the top. What I want gone, but can't get rid of is the bar all the to the right with "Java" in it. Right clicking won't help at all. Second, I want to get rid of the bar left to this "Java"-bar. As you can see it doesn't really have ANY FUNCTIONALITY AT ALL(??). To get rid of this strange bar is the most important thing since this will move up "Java" and Quicksearch to the placement above.
Edit: Just so to be clarify, THIS bar is what I mean which woul solve everything.
Actually, the most helpful thing would be to restore the whole Eclipse layout to default. I have tried Window->Restore Perspective but it doesn't help me :(
right mouse click on the perspective(top-right "Java") and select Reset. This will fix the perspective.
EDIT: It seems to be a bug in Eclipse Juno. A suggestion is to delete the workbench.xmi file, but it doesn't work for everybody...
So If it doesnt work, you have to install your eclipse again.
There are different things you might try:
You should be able to drag and drop the bar to a location where it
automatically docks and does not disturb you (e.g. at the bottom)
Right click the emtpy bar and choose "hide toolbar"
If everything fails: Delete your eclipse installation and load a new one. Don't delete your workspace and point the new installation to your current workspace. You will have all your projects as they are now.
As a workaround, until this bug will be resolved, you can edit eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.platform_4.2.1.v201209141800\css\e4_classic_winxp.css.
Append following code.
.MToolBar.Draggable {
handle-image: url(./winXPHandle.png);
.MToolControl.Draggable {
handle-image: url(./winXPHandle.png);
I had to click on reset for all my perspectives, then exit eclipse, and re-open it. Worked for me.

PHPEclipse weird highlight

This is not a technical problem, but very annoying.
Does anyone know how to turn off or change the color for the name highlight in phpEclipse?
I use white-on-black scheme and this highlight has a white background which makes it unreadable and very ugly.
To better explain which highlight I'm refering to, it's when I move the cursor to a variable/function/method/constant, all other places that name is typed get highlighted.
I've spent a few days going thru the settings many, many times and I haven't found one that changes that specific annoying highligh.
Anyone? please? :)
For Java in Eclipse it is:
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Mark Occurrences.
My ruby plug-in has the same option. Do a search in the preferences window for 'Mark Occurrences' and hopefully the php plug-in has the same option.
Thanks, that was it, Mark Occurences.
When I searched thru the options I was looking for color pickers instead of checkboxes :)
It would be nicer to be able to change the highlight color for that, but even removing it is of huge help.
From Eclipse, go to Window > Preference, use the filter field ("type filter text") to search for "color". It will show all the config options related to the colors.
I suppose it's not a problem with phpEclipse, but an incompatibility with another Eclipse plugin.
PS: When you fix the problem please tell us what that setting!