Hiding show view toolbar in eclipse - eclipse

I want to remove this toolbar shown in the image. I have tried disabling all other items in the toolbar but this one doesn't seem to go. This toolbar is blocking my editor's space and I want to get rid of it. Please tell me a way to remove this.

I think you could try writing your own WorbenchWindow or WorkbenchPage (not sure exactly which right now) and overwrite maybe createWindowContents.
See this from here (i got this quote from there, but maybe you can find a book or better reference for this):
There are limitations as to when you can override the Workbench
window. The Workbench's default implementation of
createWindowContents() creates controls that are not available to
clients, such as the job progress area, the trim that docks fast
views, and the perspective bar. When you override
createWindowContents(), you lose these areas.

There's no way of removing it. I have tried finding solutions but it isn't customizable

Hey looks like they solved this issue in eclipse juno .. just download juno and life is good !

Which version of eclipse you are using?You can toggle the toolbar visibility by clicking Window->Hide Toolbar or Window->Show toolbar


Cannot unhide eclipse console toolbar

My eclipse console toolbar appears to be hidden and I cannot find a way to unhide it.
I've tried researching into this but have found nothing yet.
Can anyone help please?
P.S. the image above is just an example of what is hidden on my screen i.e. the console toolbar
The only solution I have for this at the moment is to recreate your workspace; which can be a lengthy process..

Messed up Eclipse window layout

I accidently messed up the default eclipse layout now I can't get it back the way it used to be. HERE is a picture. What really annoys me is that eclipse now is taking up unnecessary space at the top. What I want gone, but can't get rid of is the bar all the to the right with "Java" in it. Right clicking won't help at all. Second, I want to get rid of the bar left to this "Java"-bar. As you can see it doesn't really have ANY FUNCTIONALITY AT ALL(??). To get rid of this strange bar is the most important thing since this will move up "Java" and Quicksearch to the placement above.
Edit: Just so to be clarify, THIS bar is what I mean which woul solve everything.
Actually, the most helpful thing would be to restore the whole Eclipse layout to default. I have tried Window->Restore Perspective but it doesn't help me :(
right mouse click on the perspective(top-right "Java") and select Reset. This will fix the perspective.
EDIT: It seems to be a bug in Eclipse Juno. A suggestion is to delete the workbench.xmi file, but it doesn't work for everybody...
So If it doesnt work, you have to install your eclipse again.
There are different things you might try:
You should be able to drag and drop the bar to a location where it
automatically docks and does not disturb you (e.g. at the bottom)
Right click the emtpy bar and choose "hide toolbar"
If everything fails: Delete your eclipse installation and load a new one. Don't delete your workspace and point the new installation to your current workspace. You will have all your projects as they are now.
As a workaround, until this bug will be resolved, you can edit eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.platform_4.2.1.v201209141800\css\e4_classic_winxp.css.
Append following code.
.MToolBar.Draggable {
handle-image: url(./winXPHandle.png);
.MToolControl.Draggable {
handle-image: url(./winXPHandle.png);
Source: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=389594#c4
I had to click on reset for all my perspectives, then exit eclipse, and re-open it. Worked for me.

How to change toolbar button order in eclipse 4.2?

With the old version, we just needed to drag and drop to change the positions toolbar's button. But with juno, how do we do this?
I don't believe you can re-order them in Eclipse 4.2.
However, you can choose to hide them:
- Window -> Customize Perspective -> Tool Bar Visibility
This is bug 364046, and has supposedly been fixed but is not yet released.
In the meantime, you can reorder the perspective buttons using the Live Application Model View. I am not sure what you need to install to get this view -- Eclipse e4 Tools perhaps?
I didn't see the view in the Show View dialog but it shows up with Ctrl-3.
Once you get the live application model view up, you need to find the Perspectives Stack,
which I found under Windows->Trimmed Window->Controls->PartSashContainer->Perspectives Stack.
Then you can reorder either by dragging/dropping in the tree view, or by the up/down buttons in the editor. I had to restart Eclipse to see the changes.
until the bug is fixed, i've found that one can:
figure out the order of the perspective items you are interested in
close all perspectives (or at least all that are in the wrong order
re-open in the order preferred.
if switching the last 2, just close the 2nd to last one, then re-open it, and it will be the last one.
if you want to move the first one to the last position, close it, then re-open.
if you want to move the last one to the first position, well ... you'll have to close all the others, then re-open them in the order you want.
this might involve less work than pulling in the "live application model view". at the very least, it just worked for me after coming to this question in hopes of seeing a real answer to the problem.

Gigantic Tabs in Eclipse on Ubuntu

EDIT: For anyone coming to this question through searching, you can install a Gnome Theme called Clearlooks Compact to shorten your tabs in Eclipse. This will free up a lot of screen space. You can also check out the answer below to learn how to make the tabs more horizontally compact.
Short version: How do I make a short version of Eclipse's tabs & toolbars in Ubuntu?
I've been looking around for a fix to this on Google, but to no avail. With any GTK theme, I still have this same issue and it's very, very annoying--to the point where I've stopped using Eclipse in favor of gEdit. However, after running pylint from a terminal too. many. times. I've decided I need to find a solution to this issues with Eclipse so I can have PyDev back. Here's what the tabs look like:
alt text http://c0496682.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/big-tabs.png
As you can see, not only are the tabs exaggerated, but the toolbar is, too: so is the toolbar on the bottom; so are the tabs in the bottom pane. Overall, it's eating up a lot of screen space, which is a hard item to come by on a 17" screen. Any suggestions/fixes?
This can be solved changing your GTK settings;
gedit ~/.gtkrc-2.0
Then add this;
style "gtkcompact" {
class "GtkWidget" style "gtkcompact"
borrowed from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1465712
In addition to #Varun Mehta answer, I recommend the following tips for Eclipse 4 (Juno), whose interface is partially dictated and configurable by CSS rules:
In YourEclipseDir/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.x.y.v2012zzzzzzzz/css, edit:
... and adjust those files. I use the following set of tweaks:
set all the margin-* and padding to 0
set swt-shadow-visible: false everywhere you find it, to get rid of those huge shadows
set .MPartStack {font-size} to something smaller than 12
Finally, remember you can disable the toolbar. In 4.0, its state wasn't remembered across sessions, but it seems like the issue is solved in 4.2.1
Bonus resources: Eclipse4/CSS will get you started on Eclipse4 CSS, E4/CSS/SWT Mapping lists other interesting CSS attributes, and CSS Spy will help you inspect the UI.
Screenshot of what I end up with:
EDIT: see also How to remove the close (×) button from Eclipse Juno tabs?
In Addition to Ronans answer, it is possible to change the height of the tabs directly in Eclipse Juno.
edit the css file of your current style (e.g. e4_default_gtk.css) and add
CTabFolder {
tab-height: 16px;
Note: CTabFolder ... not add this to CTabFolder Canvas!
I too have suffered from this quite a bit, before I found the solution by changing the general appearance of my IDE.
You can try and customize the look-and-feel or you Eclipse Environment from,
Go to : Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance.
try setting,
Current Presentation to " Default ".
Enable " Traditional Style Tabs " (for rectangular tabs.)
Disable Animation ( if you don't like swoosh effect.)
Note: the Default Eclipse 4 just got a bit better with bug 420238 closed:
[CSS] Reduce whitespace usage in the default Eclipse themes
See Lars Vogel's article about it:
If you fire up the next Eclipse 4.4 milestone build, Eclipse uses much less whitespace and leaves more space for the important content.
(That would be 4.4 M5)
While this is on a technical level a trivial change, I hope that this will improve the initial perception people have in using Eclipse.
A big thanks to Daniel Rolka, Robin Stocker and Dani Megert for doing the majority of the work and a big thanks all involved parties in the Bug report to get this change accepted.
If you really want to make the tabs nice an' short, take a gander at Clearlooks Compact.
I preferred to just hit the whole IDE with a splash of "meh," so here's what I ended up with.

Eclipse (3.5) how to compare files horizontally?

Normally Eclipse 'File Compare' compares files in vertical panels like:
Is there a way I can compare them horizontally like:
Compare using Horizontal Panel http://www.sqlservertool.com/images/ad_hex_diff_small.gif
Its too tiring to scroll everytime to see what was changed!!
Looking at the code of org.eclipse.comparator.internal.CompareEditor (which is the name of the class of the editor illustrated in your question), I do not see any indication of a different "orientation" (horizontal layout vs. vertical layout)
So, no. I do not think the current implementation allows you to compare files with a different layout.
I'm afraid VonC is right that the current implementation doesn't support changing the layout, but there is a bug open for it so you can either provide a patch or ping guys from Eclipse Workspace Team (including me :) and ask them to fix it for you ;)
I guess Robert was referring to Select Next/Previous Change/Difference buttons (see section Toolbar in Eclipse Help).
If your problem is scrolling, use the toolbar buttons to navigate between changes.
One way to overcome your problem is to Maximize editor window during file compare, and then Restore it after compares are done. I wish Eclipse did it by default.
As to the question of orientation. I think it's more readable when you compare revisions side-by-side. That's probably why Eclipse authors did not give us an option of horizontal layout. What they could have given us were a line diff at the current cursor position.