Places Check-In Deal Not Showing Up [closed] - facebook

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I made a Check In Deal for my business a few days ago and it was approved. When I check on my or an employees phone to 'check in' to test the deal it does not show up.
If I check from the Facebook App on the iPhone it doesn't show a deal at all, the business shows up but not the deal.
If I check from the safari app and go to the mobile Facebook page when I click check in it shows the little logo confirming a deal at the location, but once you click it and/or post it no deal shows up to claim.
I had hoped for this deal to be going since the 1st and its now the 4th and I still do not see it. Wondering if anyone had any ideas that might get it to work, or if it just takes time to show up on phones even after its approved.
EDIT: I checked on a Virgin Mobile phone and it showed the "check in' logo but again, nothing once you click it, or check in from it.

This forum is for technical questions regarding Facebook Development, and your question cannot be answered here. If you believe something is wrong, file a bug with Facebook here:


facebook installed something, it is not showing anywhere [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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2 days ago i got a https request from facebook.
Now i am getting wierd notifications when some one message me on facebook.
I am pretty sure this is ilegal.
I gave no permission also i dit not read any thing about it.
And i want it gone, can any one help me?
It is not showing anywhere, not in chrome://plugins chrome://settings or windows programs.
i dont have time to search for it and get nowhere...
if some one has the knowledge of this installation please respond, many thanks.
Maybe you are confusing (one of the new features of FB) desktop notifications with something.
Firstly, its not illegal.
Secondly, I'm very sure that you have allowed it yourself.
How to remove it:
Open facebook.
Click on the lock in the address bar (where you type the url). You should see the lock before https:// (from where url starts).
You can see the Permissions tab there, which should show:
Notifications: Allowed by you.
Click on it and disable it.

How do I show an old FB app review submission? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Last year we submitted a Facebook app for review and our use of user_likes was approved as an item. I didn't keep a record of the text I used to describe how we use user_likes. Now I need to submit a very similar app for a different customer. Is there a way to dig up the old approval form contents?
You should ask the Facebook crew about that. However, I believe that should not be interesting. You should fill the values according to your best understanding of the features, especially, because some features might have been changed in the meantime. You have been already waiting for half an hour. Instead you have been able to complete the fields...

Unable To Find My App On The App Store ( iTunes ) [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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One more time i want your Help.
before 10 days i open iTunes and found my App on App Store and copied the link for some purpose
Below is link for my App :
Link was working fine (app store was showing my App).
But, Today i opened same link it is showing Me Error during Loadingtime of Apps as:
Your request could not be completed.
"The item you've requested is not currently available in the Indian Store".
Please give me some advice how to resolve this..
Thanks a Lot for your help in Advance
When I try to access it it says it's only available in the Indian App Store, but since it obviously isn't, my guess is that Apple has removed the app (just looking at the URL tells me that it probably is).
I suggest you check the app's status in iTunes Connect.

Dynamically generated page URLs don't work this morning [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This morning dynamically generated links to FB pages from our app stopped working. Link to a page like this used to work just fine, now it requires page name
Why would this be changed? Was there a problem with old pages link format?
We tweaked our code to take into account page name and made it work. But if a user changes the name of a page the link to this page will break, until we refresh the list of pages in our db. We'll write a chron job that will refresh the list of page names for all users using our app multiple times a day, but we'd prefer not having to do that.
Anyone else ran into this issue? What was your workaround (other than the above)?
While this is probably an off-topic question, you can get the page url using the graph api: and looking at the link property. As to why Facebook changed this, you would have to ask them at their developer group or log a bug.

Is there a way to track App Store visitors? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is there a way to track visitors to the App Store? I'd like to find out how many people are viewing my app's App Store page. Thanks.
No way to see how many App store visitors you get for your App unless they buy/download your App (or leave a review), but check out the iTunes Connect App. It is one of the best ways to track everything you can track about your Apps.
The [iTunes Connect] app goes into good detail, allowing you to break down sales by
day, week, month and six months. Complete with graphs that display
sold units and updates, you can also see how your apps are doing in
all the markets they are being sold in.
Unless they post a comment, you can't know who is visiting your page.
There are third party services too that give in-deapth analytics. A few to name are:, and