MS-Access active username autofill textbox - ms-access-2003

Is there and Access equivalent to excel code Application.UserName to auto fill a text box as a default value?
Based on Feedback From HansUp I have modified as follows
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.LastChgUser = Excel.Application.UserName
End Sub
As my Load event for the form. I now receive a Compile Error: Method or Data Member Not found. THe Txt box "LastChgUser" is on a subform "Staffing" as part form "Associate Lookup"

Access' CurrentUser() function returns the Access security account name, which will be "Admin" unless you have set up user-level security.
You can use the Windows API to get the name of the current Windows user. Try the fOSUserName() function from Get Login name.
Another alternative is the Environ() function:
? Environ("USERNAME")
Although that approach is insecure, it may be adequate for your purpose: load a default value which the user will be allowed to change. However, security settings may not allow you to use it directly as the control source for a text box.


Limit token scope server-side

My login procedure allows admins to select an account that they would like to login-as. For that I can login as that particular user and issue the authorization code, as usual.
Now, what I would like is to extend this setup to allow some other admins to login with "read-only" access. This can easily be mapped to our API by use of certain scopes and removing some other scope.
For the oauth process to work, I do need a way to issue oauth tokens that come with a scope that has been limited server side (less scope than the actual client - server-side because read-only is enforced).
I imagine that I might need to write a new GrantType and probably also have to track state somehow, but I am unclear on how exactly I should use create_authorization_response() in this case.
Ok, after some fiddling around, I found a solution. It essentially creates a custom Oauth2Request (usually client-provided, in our case, modified server-side).
Some rough outline of the code:
from urllib.parse import urlencode, parse_qs, urlparse
# obtain query string as dictionary
query_dict = parse_qs(request.query_string.decode("utf-8"))
# customize scope for this request
query_dict["scope"] = ["profile"]
# We here setup a custom Oauth2Request as we have change the scope in
# the query_dict
req = OAuth2Request(
"POST", request.base_url + "?" + urlencode(query_dict, doseq=True)
return authorization.create_authorization_response(grant_user=user, request=req)

How to trigger multiple Intent in Webhook

I am developing an bot that will search for the Vendor name in the database.
a ) if vendor exist -> provide username -> provide password
b) if vendor doesn't exist -> (add vendor -> yes ) or (add vendor -> No)
I have a webhook which is checking the vendor exist in database or not .
Bot Scenario: (Example )
User: Do Alpha exist as a vendor?
Bot: yes, Alpha exist in Database. Please Provide User Name.
Bot: Please Provide Password?
User: abcdef
Bot : Welcome
Case 2:
User: Do Beta exist as a vendor ?
Bot: No Beta is not a vendor. Do you want to Register?
Case 1:
User: Yes
Bot: Please fill this Form.
Case 2:
User: No
Bot: Is there any other way I can help
One thing I have figured out, I have to use output context to trigger the intent. But how can I do it in this complex case? and how can I call multiple to follow up intent using Output Context?
I might be using a bad approach, Is there any other way to solve this ?
I do have a follow-up question.
when we pass the fulfillment response back to dialogue flow. The response print on bot console will be the default text response, how can I get "fulfillmentText" to be the Response.
Thank you Guys. This is the followup Intent scenario.
This is not complex, you are doing it wrong by having two intents for collecting username/password.
Try the following way
When you detect that your vendor is present - set the context in webhook, as say, "vendor-present"
When the vendor is not present - set the context in webhook, as say, "vendor-new"
Use lifespan (the number at the left side of the context) to set the lifetime or validity of the context.
Create a separate intent for existing vendor - say "Vendor Data Collection" for collecting username and password. Set input context as "vendor-present" in the Dialogflow. Here you will collect these as parameters in the same intent (see image below). Mark these parameters as 'required' so that they must be collected by your bot. Use the Prompt section to put your response question for collecting information like "Please provide username".
If the vendor is not present, use existing intents and set input context as "vendor-new" in the Dialogflow.
Now, few things to note - the username parameter can be collected using the system entity #sys.given-name. But it is not very accurate with the Non-American/English names. I am not sure if this is improved or not. Secondly, there is no system entity to collect passwords, so you need to set the entity as #sys.any and in the webhook, you need to use regex to extract passwords on your own. BTW - you are not supposed to share passwords!
Hope this helped you!

Logging with Email and Password , Not with Username Yii 2

How I can manage to login with email address,not with the standart (username + password).I enter the website with my Users in my DataBase , but is there a way to change that to be with email address instead of that user name , because when I use Gii , I got a lot of errors , even I try to fix those errors
First, try to locate your SiteController or any other Controller you use for the index route. It should have an action function that corresponds to the login route; it is usually with signature public function actionLogin().
You should see the initialized model (usually, the LoginForm model). The model should have a function for login logic which is checked to determine user authenticity. You should find that this function invokes another login function which requires the User object as first argument/parameter. The function is usually the $this->getUser() function.
Looking into this will point to you a call to the actual data model that fetches user by whatever criteria/property you specify; this can be email or anything else that might not even need be unique but generally, you want to use a unique data property like username and email. This function relies on the User data model. It, by Gii default, calls the function User::findByUsername(search_property)
Yii2 provides a default User model that implements the Identity interface; that's where you want to make the adjustment you need. It should have the required static function findByUsername() or something similar. You would find that Yii2 default searches within static data to find user, you should link that to you (User) data model which I assume you generated using Gii.
My Gii sequence usually looks like such:
List item
Generate the yii2-basic/yii2-advanced using composer
Create Database (I have a user table in there) and set proper db credentials in config/db.php
Rename the default model/User.php to model/OldUser.php
Create Data Models using Gii
Make the newly generated User Model implement IdentityInterface to allow Yii2 freely-given session management by adding implements yii\web\IdentityInterface to the class declaration.
Implement all the required methods of the IdentityInterface. You can check in `model/OldUser.php' for guidance.
Create static functions to findUserByEmail($email) or findUserByUsername($username)
Mine usually look like this
I hope this helps.
I made it just change everywhere where must be email,instead of username,because of Yii default username loggin , thank u for the advices

GAS - setTag() - getTag() still not working

I'm creating a webapp which allow :
to log using data stored in a spreadsheet (login and password)
to add some data to this spreadsheet (bet on rubgy matchs)
My problem is to recognize which user is connected.
What i did so far
in the doGet function, where all panels except connection are invisible, I created a label where i'll store the login into the tag
var loginlabel=app.createLabel().setId('loginlabel').setText('test').setVisible(true);
in the connection, I store the login into a invisible label tag
var logintest=e.parameter.logint;
I want to allow people to change their own password (but I also need to retrieve the login name for other purposes, but let's take this one
When I click on "Modify password" button, I want to get the Tag, but I always get a NULL
var login=app.getElementById('loginlabel').getTag();
I'm free to share my code here or wherever
Maybe it does exist other way to do this, I'm open for advice
In a server handler you can get the tag value using
var tagValue = e.parameter.loginlabel_tag ; // assuming the label has a name = 'loginlabel'
Note that the widget must have a name to be able to retrieve the tag value (see this post among others)

Same form to includ new client and edit existing client. How to use "set value"?

I'm using same form to new client and edit client in Code Igniter. Sometimes I'll include new client so the field must be empty. However, sometimes I'll edit a client and I must put respect value to a field.
For example:
echo form_input('client_name', $client_to_edit['client_name']);
How can I use "set_values()" and $client_to_edit['client_name'] to pass data to the field?
set_value() is really only needed for form_validation and in this case you'll probably need that too. Basically you need to determine if the form is editing or for a new client, if editing it needs to run a query on the database to return that users data and pass it to a variable.
echo form_input('client_name',set_value
('client_name',($user['client_name'] ? $user['client_name']:'')));
Basically what's happening is if the form is editing you're populating the $user variable in the controller with that users data. The set value statement has 3 options. First if the form is returning from form_validation it sets it to whatever was entered when the form was posted, if there is no post data it then looks to see if $user['client_name'] exists, if it does it uses that, if it doesn't it just returns blank.