GAS - setTag() - getTag() still not working - tags

I'm creating a webapp which allow :
to log using data stored in a spreadsheet (login and password)
to add some data to this spreadsheet (bet on rubgy matchs)
My problem is to recognize which user is connected.
What i did so far
in the doGet function, where all panels except connection are invisible, I created a label where i'll store the login into the tag
var loginlabel=app.createLabel().setId('loginlabel').setText('test').setVisible(true);
in the connection, I store the login into a invisible label tag
var logintest=e.parameter.logint;
I want to allow people to change their own password (but I also need to retrieve the login name for other purposes, but let's take this one
When I click on "Modify password" button, I want to get the Tag, but I always get a NULL
var login=app.getElementById('loginlabel').getTag();
I'm free to share my code here or wherever
Maybe it does exist other way to do this, I'm open for advice

In a server handler you can get the tag value using
var tagValue = e.parameter.loginlabel_tag ; // assuming the label has a name = 'loginlabel'
Note that the widget must have a name to be able to retrieve the tag value (see this post among others)


Play - Custom validations with custom error message

I am using the Play framework in Scala to develop a small blog website. I currently have a form (successfully) set up for an easy registration of users. This login page just accepts a username (ie. no password yet), verifies that is of the appropriate length and doesn't exist yet, and adds this user to the database (currently still in memory). Length can be verified using just the basic form functionality, however, the uniqueness of this username required me to use custom validations.
Now, this all works, except for the custom error message. When a normal form requirement is not fulfilled, an error message is returned and displayed in the view (eg. "The minimum length is: 5"). I want to display a similar message when the name is not unique. In the first link I provided there is an example of custom validations which seems to have an argument that represents such custom error message for validations you write of your own. However, this does not display in the view, while the others do.
Current validation code:
private val myForm: Form[Account] =
Form(mapping("name" -> text(3, 24))(Account.apply)(Account.unapply).verifying(
"Account is not in the DB.",
fields =>
fields match {
case data: Account => accountExists(
Anyone has any ideas?

CakePHP 3 how to edit user without changing password (hashed)

I have my UsersController with my edit.ctp view. When I browse /users/edit/1, I see password field filled with ***** (filled with hash in entity User.php, using DefaultPasswordHasher). My UsersTable.php has password has required.
So, I can try:
unset($user->password); // in edit() from UsersController.php
and setting [require => false] in edit.ctp
When I save, I get
The user could not be saved. Please, try again.
Because in my UsersTable.php I have:
->requirePresence('password', 'create')
If I try to leave blank from controller I get error, if I try to fill with actual password, it hashes again.
How could I edit any user without change his password? Can I set this from model or I need to make password as not required?
I don't need show the real password to admins
I validate from controller for password_confirm (already works)
In add.ctp there is no problem because default value is always blank
I want to change password only if password field is filled
I suppose password needs to be required in Model because all users need their passwords, that's why I'm trying to keep it far from validation in controller
Validation says "on create" but even in update is needed, bug possible?
My cake version is 3.4.4
Thanks in advance
Couple of things:
Firstly, if you haven't already, you may want to mark the password field as hidden to prevent it from exposing the hash in toArray calls or JSON views.
Secondly, any data field provided to patchEntity will be validated and saved (as you've discovered), even if the value for the field is blank.
If you look at the entity with debug($user) you'll notice it tracks which fields are "dirty", and since patchEntity saw you submitted a password field (even if it was blank), it set the User entity's password to blank and marked it as "dirty". Even if you later call unset($user->password) it's still got a record of it being dirty, and so it'll attempt to validate a value for it.
You could potentially mark the field clean with $export->setDirty('password', false); but then when a new password was submitted in the form it wouldn't be saved.
A better option would be to check if the password field was blank before calling patchEntity, and unset it then:
if ($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put'])) {
$data = $this->request->getData();
$user = $this->Users->patchEntity($user, $data);

Passing data between form views in Pyramid

I'm making a project in pyramid framework, so i have a view which have a form in it with 2 input type texts and a submit button.
The form is a post method, so im getting them with a POST request.
I want to send them to a new view and display them on the screen.
on is the form on first view.
I want to display the values the user insert in the input on
I tried with HTTPfound but i guess im missing an understanding on how to really pass the variables.
Please help me...
The easiest way to accomplish is to use sessions.
You need a session backend which stores your data on a server (see pyramid_redis_session). There are also cookie-based session solutions where all data is stored on the client side.
The first view writes all passed over data to a session:
request.session["mydata"] = value
The second view reads data from the session
Another way to pass the data from one view to another is via the URL. This does not require server-side support, unlike sessions. Also, it's RESTful ;)
return HTTPFound('/here?greeting=Hello&subject=World')
In your second view you then simply get the variables from request.GET:
greeting = request.GET.get('greeting', '')
subject = request.GET.get('subject', '')
# pass the data to the template
return {
"greeting": greeting,
"subject": subject
Regarding your comment: You can't use HTTPFound with POST. You can, however, directly submit your form to /here using <form method="post" action="/here" ...>. In this case you'll be able to access the data using request.POST.get('greeting').

Same form to includ new client and edit existing client. How to use "set value"?

I'm using same form to new client and edit client in Code Igniter. Sometimes I'll include new client so the field must be empty. However, sometimes I'll edit a client and I must put respect value to a field.
For example:
echo form_input('client_name', $client_to_edit['client_name']);
How can I use "set_values()" and $client_to_edit['client_name'] to pass data to the field?
set_value() is really only needed for form_validation and in this case you'll probably need that too. Basically you need to determine if the form is editing or for a new client, if editing it needs to run a query on the database to return that users data and pass it to a variable.
echo form_input('client_name',set_value
('client_name',($user['client_name'] ? $user['client_name']:'')));
Basically what's happening is if the form is editing you're populating the $user variable in the controller with that users data. The set value statement has 3 options. First if the form is returning from form_validation it sets it to whatever was entered when the form was posted, if there is no post data it then looks to see if $user['client_name'] exists, if it does it uses that, if it doesn't it just returns blank.

MS-Access active username autofill textbox

Is there and Access equivalent to excel code Application.UserName to auto fill a text box as a default value?
Based on Feedback From HansUp I have modified as follows
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.LastChgUser = Excel.Application.UserName
End Sub
As my Load event for the form. I now receive a Compile Error: Method or Data Member Not found. THe Txt box "LastChgUser" is on a subform "Staffing" as part form "Associate Lookup"
Access' CurrentUser() function returns the Access security account name, which will be "Admin" unless you have set up user-level security.
You can use the Windows API to get the name of the current Windows user. Try the fOSUserName() function from Get Login name.
Another alternative is the Environ() function:
? Environ("USERNAME")
Although that approach is insecure, it may be adequate for your purpose: load a default value which the user will be allowed to change. However, security settings may not allow you to use it directly as the control source for a text box.