Logging with Email and Password , Not with Username Yii 2 - email

How I can manage to login with email address,not with the standart (username + password).I enter the website with my Users in my DataBase , but is there a way to change that to be with email address instead of that user name , because when I use Gii , I got a lot of errors , even I try to fix those errors

First, try to locate your SiteController or any other Controller you use for the index route. It should have an action function that corresponds to the login route; it is usually with signature public function actionLogin().
You should see the initialized model (usually, the LoginForm model). The model should have a function for login logic which is checked to determine user authenticity. You should find that this function invokes another login function which requires the User object as first argument/parameter. The function is usually the $this->getUser() function.
Looking into this will point to you a call to the actual data model that fetches user by whatever criteria/property you specify; this can be email or anything else that might not even need be unique but generally, you want to use a unique data property like username and email. This function relies on the User data model. It, by Gii default, calls the function User::findByUsername(search_property)
Yii2 provides a default User model that implements the Identity interface; that's where you want to make the adjustment you need. It should have the required static function findByUsername() or something similar. You would find that Yii2 default searches within static data to find user, you should link that to you (User) data model which I assume you generated using Gii.
My Gii sequence usually looks like such:
List item
Generate the yii2-basic/yii2-advanced using composer
Create Database (I have a user table in there) and set proper db credentials in config/db.php
Rename the default model/User.php to model/OldUser.php
Create Data Models using Gii
Make the newly generated User Model implement IdentityInterface to allow Yii2 freely-given session management by adding implements yii\web\IdentityInterface to the class declaration.
Implement all the required methods of the IdentityInterface. You can check in `model/OldUser.php' for guidance.
Create static functions to findUserByEmail($email) or findUserByUsername($username)
Mine usually look like this
I hope this helps.

I made it just change everywhere where must be email,instead of username,because of Yii default username loggin , thank u for the advices


How to implement dynamic creation of permission groups with different set of endpoints Django Rest Framework

In my project I have lot of endpoint views (APIViews, ViewSets). For all of them now I set permissions, some of them are default (e.g. AllowAny) and some are custom created:
permission_classes = (IsUserHaveSomePermission,)
Now I want to implement some flexible system, that will allow me to specify set of allowed endpoints for each user, for example:
On front-end I want to select some user and have a list of checkboxes that correspond to project's endpoints.
This is just an utopian solution, some details may be changed, but the main question is to how make something similar so that admins can basically dynamically change list of allowed endpoints/views for user?
thanks in advance
This solution can be implemented by storing if the user has permission to access the current request method and request path.
Create a new db model for storing the user, request method and request path. Lets say the name of the model is RequestPermission
Instead of the path you can store a constant representing the url so that you have the flexibility of editing the path later on. This constant can be the url name which is supported by django.
class RequestPermission(models.Model):
user = user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='request_permissions')
method = models.CharField(max_length=10)
path_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
create a custom permission class:
class IsUserResuestAllowed(permissions.BasePermission):
def has_permission(self, request, view):
user = request.user
# you can choose how to get the path_name from the path
path_name = get_path_name(request.path)
return RequestPermission.objects.filter(user=user, method=request.method, path_name=path_name).exists()
Now you can use this class as the default permission class in rest framework settings or use it per view.

TYPO3 7.6 load backend user info

I've added my own scheduler task to the TYPO3 that will, for example, create new page if necessary. The scheduler runs by a special _cli_scheduler user and if I create new pages with it, other editors may not see it.
I'm using the DataHandler (former TCE) to create new pages. The start() method accepts an optional parameter - alternative user object that will be used as a creator of the page.
Having uid of an editor user, how can I fully instantiate the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication object which then I provide to the DataHandler::start()?
I was thinking of using the object manager to get new instance of the mentioned class and just set the uid on it, but the DataHandler checks some other properties of the BackendUserAuthentication object, like permissions, etc.
What is the correct way for getting BackendUserAuthentication object will all user data? Is there any factory or a repository I could use?
No one was able to help me with this, so I started digging. After some reverse engineering I have found a complete way for loading any backend user as long as you know their ID. I have created a read-only repository with the following method:
public function fetchById($userId)
/** #var BackendUserAuthentication $user */
$user = $this->objectManager->get(BackendUserAuthentication::class);
return $user;
It will do the following:
Load user record from database and store it internally in the $user property
Load the UC of the user
Load user/group permissions
Initialize file storage
Initialize workspace
I've dumped user created by this method and compared with the currently logged-in user and it seems that all necessary properties have been set up.
Please let me know if I missed something.

How to get the current user using jsonwebtoken in Sails.js?

I've been working with Sails since couple of weeks ago, I came from Rails and I don't have any experience working with Node.js.
Now I'm trying to make a robust token authentication using jsonwebtoken.
I followed this guide http://thesabbir.com/how-to-use-json-web-token-authentication-with-sails-js/ and everything worked fine.
I'm able to make a sign up, sign in and then use the token correctly for different actions.
Now, there are some actions where I'd like to use the login user,
something like devise current_user helper.
For example, when creating a comment, this comment should belongs to the current user.
Using Sabbir Ahmed guide, in the line 33 from the isAuthorized.js policy the token gets decrypted so I can get the current user id from there.
So, my question is, what should be the best way to get the current user and be able to use it later in some controller?
For example I tried something like:
# isAuthorized.js line 34, after getting decrypted token
User.findOne({id: token.id}).exec(function findOneCB(err, found){
currentUser = found;
But, on this way, because this is an async action I can't use this currentUser in a controller.
I want to store the current user in order to be able to use it later in some controller without repeated the same code in each controller, something like a helper or maybe a service.
The trick is where you place the next(). Since you are making an async call, the control should only be transferred to next policy/ controller once the database action is competed.
You should modify the policy to:
User.findOne({id: token.id}).exec(function findOneCB(err, found){
if(err) next(err);
req.currentUser = found;
And you should be able to access the user details in controllers that use isAuthorized policy via req.currentUser
If by
For example, when creating a comment, this comment should belongs to the current user.
what you mean is certain attributes like username, and country etc, rather than querying the database after verification, what you can choose to do is to send these additional attributes to jwToken.issue in api/controllers/UsersController.js
id: user.id,
username: user.name,
country: user.country
How that helps is, you can keep api/policies/isAuthorized.js as is, and in all the controllers that you use in the future, you can access the payload values from as
token.username or token.country
Instead of having to query the database again, thereby saving you valuable response time.
Beware however, of the data you choose to send in the token (you could also send {user:user} if you want to) however, as the secret key or hashing is not required to decrypt the payload as you can figure # jwt.io , you might want to exercise restraint.

MS-Access active username autofill textbox

Is there and Access equivalent to excel code Application.UserName to auto fill a text box as a default value?
Based on Feedback From HansUp I have modified as follows
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.LastChgUser = Excel.Application.UserName
End Sub
As my Load event for the form. I now receive a Compile Error: Method or Data Member Not found. THe Txt box "LastChgUser" is on a subform "Staffing" as part form "Associate Lookup"
Access' CurrentUser() function returns the Access security account name, which will be "Admin" unless you have set up user-level security.
You can use the Windows API to get the name of the current Windows user. Try the fOSUserName() function from Get Login name.
Another alternative is the Environ() function:
? Environ("USERNAME")
Although that approach is insecure, it may be adequate for your purpose: load a default value which the user will be allowed to change. However, security settings may not allow you to use it directly as the control source for a text box.

ZEND Authentication FAILS

I have been creating user login form using the various groupcodes, the user login has to work based on the unique groupcodes.Let me explain these in detail there are two users called (X and Y) exists in the site with the following details
X loginname-testuser#gmail.com pwd- 123456 ,groupcode-TESTCODE
Y loginname-testuser#gmail.com pwd-test124, groupcode-TESTCODE2
My Authcontroller
$adapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable(Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter(),
$result = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->authenticate($adapter);
The result alwyas through the Authentication went Wrong error messsage. The default authcontroller takes the idenfity from the both the user rows, it doesn't takes from the user unique row value.
I'm not sure I completely understand the problem, but hopefully one of these solutions can help you.
First, you are passing 7 arguments to the Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable constructor, but its constructor only accepts 5 arguments, so groupcode and testcode have no effect in your code.
Since you are probably going to get more than 1 result, setting ambiguity identity flag may work for you. Set it by calling $adapter->setAmbiguityIdentity(true); so that if more than 1 result is returned, it will look at each one for a password match.
If you need to pass groupcode and testcode, then you probably need to create your own auth adapter. You could extend from Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable to take advantage of what it has already done, but override authenticate() so that it takes your groups into consideration.
Or, you could use Zend_Auth to check for an identity, but not use its authenticate method at all, and just write your own class to validate the user login, and then use Zend_Auth to set the identity.