How to launch and share from google+ app if installed - iphone

I have just implemented sharing feature for google+ using google+ SDK.
I have just used similar code like here
When I try to share something, It launches the safari and shares. Everything is OK.
I would like to launch the google+ app if installed. I could not find anything about it in docs.
Does anybody know URLScheme of google+ app? If yes which parameters can be used?
Is it officially supported by google?

Unfortunately, this is not currently possible. But you can always request a feature like this in our Issue Tracker, which you can find at
I also recommend reading the question linked in the comment above, as it does provide information about a more general use-case.


Is there a way to better configure JWPlayer's sharing functionality?

Sharing videos is critical, and it is great that JWPlayer comes with sharing functionality, but so far, I don't believe is usable for the following reasons:
The select button does not seem to work on iOS
The email button does not seem to work on iOS
The facebook does not add a thumbnail/poster of the video, which IMO, means it is too basic to expose to users on a real site.
I can accept (even if I am disappointed) that the facebook interface is not too fancy but the iOS issues are a killer, preventing me to using this feature at all. I don't know if they work on Android.
Is anybody using this feature successfully? Or is this just a marketing bullet but everybody just writes their own real implementation?
Here is one link that shows how I was trying to use:
To answer my question on at least the facebook issue, the solution is to add the proper facebook tags to the page being shared. To display an image, the following tag needs to be added:
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
But I still don't know if there are solutions/workarounds for the iOS issues

How to integrate Like feature in iPhone SDK 3.1 with Facebook sharing app

I am new to iPhone development. I’ve added Facebook sharing functionality and I also want to add the Like feature from Facebook. I’ve followed one of the examples; it works if Facebook sharing functionality hasn’t been implemented, because some files create contradiction (specifically FBRequest.h). But I want to add both sets of functionality at the same time. Any suggestions?
If you are new then its not a issue. Everybody have same brain. So its not a big issue. Check
this link:
First of all understand it then implement it. I know you will surely implement this in Your
App. Best of luck.

bebo integration into iphone application

Hi. I am developing one application for iPhone. In which I have integrated twitter, facebook, Myspace. Using my app I can update status and image. In the same way I want to integrate Bebo social networking site.
I find Bebo's developer site here. But I did not found any API related to Objective C or iPhone related stuff. How can I do this integration?
It doesn't look like there's an existing API for bebo access on iPhone.
You'll have to think about rolling your own. The site you posted a link to seems to have useful info. Or there's some (hard on the eye) info here:

Deviant Art API or SDK for iPhone?

Do you have any idea if there is available an official DeviantArt API or SDK for iPhone?
I am building an application and I would like to integrate a search through Deviant Art public feed.
Is this possible?
There is no official API or SDK for the iPhone. From reviewing their forums, it has been suggested many times, but so far has not been provided.
There's something called DiFi: that may be worth a try.
If that doesn't work, you could try interacting with the web site using a hidden UIWebView by using the – stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: method. I've used this in the past to interact with web sites that do not provide an API.
That's a wonderful idea, Andrei, but I don't think deviantart has any APIs available. However, what you want to do might not be impossible, you would just need to build your app to work with deviantart's website.

How do I add a task to Things using the URI scheme?

The iPhone/iPad app 'Things' has a registered URI scheme. I know it exists:
in Safari launches Things.
I'd like to use it from a web application.
Is there any documentation for it?
They've replied on the forums and posted an example there. They plan to put a documentation site up. Best to wait for that. But if you're impatient like me, here's the bookmarklet I'm successfully using on my iPhone:
Ask the developers for documentation (on twitter or in the forums).
Once you know the parameters you can use the URI just as a normal URL in your web app.
I've been discussing the same thing on the forums, here:,48550,49111#msg-49111
I've also asked on Twitter. So far our attempts haven't discovered the parameters, and there is no documentation. Hopefully we'll get a response soon.
This is an email I received from them on Dec 22, 2010:
I wanted to let you know that we have now implemented a Things URI scheme that lets you add tasks to Things like so:
This will be released in our upcoming major releases for the iPhone (1.4) and iPad (1.7).