Deviant Art API or SDK for iPhone? - iphone

Do you have any idea if there is available an official DeviantArt API or SDK for iPhone?
I am building an application and I would like to integrate a search through Deviant Art public feed.
Is this possible?

There is no official API or SDK for the iPhone. From reviewing their forums, it has been suggested many times, but so far has not been provided.
There's something called DiFi: that may be worth a try.
If that doesn't work, you could try interacting with the web site using a hidden UIWebView by using the – stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: method. I've used this in the past to interact with web sites that do not provide an API.

That's a wonderful idea, Andrei, but I don't think deviantart has any APIs available. However, what you want to do might not be impossible, you would just need to build your app to work with deviantart's website.


How to launch and share from google+ app if installed

I have just implemented sharing feature for google+ using google+ SDK.
I have just used similar code like here
When I try to share something, It launches the safari and shares. Everything is OK.
I would like to launch the google+ app if installed. I could not find anything about it in docs.
Does anybody know URLScheme of google+ app? If yes which parameters can be used?
Is it officially supported by google?
Unfortunately, this is not currently possible. But you can always request a feature like this in our Issue Tracker, which you can find at
I also recommend reading the question linked in the comment above, as it does provide information about a more general use-case.

How to integrate Salesforce in iphone app?

can any one help me in integrating salesforce in my app.I have made account in sales force and also created the remote-acces key.Can anyone tell how to ad objects ,dashboards etc in the iPhone app.I also want to know how to access the data on salesforce .for e.g. i want to get all the custom objects in salesforce and also want to create custom objects from iPhone app.Can anyone guide me in this respect.Any help is appreciated.
There are many ways to do it. I advice you to read carefully and choose the best way to do it.
Here are some links to read about it:
Making Salesforce and PayPal Work Together
SDK Project
Good Documentation and code
Salesforce provides mobiles SDK for iPhone, Android & hybrid platforms.
This SDK has samples on how to start with. There are lot of documentations available.
Basically the SDK helps to authenticate with Salesforce using oAuth, communicating with the objects using RestKit.
Refer the following URLs to start with..
Download the mobile SDK from the following URL.
There is a discussion forum
API docs

bebo integration into iphone application

Hi. I am developing one application for iPhone. In which I have integrated twitter, facebook, Myspace. Using my app I can update status and image. In the same way I want to integrate Bebo social networking site.
I find Bebo's developer site here. But I did not found any API related to Objective C or iPhone related stuff. How can I do this integration?
It doesn't look like there's an existing API for bebo access on iPhone.
You'll have to think about rolling your own. The site you posted a link to seems to have useful info. Or there's some (hard on the eye) info here:

iPhone Facebook Graph API library

Is there an library for the iPhone using the new Facebook Graph API yet?
This library is great:
I am using it with great success in a current iPad project.
Update: Author just posted code to github:
Update: Please check if you find post to FB crashing while using code
Not that I have seen and trying to write something myself has been without success. I am VERY disappointed with Facebook and there lack of support in this area especially since they want developers to move over to the API, however iPhone developers are SOL at the moment which is a shame since using their current SDK is a pain in the ass with all of their callbacks and delegates. It is not very clean at all.
FB Graph API SDK for iPhone is rumored to be released during WWDC. Android SDK is already officially announced (but not released, yet).

How can I integrate LinkedIn within an iPhone application?

I need your help to know regarding integrating linkedin with my iPhone Application.
I do Googling and am able to create an API for LinkedIn. Using link.
But since I am newbie, I stop here. I have both API Key and Secret Key, But I don't know how do I use it to make it Successful in iPhone Application.
So it's my request to you all to suggest me proper way. Maybe I will learn something new from you.
For other folks looking for sample iPhone applications for LinkedIn, I wrote a sample client which is on GitHub (which was presented at the Silicon Valley iOS Meetup last year):
Please try LIExplorer for iOS. It seems to be a promising library which provides LinkedIn authentication and API calls. It also manages token caching.
Download a library from :
In this library .c file is also used that's why use compile source as: Objective-C (in build settings) instead of file type.
Write this code in your click event:
profileTabView=[[ProfileTabView alloc] init];
profileTabView.view.frame=CGRectMake(0, 0, profileTabView.view.frame.size.width, profileTabView.view.frame.size.height);
[self.view addSubview:profileTabView.view];