How do I add a task to Things using the URI scheme? - iphone

The iPhone/iPad app 'Things' has a registered URI scheme. I know it exists:
in Safari launches Things.
I'd like to use it from a web application.
Is there any documentation for it?

They've replied on the forums and posted an example there. They plan to put a documentation site up. Best to wait for that. But if you're impatient like me, here's the bookmarklet I'm successfully using on my iPhone:

Ask the developers for documentation (on twitter or in the forums).
Once you know the parameters you can use the URI just as a normal URL in your web app.

I've been discussing the same thing on the forums, here:,48550,49111#msg-49111
I've also asked on Twitter. So far our attempts haven't discovered the parameters, and there is no documentation. Hopefully we'll get a response soon.

This is an email I received from them on Dec 22, 2010:
I wanted to let you know that we have now implemented a Things URI scheme that lets you add tasks to Things like so:
This will be released in our upcoming major releases for the iPhone (1.4) and iPad (1.7).

Related redirect not functioning properly

I have been going back and forth with my dev teams today to determine an issue that has come up. It appears that links shortened by are not being directed to the proper URL on mobile devices only. This URL will take you to the appropriate place on a desktop computer, but put it into a mobile device browser on your phone and it is broken. The URL that the mobile device renders is a very old link from our old web structure from more than a year ago.
Further it is appending a GA tag for our affiliate program platform as well as a reference code that does not exist in our affiliate program.
My dev guys think it may be something to do with this new deep linking on mobile that recently rolled out. When I called, they said they've never heard or seen of this before and asked I send an email to their support group which I've done.
Was hoping someone here may have some ideas as well.
Thanks in advance.
DISCLAIMER: I'm a developer at Bitly
This is a bug caused by our on-going affiliate test.
We're pushing out a fix for this link now and it should be working properly within the next 30 minutes.
If other links stop working for you in the future, please contact us at or and we'd be happy to look into it.

How to launch and share from google+ app if installed

I have just implemented sharing feature for google+ using google+ SDK.
I have just used similar code like here
When I try to share something, It launches the safari and shares. Everything is OK.
I would like to launch the google+ app if installed. I could not find anything about it in docs.
Does anybody know URLScheme of google+ app? If yes which parameters can be used?
Is it officially supported by google?
Unfortunately, this is not currently possible. But you can always request a feature like this in our Issue Tracker, which you can find at
I also recommend reading the question linked in the comment above, as it does provide information about a more general use-case.

How to integrate Like feature in iPhone SDK 3.1 with Facebook sharing app

I am new to iPhone development. I’ve added Facebook sharing functionality and I also want to add the Like feature from Facebook. I’ve followed one of the examples; it works if Facebook sharing functionality hasn’t been implemented, because some files create contradiction (specifically FBRequest.h). But I want to add both sets of functionality at the same time. Any suggestions?
If you are new then its not a issue. Everybody have same brain. So its not a big issue. Check
this link:
First of all understand it then implement it. I know you will surely implement this in Your
App. Best of luck.

Can my iPhone app register its own launch URL with a http schema, rather than a custom one?

Ive implemented this feature in a few apps without issue, but have yet to test whether it will handle custom web urls, like the YouTube and GoogleMaps apps do.
As Im not at a mac I thought Id pose the question as it will be useful for other people.
This question suggests its possible, but doesnt say how without using a 3rd party service: add custom URL Schema using http://
It may seem a stupid question but one of my devs needs to know and Im not there to help/test this at the moment
Yes! Here's a very nice tutorial on it:

iOS Development: All I need to do is post a tweet

I've been researching the latest ways to integrate Twitter into my app and it appears the best (most painless) approach is to use the MGTwitterEngine, and the best tutorial I could find to implement this is a 3-part series. If all I need to do is allow the user to login to their twitter account and post a single tweet that's always the same, is there an easier way to do that than following the tutorial I linked to?
Thanks so much for your wisdom. If the alternatives aren't much easier, no problem, I'm not so lazy that I can't follow a tutorial, I was just wondering if there's a quicker way that I didn't see.
Create a button that opens a UIWebView when clicked. Build the URL using details here: Simple - about 10 lines of code.
I'm a big fan of st3fan's (Stefan Arentz) project. It's very easy to integrate and includes whole views that you can just use, easily customizable too.
Plan your Twitter implementation ahead - with an iPhone project you will want to use xAuth authentication which does not require a round trip to the web browser.* You have to first register your app and then request permission for your application to use this method. Check the Twitter developer pages for more details.
*or not. But I hate leaving the app to post tweets.