Is there a way to better configure JWPlayer's sharing functionality? - facebook

Sharing videos is critical, and it is great that JWPlayer comes with sharing functionality, but so far, I don't believe is usable for the following reasons:
The select button does not seem to work on iOS
The email button does not seem to work on iOS
The facebook does not add a thumbnail/poster of the video, which IMO, means it is too basic to expose to users on a real site.
I can accept (even if I am disappointed) that the facebook interface is not too fancy but the iOS issues are a killer, preventing me to using this feature at all. I don't know if they work on Android.
Is anybody using this feature successfully? Or is this just a marketing bullet but everybody just writes their own real implementation?
Here is one link that shows how I was trying to use:

To answer my question on at least the facebook issue, the solution is to add the proper facebook tags to the page being shared. To display an image, the following tag needs to be added:
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
But I still don't know if there are solutions/workarounds for the iOS issues


How to launch and share from google+ app if installed

I have just implemented sharing feature for google+ using google+ SDK.
I have just used similar code like here
When I try to share something, It launches the safari and shares. Everything is OK.
I would like to launch the google+ app if installed. I could not find anything about it in docs.
Does anybody know URLScheme of google+ app? If yes which parameters can be used?
Is it officially supported by google?
Unfortunately, this is not currently possible. But you can always request a feature like this in our Issue Tracker, which you can find at
I also recommend reading the question linked in the comment above, as it does provide information about a more general use-case.

How to integrate Like feature in iPhone SDK 3.1 with Facebook sharing app

I am new to iPhone development. I’ve added Facebook sharing functionality and I also want to add the Like feature from Facebook. I’ve followed one of the examples; it works if Facebook sharing functionality hasn’t been implemented, because some files create contradiction (specifically FBRequest.h). But I want to add both sets of functionality at the same time. Any suggestions?
If you are new then its not a issue. Everybody have same brain. So its not a big issue. Check
this link:
First of all understand it then implement it. I know you will surely implement this in Your
App. Best of luck.

How to get website to show better in iPhone and iPad? (width too little)

I am working with a website that works well in most browsers (all I have tested) but in iPhone (4) with ios5 it doesn't look that nice.
It somehow cut appr 80-100 px off the website's right part, and thus hide text and images.
How can I set this website to force iPhone (and iPads) to show all?
The width is 1030 px. Usually I see that iPhone then "zoom" the webpage to fit the screen, but somehow not this.
Here is the site
I have been fooling around with the css to see if it helps, but now I haven't found it.
Any idea?
Do I need to use some javascript, or should I modify the design somehow?
PS: I am not looking into making a "mobile website" right now, just get the current website to show all in iPhones etc.
#Jeroen had the best answer in my situation:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=1030, maximum-scale=1.0" />
As Jeroen didn't submit as an answer I post it here as the answer :-)
I put the above meta in my website's , and it worked like a charm! Thank you Jeroen
A couple of solutions:
1) I would try media queries to specifically target smaller devices, see here:
2) Alternatively you could target iOS devices directly, try this solution: Loading JS script for only iOS devices?
The usual solution to this kind of problems is to create different stylesheets for different browsers. Do some research to know from where is the user connecting (IE, chrome, ipad, etc) and bind css accordingly.

App-store: Is it a good idea to include a youtube video link in the description of an app?

Will the viewers be able to click on a link from a description or is this not possible as far as how the app-store works?
I'd like to show the users what the app will look like before they buy it by showing them a video of it on youtube.
p.s and no, this is not a marketing question. Only programmers know the answer to this question because we're the ones that are usually writing the description and hooking it all up. I want to know if feasible or not as far as apple is concerned. If you don't like the question, let someone else answer it.
I don't think Apple will like the users being taken out of the App Store, especially on the devices. Also, as the description is text only and there is no way to copy&paste text, putting a link will be pointless.
I would rather embed the video on the website referred as the developer website.
I don't think it is possible to have clickable links in the app store description. I have seen clickable links in updates notes for an app.
Most Links to YouTube I have seen in the App Store use a url shortener as plain text in the description.

How to direct my users to my iPhone enabled site?

I have made an iPhone friendly version of my site, that I want to direct my users to.
The big question now is how to direct my users to this site. There are a few alternatives:
Redirect the user based on the user agent, e.g. if the user agent sent by the browser contains "iPhone" or android or whatever.
If the user agent matches the above criteria, display a notice on the original site telling the user that an iPhone version is available.
Which one is the most user-friendly? Another dimension to consider is the SEO aspect. How do I show Google that my site is iPhone capable?
I recently found some relevant posts on the Google Webmaster Tools homepage:
Help Google index your mobile site
Running Desktop and mobile versions of your site
phidah above has some good links, but remember: always include a link to view the desktop version. nothing is more frustrating than a limited mobile version when the desktop works just fine on the iPhone. there are exceptions, of course - for example if your desktop is mostly flash :p
This strikes me as more of a user experience question than a programming design decision. I would build either solution depending on what makes sense for your site, and your users. If you do go the redirect route, and the content on both version of the site are the same, I wouldn't worry to much about google. If the content is different, I would make sure both sites are visible to googlebot.
Nearly every site that I visit that has a mobile/iPhone version that just redirects me automatically, and then at the bottom there is a link to go to the full version if I want.
For SEO I don't think this would hurt anything, since web crawlers aren't run on mobile devices.
Check out the links below.
web dev kit
and for css info on detection
css Info
it is some of the better info I have found, hope it helps.