Postgres / SQL::Abstract "Not In Range" Operation - perl

Postgres has some cool range operators for handling ranges:
...but doesn't appear to have anything to handle 'not' being in a range. For instance, the #> operator means 'contains element' or 'contains range'. But equally helpful would be the !#> operator, which doesn't seem to exist.
If I'm trying to say "query where date is not in range", is there any solution other than using a conditional expression? I'm using SQL::Abstract, which doesn't support expressions without using literal SQL, which I would like to avoid.

I do it this way
FALSE = INT4RANGE(1,5) #> 5

I would recommend using NOT BETWEEN date AND date.
Sorry, you may still end up using a SQL literal.


Regrex query in DB2-LUW

I need a regrex query to match any string having given character. So i tried for example
So i am expecting to fetch all the strings having 115 somewhere in between each string. I tried many combinations but i am getting empty column or weird combination.
Are you sure You need a regex? You write "all the strings having 115 somewhere in between each string", but test for a all-digit string with "115" somewhere...
Btw. this could be done also without regex:
AND TRANSLATE(wt.CHGUSER, '', '0123456789') --if You really want to test all-digit string
why not use the native "LIKE" expression?
where wt.CHGUSER like '%115%'
This will give different results than your regexp because your expression is looking for '115' so long as there is a digit immediate before and after it. A more generic regexp, which matches your question, would be '.*115.*'
What about -
REGEXP_LIKE (wt.CHGUSER, '^*\d115\d*$');

Microsoft graph Mail Search Strict value

I have an issue with the search parameters. I want to pass a phrase in my query. For exemple i'm looking for emails where the subject is "Test 1".
For this i'm doing a get on this ressource.$search="subject:Test 1"
But the behaviour of this query is : Looking for mails that contains "Test" in the subject OR 1 in any other fields.
Refering to the KQL Syntax
A phrase (includes two or more words together, separated by spaces; however, the words must be enclosed in double quotation marks)
So, to do what i want i have to put double quotes (") around my phrase to do a strict value search. Like below
subject:"Test 1"
The problem it's at this point. Microsoft graph api already use double quotes (") after the parameters $search.
?$search="Key words"
So I can't do what is mentioned in the KQL doc.$search="subject:"Test 1""
It's throwing an error :
"Syntax error: character '1' is not valid at position 15 in '\"subject:\"test 1\"\"'.",
It's an expected behaviour. I was pretty sure it will not work.
If someone has any suggestions for a solution or a workaround, I'm a buyer.
What I've already tried so far :
Use simple quote
Remove the quotes right after $select=
Remove the subject part $select="Test 1", same behaviour as the first request mentioned in this post. It will looks for emails that contain "test" or "1".
Best regards.
After sasfrog's anwser :
I used $filter : It works well with simple operator AND, OR.I have some errors by using the Not Operator. And btw you have to use the orderby parameter to show the result by date and add the field in filter parameters.
Exemple 1 (working, what I asked for first) :$orderby=receivedDateTime desc &$filter=receivedDateTime ge 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z AND contains(subject,'test 1')
Exemple 2 (not working)$orderby=receivedDateTime desc &$filter=(receivedDateTime ge 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z AND contains(subject,'test 1')) NOT(contains(from/EmailAddress/address,[specific address]))
After some test with the filter parameters.
The NOT operator is still not working so to workaround use "ne" (non-equals)
the example 2 becomes :$orderby=receivedDateTime desc&$filter=(receivedDateTime ge 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z AND contains(subject,'test 1')) AND (from/EmailAddress/address ne [specific address])
Using $filter is great but it looks like it was sometimes pretty slow. So I found a workaround aboutmy issue.
It's to use AND operator between all terms.
Exemple 4 :
I'm looking for the mails where the subject is test 1;
Let value = "test 1". So you have to splice it by using space separator. And after write some code to manipulate this array, to obtain something like below.
$search="(subject:test AND subject:1)"
The brackets can be important if you use a multiple fields search. And Voilà.
Not sure if it's sufficient for what you're doing, but how about using the contains function within a filter query instead:$filter=contains(subject,'Test 1')
Sounds like you're already looking at the doco but here it is just in case.
Update also, this worked for me using the search method:$search="subject:'Test 1'"

In DB2 SQL RegEx, how can a conditional replacement be done without CASE WHEN END..?

I have a DB2 v7r3 SQL SELECT statement with three instances of REGEXP_SUBSTR(), all with the same regex pattern string, each of which extract one of three groups.
I'd like to change the first SUBSTR to REGEXP_REPLACE() to do a conditional replacement if there's no match, to insert a default value similarly to the ELSE section of a CASE...END. But I can't make it work. I could easily use a CASE, but it seems more compact & efficient to use RegEx.
For example, I have descriptions of food containers sizes, in various states of completeness:
The last two don't have the 'nnX' part at the beginning, in which case '1X' is assumed and needs to be inserted.
This is my current working pattern string:
The groups returned are: quantity, size, and unit.
But only the first group needs the conditional replacement:
This RexEgg webpage describes the (?=...) operator, and it seems to be what I need, but I'm not sure. It's in the list of operators for my version of DB2, but I can't make it work. Frankly, it's a bit deeper than my regex knowledge, and I can't even make it work in my favorite online regex tester, Regex101.
So...does anyone have any idea or suggestions..? Thanks.
Try this (replace "digits not followed by X_or_digit"):
with t(s) as (values
, '6X350'
, '1X1500'
, '1500'
, '1125'
select regexp_replace(s, '^([\d]+(?![X\d]))', '1X\1')
from t;

What does ~ ‘^[0-9]+$’ mean in PostgreSQL

I’m trying to understand what ~ '^[0-9]+$' means. Would it be any integer that contains 0-9? Or doesn’t contain 0-9?
Is the ~ equivalent to LIKE in MS SQL?
Looking at, you will find, that ~ means:
"Matches regular expression, case sensitive"
'^[0-9]+$' is a regular expression, with:
^: from string start
$: til string end
[0-9]+: one or more digits.
I don't know how you define integer, but e.g. '0000' is matched as well.
SqlServer does not support complete regular expression syntax out of the box and like does not handle regular expressions in PostgreSQL as well, therefore it is not equivalent to ~.

T-SQL syntax issue with "LTRIM(RTRIM())" not working correctly

What is wrong with this statement that it is still giving me spaces after the field. This makes me think that the syntax combining the WHEN statements is off. My boss wants them combined in one statement. What am I doing wrong?
Case WHEN LTRIM(RTRIM(cSHortName))= '' Then NULL
WHEN cShortname is NOT NULL THEN
REPLACE (cShortName,SUBSTRING,(cShortName,PATINDEX('%A-Za-z0-9""},1,) ''_
Judging from the code, it seems that you may be trying to strip spaces and non-alphanumeric characters from the beginning and ending of the string.
If so, would this work for you?
I think it provides the substring from the first alphanumeric occurrence to the last.
( LEN(cShortName)
Replace TRIM with LTRIM.
You can also test LEN(cShortName) = 0
Ummm there seems to be some problems in this script, but try this.
WHEN cShortname is NOT NULL THEN REPLACE(cShortName, SUBSTRING(cShortName, PATINDEX('%A-Za-z0-9', 1) , ''), '')
Why do you think it is supposed not to give you spaces after the field?
As far as I understand you are trying to remove any characters from the string that do not match this regular expression range [a-zA-Z0-9] (add any other characters that you want to preserve).
I see no clean way to do that in Microsoft SQL Server (you are using Microsoft SQL Server it seems) using the built-in functions. There are some examples on the web that use a temporary table and a while loop, but this is ugly. I would either return the strings as is and process them on the caller side, or write a function that does that using the CLR and invoke it from the select statement.
I hope this helps.