Regrex query in DB2-LUW - db2

I need a regrex query to match any string having given character. So i tried for example
So i am expecting to fetch all the strings having 115 somewhere in between each string. I tried many combinations but i am getting empty column or weird combination.

Are you sure You need a regex? You write "all the strings having 115 somewhere in between each string", but test for a all-digit string with "115" somewhere...
Btw. this could be done also without regex:
AND TRANSLATE(wt.CHGUSER, '', '0123456789') --if You really want to test all-digit string

why not use the native "LIKE" expression?
where wt.CHGUSER like '%115%'
This will give different results than your regexp because your expression is looking for '115' so long as there is a digit immediate before and after it. A more generic regexp, which matches your question, would be '.*115.*'

What about -
REGEXP_LIKE (wt.CHGUSER, '^*\d115\d*$');


In DB2 SQL RegEx, how can a conditional replacement be done without CASE WHEN END..?

I have a DB2 v7r3 SQL SELECT statement with three instances of REGEXP_SUBSTR(), all with the same regex pattern string, each of which extract one of three groups.
I'd like to change the first SUBSTR to REGEXP_REPLACE() to do a conditional replacement if there's no match, to insert a default value similarly to the ELSE section of a CASE...END. But I can't make it work. I could easily use a CASE, but it seems more compact & efficient to use RegEx.
For example, I have descriptions of food containers sizes, in various states of completeness:
The last two don't have the 'nnX' part at the beginning, in which case '1X' is assumed and needs to be inserted.
This is my current working pattern string:
The groups returned are: quantity, size, and unit.
But only the first group needs the conditional replacement:
This RexEgg webpage describes the (?=...) operator, and it seems to be what I need, but I'm not sure. It's in the list of operators for my version of DB2, but I can't make it work. Frankly, it's a bit deeper than my regex knowledge, and I can't even make it work in my favorite online regex tester, Regex101.
So...does anyone have any idea or suggestions..? Thanks.
Try this (replace "digits not followed by X_or_digit"):
with t(s) as (values
, '6X350'
, '1X1500'
, '1500'
, '1125'
select regexp_replace(s, '^([\d]+(?![X\d]))', '1X\1')
from t;

Strip out the characters which is non numeric, dashes and pipes

I am trying to find a solution but somehow i am getting wrong output (referred some online solutions and confusing myself. please advise where i am going wrong.
I need to Strip out any characters that is non-numeric,dash "-" or pipe "|" using plsql.
As an example:
if I need to filter the string 0094-78556232_imk*.ext|4444; the output should be 0094-78556232|4444
REGEXP_REPLACE (col, '[^0-9|-]', '') AS col_updated
FROM yourTable;
Don't use regexp_replace, especially if performance is important.
Instead use the standard string function TRANSLATE. Like so:
select col,
translate(col, '0123456789|-' || col, '01234567890|-') as col_updated
from yourTable;
This translates each character in the col value, according to the following scheme: 0 is translated to itself, ...., - is translated to itself. Any other character in col, which is not in this list already, is "translated" to nothing, since there is nothing for it to be translated to in the third argument to the function. So those characters that are NOT on the list are simply removed from the string.

Tableau Filter Formula

I am trying to filter workgroup name that only contains BL or CL so I used the formula...
STARTSWITH([wrkgrp_shrt_nm], "BL") or STARTSWITH([wrkgrp_shrt_nm], "CL" )
I get the little green check, but when I hit apply it is blank and nothing pulls through
I tried another formula...
if right([wrkgrp_shrt_nm],2) = 'BL' then 1 elseif
right([wrkgrp_shrt_nm],2) = 'CL' then 1 elseif
right([wrkgrp_shrt_nm],2) then 0
but I am only getting an error
any suggestions?
If you want "contains", you can just call contains()
contains(wrkgrp_shrt_nm, 'BL') or contains(wrkgrp_shrt_nm, 'CL')
Does the same thing as the find() solution Fred posted, just a little easier to read in this case. I'm not sure why Fred says you cannot use IF. I use IF all the time without problems.
BTW, in case you were wondering, the square brackets around field names are optional if the field name does not include spaces or punctuation, and function names are not case sensitive.
To clarify, you're asking for "contains BL or CL", but your formula specify STARTSWITH which will be true is your field [wrkgrp_shrt_nm] starts with the string "BL" or the string "CL".
If you want "contains", you could use FIND:
FIND([wrkgrp_shrt_nm], 'BL' ) > 0 OR FIND([wrkgrp_shrt_nm], 'CL' ) > 0
You cannot use IF in a condition field, but you can use inline IF (IIF), however it's not necessary in your case.
I can totally be wrong with my comment on IF (because I'm still new in Tableau) but I tried IF in a condition field of a filter (as the OP asked) and I can't make it work. I use IF all the time in Calculated Fields however. I'll try again...

Escape character in JPQL

In JPQL what is escape character we can use to escape characters such as "'"?
Ex : I am doing something like
Here it is working fine
but when the person's name is Andy's then the where clause becomes like
and it returns an error saying
It cannot figure out where string literal ends. Solution is nicely told in specification:
A string literal that includes a single quote is represented by two
single quotes—for example: ‘literal’’s’.
In your case means:
Below is the sample code for executing query using named parameter.
Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE LIKE :name" );
query.setParameter("name", personName);
Here, you can pass string to personName which may contain special character like "Andy's".
Also, it looks much clean & doesn't require to check parameter before query execution & altering the search string.

T-SQL syntax issue with "LTRIM(RTRIM())" not working correctly

What is wrong with this statement that it is still giving me spaces after the field. This makes me think that the syntax combining the WHEN statements is off. My boss wants them combined in one statement. What am I doing wrong?
Case WHEN LTRIM(RTRIM(cSHortName))= '' Then NULL
WHEN cShortname is NOT NULL THEN
REPLACE (cShortName,SUBSTRING,(cShortName,PATINDEX('%A-Za-z0-9""},1,) ''_
Judging from the code, it seems that you may be trying to strip spaces and non-alphanumeric characters from the beginning and ending of the string.
If so, would this work for you?
I think it provides the substring from the first alphanumeric occurrence to the last.
( LEN(cShortName)
Replace TRIM with LTRIM.
You can also test LEN(cShortName) = 0
Ummm there seems to be some problems in this script, but try this.
WHEN cShortname is NOT NULL THEN REPLACE(cShortName, SUBSTRING(cShortName, PATINDEX('%A-Za-z0-9', 1) , ''), '')
Why do you think it is supposed not to give you spaces after the field?
As far as I understand you are trying to remove any characters from the string that do not match this regular expression range [a-zA-Z0-9] (add any other characters that you want to preserve).
I see no clean way to do that in Microsoft SQL Server (you are using Microsoft SQL Server it seems) using the built-in functions. There are some examples on the web that use a temporary table and a while loop, but this is ugly. I would either return the strings as is and process them on the caller side, or write a function that does that using the CLR and invoke it from the select statement.
I hope this helps.