Change application/target name in xcode - iphone

I want to develop same app (same coding ) but with different names .So gone for renaming the app.I tried changing varoius parameters like Bundle Name, Bundle Display Name, Product Name and clean the app and then build it.But build is succeeded .After fraction of second my I see the status Finished running 'appname' on iphone 6.0 simulator and my app stops running.What should I exactly change to rename my app ?

Go to the project editor and select the target you want (will go blue)
Double click on the Target name in the target view window.
Type the new name

Bundle Display Name and Bundle Identifier.
The Bundle Display Name for the name that is displayed under the app icon on your device.
The Bundle Identifier to make the device, simulator and the app store understand that there are two different apps.

change project name and click enter button.


Using Flutter I have to change MacOS apps name in dock. How can I do that?

hello I'm using flutter to make a macOS app. My project name was sayac and when I run the app as macOS app in both window name and dock name (when I hover mouse on icon) says sayac but I want to change that to zikirmatik. I changed CFBundleName in Info.plist and window name is zikirmatik now but dock name is still named sayac. How can I also change that ?
From documentation:
The configuration for the product identifiers are centralized in macos/Runner/Configs/AppInfo.xcconfig. For the app’s name, set PRODUCT_NAME, for the copyright set PRODUCT_COPYRIGHT, and finally set PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER for the app’s bundle identifier.
So in your macos/Runner/Configs/AppInfo.xcconfig you just change PRODUCT_NAME param:
// The application's name. By default this is also the title of the Flutter window.
Run flutter clean, then flutter run will show new app name.

Xcode 12 Beta 3: App Store Connect Operation Error

ERROR ITMS-90475: "Invalid Bundle. Your app supports Multitasking on iPad, so you must include the UILaunchStoryboardName key in your bundle, 'com.Thunder-Flare.Expenses’. Learn more ("
This application was made with SwiftUI interface and SwiftUI lifecycle
Click on new file and Launch Screen. Then get rid of the existing launch screen details on the plist file and add Launch screen interface file name, in string area add the file name.
Then design your storyboard however you like!

change icon/product name and image iPhone

I have given name of my application "Test" while creating my application/project in XCode 4.4.Now, I want to chage the name from "Test" to some other name.And also,I want to show an image in the icon.
I tried changing name in the Target -> Product name under packaging, But, its giving me error
Dependency error build setting product name undefined
How can I fix this?
Could any one please tell me the steps how can I change the product name and show an image in default icon, so that it will be shown when some one install my application on iPhone?
If you need to rename your product.
Select your Targets type Product Name on search bar. And Change the Product name.
Change the name in Info.plist changing Bundle Display Name property from ${PRODUCT_NAME} to the desired name.
Go to Xcode-->Project-->Rename
You can changed it from main file name where all files are available like .h and .m by single click on name of the project and then you can easily rename it and also can do this by click on edit schemes and then go to manage schemes and edit your project name. Hope it will helpful for u.
and for the icon image just name it Icon.png for iPhone 4 and for iPhone 5 just give the name Icon#2x.png, it will automatically set as icon image
If you just want to change the name of the application that is being displayed on iPhone homescreen then go to "Target" settings, "info" tab and change the value of "bundle display name", and the name of your application will be changed.
For icon, add the icon image file in your project and change its name to "icon.png" and it will pick it up automatically.

iPhone App display name

If I have an iPhone app named: MyCoolApp
How do I keep the bundle named:
But have the app name on that shows up underneath my icon read: My Cool App
I have changed my PRODUCT_NAME target setting to be "My Cool App" and changed my plist CFBundleDisplayName and CFBundleName to be "MyCoolApp". So far my app name on the device still reads "My Cool App"
I'm pretty green to this stuff still. Thanks for any help you can provide.
You might need to delete the app from the device and reload it for the change to take effect.
Sometimes when changing the Project Properties it does not work. Project Properties and Target Properties Window look the same. I have mistaken there sooo many times. ;)
The best way to do this is using a key called Bundle Display Name. It has to be added in the info.plist.
This is not a good approach as it changes your bundle identifier. All you need to change is the product display label.
Note: Make sure to include this in info.plist in your projectTests info.plist also.

How to specify image for the Settings app in iPhone app

How do I specify the image for the Setting in the iPhone for my iPhone app? What are the requirements for the images?
In addition to the settings bundle, your application bundle can contain a custom icon for your application settings. If a file with the name Icon-Settings.png is located in the top of your application’s bundle directory, that icon is used to identify your application preferences in the Settings application. If no such image file is present, the Settings application uses your application’s icon file (Icon.png by default) instead, scaling it as necessary. Your Icon-Settings.png file should be a 29 x 29 pixel image.
From "Application Preferences"
From the newest "iPhone Human Interface Guides", you should update your application bundle so that it contains only the "Icon-Small.png", instead of "Icon-Settings.png".
And to add to Squeegy's comment -- the docs state that if you don't include an image file named Icon-Settings.png, it will use the icon.png from the app. But there are times (Notifications screen) which actually don't default to the icon.png name, and you need to specify the name (icon.png) in your info.plist file. Good practice to do it.