Xcode 12 Beta 3: App Store Connect Operation Error - swift

ERROR ITMS-90475: "Invalid Bundle. Your app supports Multitasking on iPad, so you must include the UILaunchStoryboardName key in your bundle, 'com.Thunder-Flare.Expenses’. Learn more (https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/iPhoneOSKeys.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009252-SW40)."
This application was made with SwiftUI interface and SwiftUI lifecycle

Click on new file and Launch Screen. Then get rid of the existing launch screen details on the plist file and add Launch screen interface file name, in string area add the file name.
Then design your storyboard however you like!


NSWorkspace.shared.icon(forFile:) does not return icon image

I am working on a MacOS application where the app should show the application icons. For some app it works, for some apps it don't.
One the app for which I do not get the application icon image is the Notes.app.
let icon = NSWorkspace.shared.icon(forFile: "/Applications/Notes.app")
For Numbers.app, for example, it is loading the app icon as expected.
What is the reason behind?
I have figured out that icons are only appearing for those applications where the application has an associated filetype. Applications which do not have associations does not return the icon.
There must be a was to open an .icns file. The path to it is clearly accessible and the content of the icon file should be too.
Ok. I have figured out that some Applications are located under /System/Applications, but appears under /Applications too. This is causing the problem above.

Change application/target name in xcode

I want to develop same app (same coding ) but with different names .So gone for renaming the app.I tried changing varoius parameters like Bundle Name, Bundle Display Name, Product Name and clean the app and then build it.But build is succeeded .After fraction of second my I see the status Finished running 'appname' on iphone 6.0 simulator and my app stops running.What should I exactly change to rename my app ?
Go to the project editor and select the target you want (will go blue)
Double click on the Target name in the target view window.
Type the new name
Bundle Display Name and Bundle Identifier.
The Bundle Display Name for the name that is displayed under the app icon on your device.
The Bundle Identifier to make the device, simulator and the app store understand that there are two different apps.
change project name and click enter button.

Trying to upload app get "Icon specified in info.plist not found under the top level app wrapper

I'm trying to upload a new app I maid to the itunes store.
I'm getting the following error
"Icon specified in info.plist not found under the top level app wrapper
I have added the icons by dragging on dropping them summery screen
Check that the icon file is added in the Copy Bundle Resources build phase.

Adding iPad XIB to a View Based Application Template Application in XCode 4

I've created a View Based Application in XCode4; when creating the application I selected iPhone as the Device Family:
The application was created with the following files:
I designed the UI on the TestushViewController.xib file and without adding any code in the Delegate files, the application is uploading immediately to the TestushViewController.xib view and I'm very happy about it.
Now I want to add an iPad xib. How do I do that?
(I knew how to do it in XCode 3, but I used some code in the Delegate file, and now if I try to use the same code it doesn't work because the template default implementation works differently - Apple uses #class TestushViewController and self.window.rootViewController = self.viewController and it goes directly to the iPhone.xib. I don't know how to go around it without changing the entire thing to the way it was done in XCode3)
You'll need to structure your code in a similar way that the Window Template does. The file structure that template uses when the "Universal" option is ticked at creation is:
App Name/
The iPhone and iPad AppDelegates are simply subclasses of the AppNameAppDelegate
#interface YourAppNameAppDelegate_iPhone : YourAppNameAppDelegate {}
In your target summary you can set what .xib file is initially loaded for each device. It is called the "Main Interface" and has a pulldown menu.
Quite frankly, if you're wanting to do a universal app (iPhone + iPad) it's probably easier just to start with the Window Template and add in your view controllers instead of starting with the View template and trying to change it up.

NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib ind bundle

I am developing an application for the iPad. The application has following details:
Base SDK: 4.2
Deployment Target: 3.2
The application is a game application and it has got 10 rounds.
In each round I am loading 6 controllers and after the completion of each round again the same cycle starts.
The application works fine till 4 rounds but at the end of 4th round it crashes given following error:
"NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib ind bundle:"
I have checked for everything solution like checking the nib file name, checking the nib file path. Nib file name and nib file path both are correct and targets are also correct but still it crashes.
Any help for this will be appreciated.
Right click your nib file in xcode and make sure its type is 'file.xib'.
I had this problem too, in my case the cause was that my project had no localization to italian but the app was running under "it" settings.
The simulator has English as regional setting by default, everything was ok on it while the actual device had italian settings, so the app crashes immediately when attempting to load the RootViewController, because it was looking for an italian version of it.
In XCode I added an italian localized version to the RootViewController (now I see two entries under it, one for english created by default and italian). Note that you don't need to do the real translations in the view, it's enough that you create it and leave as default. Xcode copies all labels and text from the original view, you just leave as is for the moment.
You'll have to do this for each view controller in your project. Refer to Apple docs, for explanations on internationalization and localization here.
As a workaround, some people might prefer to change the device regional settings to English while performing tests...