iPhone App display name - iphone

If I have an iPhone app named: MyCoolApp
How do I keep the bundle named: MyCoolApp.app
But have the app name on that shows up underneath my icon read: My Cool App
I have changed my PRODUCT_NAME target setting to be "My Cool App" and changed my plist CFBundleDisplayName and CFBundleName to be "MyCoolApp". So far my app name on the device still reads "My Cool App"
I'm pretty green to this stuff still. Thanks for any help you can provide.

You might need to delete the app from the device and reload it for the change to take effect.

Sometimes when changing the Project Properties it does not work. Project Properties and Target Properties Window look the same. I have mistaken there sooo many times. ;)

The best way to do this is using a key called Bundle Display Name. It has to be added in the info.plist.
This is not a good approach as it changes your bundle identifier. All you need to change is the product display label.
Note: Make sure to include this in info.plist in your projectTests info.plist also.


App title within settings application different from title on home screen?

Is this possible? Basically, I want to name my app Foo on the home screen, and BarFoo within the settings application on the device. I did find this SO answer, which suggests it's not possible, without quite saying as much in so many words.
This is not possible. Apple uses the same string in both locations.
I think you want to change your application's bundle display name. You will find that in your info.plist under CFBundleDisplayName.

XCode won't accept my 57x57 size icon?

I'm trying to archive my app with XCode. I have 4 different icons (57, 72, 114, 144).
It works fine when I drop them in but when I try to validate it after building I get the following...
If I go back and try to replace the 57px icon with a 72px icon I get this message.
Why is this happening?
Here is the values in plist, haven't done anything here manually.
Here is the apple doc for icons
In case the above link gets expired I'm including the screen shot, I know it's the content are impossible to see, here is the image link. Btw you can always right click on the image and copy image location and open it in new tab.
Here is how you can specify icons
In theory you can name them whatever you want for iPad as long as they are in the info.plist. In order to support older version of iOS, I always name them the way apple recommand, which has already been quoted by Inder Kumar Rathore.
Take a look at here to see how to Add Icon files in Info.plist
#PhlipK: Your info.plist looks very different from mine, here is how mine looks like.
Take a look at the link I mentioned above and try to edit your info.plist see if that works.

How do I change the text directly beneath the icon of my iphone app

There is small text beneath the icon names when you are in the home screen of the ipod.
My text is much too long and it looks like "Cedr..egg"
I was wondering if there was a way to change that text to a shorter name?
I think what you're looking for is Bundle Display Name in the info.plist file.
You can change the name of the app by renaming the app in the Applications folder in iTunes.
If you are looking to do this in Xcode you are looking for the LocalizedApplicationNames.strings file.
NOTE: This may prevent automatic upgrades in the future.

Can an iphone app change its home screen icon and name after installation?

Can an iphone app change its home screen icon and name after installation?
What i want to do is make a generic application for several of our clients, that upon installation and login by users it detects which of our client it applies to and changes its icon and name to reflect the appropriate branding.
Is this going to be possible? Or are we simply going to have to make (and submit for approval...) one app per client?
Updated: since iOS 10 it's possible to change the application icon from the list of pre-defined ones in the Info.plist. However display name still stays the constant.
Outdated: Since app's name is in Info.plist which resides with app's icon in app's bundle (which is readonly) - it cannot. You can only change your app's name and icon after releasing an update into the appstore. You may though change application icon's badge value. But as I see in your scenario - it won't fit your needs at all.

Where can I find and change the setting that specifies the name of the iOS application?

I've created an iPhone app project in Xcode and I'd like to change the name that is displayed under the app icon, as well as in alerts, etc. By default, the name of the app is the same as the name of the project. How can I change the name of my iOS app?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Look for "Bundle display name" inside your application info.plist.