How to specify image for the Settings app in iPhone app - iphone

How do I specify the image for the Setting in the iPhone for my iPhone app? What are the requirements for the images?

In addition to the settings bundle, your application bundle can contain a custom icon for your application settings. If a file with the name Icon-Settings.png is located in the top of your application’s bundle directory, that icon is used to identify your application preferences in the Settings application. If no such image file is present, the Settings application uses your application’s icon file (Icon.png by default) instead, scaling it as necessary. Your Icon-Settings.png file should be a 29 x 29 pixel image.
From "Application Preferences"

From the newest "iPhone Human Interface Guides", you should update your application bundle so that it contains only the "Icon-Small.png", instead of "Icon-Settings.png".

And to add to Squeegy's comment -- the docs state that if you don't include an image file named Icon-Settings.png, it will use the icon.png from the app. But there are times (Notifications screen) which actually don't default to the icon.png name, and you need to specify the name (icon.png) in your info.plist file. Good practice to do it.


Icon file names iOS 7

How do I have to name the Icon files for Xcode 5?
It gives always errors that de app is not on the top level, it is really frustrating.
Can someone give me the filenames that you have to use for every resolution?
icon file name and size for ios 7 compatible app as below (iPhone)
Icon.png - 57*57
Icon#2x.png - 114*114
Icon-Small.png - 29*29
Icon-Small#2x.png - 58*58
Icon-40.png - 40*40
Icon-40#2x.png - 80*80
Icon-60#2x.png - 120*120
Icon-76.png - 76 x 76
Icon-76#2x.png 152 x 152
(EDIT: corrected names of 120 & 40 sizes, and added 76 + 152)
Asset Catalog is the best thing for setting application icons... It removes the need to follow naming conventions when you are adding or updating your app icons...
You can use this for setting splash screens & application icons..
In Xcode 5 you can find this options..
1- In the project navigator, select your target.
2- Select the General pane, and scroll to the App Icons section.
It really doesn't matter how you name them. If you're using the new catalog feature, you can just drag the icons into each slot.
I've named them in different ways and it hasn't mattered. Ex. app_icon_72.png, app_icon_144.png or app_icon72#2x.png.
Please refer this url, you will get good idea about application icons naming convention
I have collected all required sizes for iOS 9+
Application Icon for iTunes, iPhone and iPad
for three types : App, Spotlight and Settings
including Retina and non retina screens needs Icons in following different sizes (in pixels).
Even Xcode guide us for this
Also you can check apple's Icon and Image Sizes guidelines
For naming convention
iOS 5 no longer requires specific file names for various icon files. HOWEVER - If you include spaces in the icon file names (or probably any other illegal non-alphanumeric character) the icon files won't work.
If you are not using Image catalog in Xcode-5 & still you are getting the error "app is not on the top level", then you are just messed with the location of your icon files. You should keep your icons files in your project folder in the same location where your PROJECT.xcodeProj file resides.
As #JackD said specific name doesn't matter's any more for ios icon. All you need is perfect size.
I have created this application which will provide you all the icons based on information provided here. Get the application from here, and follow the instructions in readme file to create all the required icons for iOS application.
This link has all the required filenames and resolutions:
But noticed that under the section: "Icons for Universal Apps", the filename for both 58x58 and 87x87 are the same Icon-Small#2x.png. Anyone knows what should be the proper names for these 2 resolutions?
1) 58x58
Settings on devices with retina display
Recommended if you have a Settings bundle, optional otherwise
2) 87x87
Settings on iPhone 6 Plus
Recommended if you have a Settings bundle, optional otherwise

Change application/target name in xcode

I want to develop same app (same coding ) but with different names .So gone for renaming the app.I tried changing varoius parameters like Bundle Name, Bundle Display Name, Product Name and clean the app and then build it.But build is succeeded .After fraction of second my I see the status Finished running 'appname' on iphone 6.0 simulator and my app stops running.What should I exactly change to rename my app ?
Go to the project editor and select the target you want (will go blue)
Double click on the Target name in the target view window.
Type the new name
Bundle Display Name and Bundle Identifier.
The Bundle Display Name for the name that is displayed under the app icon on your device.
The Bundle Identifier to make the device, simulator and the app store understand that there are two different apps.
change project name and click enter button.

Localized App Icons with Retina Display for iOS

I have issues showing a localized app icon with retina display support.
How could this be done?
I tried to make Icon.png and Icon#2x.png localized, then I tried to make the proj-Info.plist localized and try to link to different Images.
But only the Icon of the project language are being shown...
You need to create one infoplist.strings file for each of the language. For that, create language.lproj folders manually and put Infoplist.string file in each of the folder.
Inside the file enter the following: CFBundleIconFile="Icon_en.png" or CFBundleIconFile = "Icon_pt.png".

Can an iphone app change its home screen icon and name after installation?

Can an iphone app change its home screen icon and name after installation?
What i want to do is make a generic application for several of our clients, that upon installation and login by users it detects which of our client it applies to and changes its icon and name to reflect the appropriate branding.
Is this going to be possible? Or are we simply going to have to make (and submit for approval...) one app per client?
Updated: since iOS 10 it's possible to change the application icon from the list of pre-defined ones in the Info.plist. However display name still stays the constant.
Outdated: Since app's name is in Info.plist which resides with app's icon in app's bundle (which is readonly) - it cannot. You can only change your app's name and icon after releasing an update into the appstore. You may though change application icon's badge value. But as I see in your scenario - it won't fit your needs at all.

iPhone App display name

If I have an iPhone app named: MyCoolApp
How do I keep the bundle named:
But have the app name on that shows up underneath my icon read: My Cool App
I have changed my PRODUCT_NAME target setting to be "My Cool App" and changed my plist CFBundleDisplayName and CFBundleName to be "MyCoolApp". So far my app name on the device still reads "My Cool App"
I'm pretty green to this stuff still. Thanks for any help you can provide.
You might need to delete the app from the device and reload it for the change to take effect.
Sometimes when changing the Project Properties it does not work. Project Properties and Target Properties Window look the same. I have mistaken there sooo many times. ;)
The best way to do this is using a key called Bundle Display Name. It has to be added in the info.plist.
This is not a good approach as it changes your bundle identifier. All you need to change is the product display label.
Note: Make sure to include this in info.plist in your projectTests info.plist also.