One signup form - different subscription list? - forms

I'm trying to create a newsletter. I've looked at Mailchimp and ubivox.
Is it possible to create a signup form with the options (as checkboxes) for people to choose which list they want to be subscribed to?
Fx, it could be: "I only want you to send mw news about this." "And I want to subscribe to two of the things." "And I want to subscribe to everything!"
And theese different choices would be different lists in my newsletter client.
Can you make one form for several lists?
Or do you need a form for each list?

I'm more familiar with Campaign Monitor, but the general concept is the same; you should use one master list then separate each of your lists (sub-lists) into segments.
You can then easily have a custom field (checkboxes) to control which segment (list) they are subscribed to, and also have a master subscribe option available.

Yes, this is possible. The caveat being you'll need to use the MailChimp API to create a custom sign-up form on your site.
The embeddable forms provided by MailChimp will not be able to do this.


REST api to allow multiple users edit the same form at the same time

I'm looking to make something similar to google docs where everyone can update the form (with multiple input fields) at the same time using REST api, the form data will be stored in database, is it possible?
I can have the form to send an update request whenever user make a change, but I still can't quite figure out what the logic to retrieve data/update form field content and resolve conflict when users are editing the same field.
Best way to use SignalR for realtime communication as well as pushing the updates to other users belonging to the similar group (may be call it as users of a same form). SignalR will provide all the underline infrastructure in place.

How to send a dynamic template email to a mailing list on Sendgrid

I have a newsletter I'd like to send every other week to the same list of users. I have a link for new users to sign up, and I'd like to let users unsubscribe at the bottom of the bi-weekly email.
Is there a way to send to a mailing list instead of just an array of users on Sendgrid?
The best I've seen is that you can make one API call to a mailing list to get the emails, but it caps you by returning a maximum of 50 users.
I've also seen that you can specify lists in marketing campaigns, but apparently you can't use dynamic templates in those campaigns? So I'd have to manually extract the HTML.
This leads me to believe I'll need to request the version of the template I want with test_data, grab the HTML content from that, and manually insert it into a new campaign with the mailing list ID I want?
Any ideas? Is there a better way?

facebook messenger an array of generic templates

I have noticed we have quick_reply and to send multiple of them, you can use quick_replies.
How do I send multiple generic template attachments in one message. This is to enable a user scroll through and choose one of the templates.
I have seen one implemented by the Guardian bot.
You attach an array of elements as seen here:

Signup to more lists in MailChimp signup-form

I have a question regarding the signup-forms in MailChimp.
Is it possible to create the signup form including some checkboxes, so the users can descide which lists they want to sign up for?
Let's say that I have four lists, and I create a signup form for one of the lists. Then the form should include a name-field, e-mail-field and three checkboxes.
So when a user signs up, they are going on my primary lists, and they have the option of going on the three other lists as well, by checking the checkboxes in the form.
I hope someone can help me out.
Thanks in advance.
As each list is a different group of subscribers, they all have to subscribe and unsubscribe independently from one another. A better way to do it is to run one BIG list instead.
By having one big list of everyone, you can have custom fields designating each sub-list. They can then edit their preferences/subscribe/unsubscribe for all lists in one form.

Form Journey Tracking using google analytics

Is there anyway, using google analytics, to track a user's journey/selections through a long form so I can see where they drop off?
I've created a 'contact us' form which starts with drop down menu which requires the user to make a choice i.e. apply for job, apply for funding etc. and then each option requires the user to fill out a form, which is completed over serval steps.
Is there a way to track a user's individual form choices from their initial selection on the Contact Us page through to the form being submitted? That way I could see where in the form journey the users are dropping off.
If the form is a multi-page form, then you can use Goal Funnel tracking to obtain reports which will help you understand how users fail to complete the form:
The Regular Expression matching in Goal Funnels is quite useful if you have different paths or different form URLs for the same goal. You could also track multiple page views per actual URL, if you wanted to monitor the users who move onto a different step on a single URL.
If you need to analyze how users complete a particular form, you could use Event Tracking to record when each field is completed. You will need to carefully think about how you wish to use Event Tracking to obtain the information you require.
But Google Analytics is not good at tracking individual users' behavior. You may wish to take a look at ClickTale if you want to do more advanced form usage analysis.