facebook messenger an array of generic templates - facebook

I have noticed we have quick_reply and to send multiple of them, you can use quick_replies. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/quick-replies#quick_reply
How do I send multiple generic template attachments in one message. This is to enable a user scroll through and choose one of the templates.
I have seen one implemented by the Guardian bot. https://www.messenger.com/t/10513336322

You attach an array of elements as seen here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/generic-template


What are the cases in which Facebook Messenger Platform sends multiple events to a Webhook within one request?

On Facebook Messenger Developer docs, it is mentioned that:
Note that entry is an array and may contain multiple objects, so ensure your code iterates over it to process all events. For a complete description of event properties, see Webhooks Reference.
I've checked out most of the docs on various webhook events (e.g. messages etc), but they all seem to only have one object in the entry array.
In what cases does an entry array have multiple objects?

Sendgrid: how to use different tracking settings for different sets of messages

My application needs to send some messages with tracking activated and other messages without tracking.
When using Sendgrid, many settings, among them tracking settings, can be set using the admin web interface, and these settings will be used for all subsequent messages sent.
But is it possible to have different settings for different sets (or categories ?) of messages, and have the application define which settings to use when sending a given message through API ?
Or maybe define the tracking settings as part of the send API parameters ?
Yes. When sending via the v3 API, there's a tracking_settings field, where you can dynamically enable/disable settings for just that message.
There's a similar option when using the SMTPAPI JSON header.
I have similar problem.
After some investigation found two satisfactory solutions.
The fist one - integrate with google analytic.
The second - we moved all dynamic templates into application (also due to sg limitation for dynamic content) and added specific utm tags (UTM_SOURCE, UTM_CONTENT, UTM_MEDIUM, UTM_CAMPAIGN, UTM_TERM;) to each letter. And after user click on emails content FE process this tags.

I would like to create a script for collecting multiple subscription requests and generating an e-mail notification

We have an existing website that is built on DNN. I would like to add a script to an existing page that collects a user's request for to subscribe to various e-mails we publish and then to generate an e-mail that idenfies those requested newsletter subscription titles. Any ideas?
Data springs has some good subscription tools available, check out their suite of modules.
If you want to just collect names and email addresses with a request, the DNN Form and List module will work just fine.
If you just want a "subscribe to our newsletter" type of link on your page, you could couple that with a modal popup that shows the form when the link is clicked(Here is an excellent tutorial: http://www.dnncreative.com/Tutorials/DNNTutorialsforAdministrators/EasilycreatePopupsusingdnnModalshow/tabid/679/Default.aspx that will show you how to do it.)

Openfire: Create MUC Room with custom fields

First of all, I'd like to provide some background information: I want to exchange unstructured data between various clients using XMPP. Data sources are supposed to publish their data simply to Mulit-User-Chat rooms (XEP-0045) so that any interested client can register.
XMPP MUC services can have various chat rooms and in order to find the ones my data sources push information to, I'd like to set some custom identification for that room. I figured muc#roominfo_<custom_ident> with some custom value would be great to accomplish that.
For testing purposes I wrote an application that creates a MUC on an XMPP service. Authentication etc. all works fine. I am using Smack to communicate with the XMPP server and to create the room. When I create the room, I am adding a field to the form field I requested before containing my custom information. The MUC is created and accessible. Yet the created custom field is not returned when I perform a disco#info on the room's JID.
I tested this with a local installation of (3.8.2).
I just wonder, if this is an issue of Openfire, that custom form fields (XEP-0068 used here in XEP-0045) are not stored when the MUC is created or if it is just not allowed according to XEP-0045? I read the specification for MUCs and crucially the respective section but couldn't find any evidence that convinced me, that it is explicitly not possible to create such custom form fields for a MUC.
Maybe I just misunderstand something in the specification? Has anyone tried something similar and it's working? If it is an issue of Openfire, I could try a different XMPP server.

One signup form - different subscription list?

I'm trying to create a newsletter. I've looked at Mailchimp and ubivox.
Is it possible to create a signup form with the options (as checkboxes) for people to choose which list they want to be subscribed to?
Fx, it could be: "I only want you to send mw news about this." "And I want to subscribe to two of the things." "And I want to subscribe to everything!"
And theese different choices would be different lists in my newsletter client.
Can you make one form for several lists?
Or do you need a form for each list?
I'm more familiar with Campaign Monitor, but the general concept is the same; you should use one master list then separate each of your lists (sub-lists) into segments.
You can then easily have a custom field (checkboxes) to control which segment (list) they are subscribed to, and also have a master subscribe option available.
Yes, this is possible. The caveat being you'll need to use the MailChimp API to create a custom sign-up form on your site.
The embeddable forms provided by MailChimp will not be able to do this.