REST api to allow multiple users edit the same form at the same time - rest

I'm looking to make something similar to google docs where everyone can update the form (with multiple input fields) at the same time using REST api, the form data will be stored in database, is it possible?
I can have the form to send an update request whenever user make a change, but I still can't quite figure out what the logic to retrieve data/update form field content and resolve conflict when users are editing the same field.

Best way to use SignalR for realtime communication as well as pushing the updates to other users belonging to the similar group (may be call it as users of a same form). SignalR will provide all the underline infrastructure in place.


Building a simple web form that connects to Recurly's API to allow a subscriber to change their subscription plan

I am trying to build a simple web form that would ideally sit on a WordPress page to allow the subscribers on our platform to change or update their subscriptions, without having to ask our support team (currently they can only cancel, but we want to offer them the option to upgrade).
We use Recurly to manage our billing, and their support team said:
'You would essentially want to build a form that will input values into the Subscription Update API request, that would then be sent to Recurly to make the changes on your customer account.'
They also shared the following document:
I have limited experience of working with APIs and am also aware that because this form deals with sensitive information (the user ID of a subscriber in this case), I don't want to inadvertently jeopardise the accounts of the subscribers that choose to do this.
Any help would be much appreciated. I have tried searching for a solution but am unsure how to word my request effectively.
It sounds like using the Recurly Hosted UI might be your best bet. Instead of having to build a a web form you can just redirect your customer to the Recurly Hosted UI on a button click. You can retrieve and redirect the url using the Recurly API on your Wordpress site using some simple PHP and then that allows the customer to view invoices, change their plan (if you allow), and change CC information.

Is there a way to use Shopify MetaFields to tag customers with data?

I've been trying to find a way to store a piece of data relative to a customer in my store. Ideally I was hoping to be able to create a Metafield that would store a single numerical value and be retrievable by the customer's id or email.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be really appreciated. Ideally I'd like to be able to handle everything in the liquid layer by editing the html and css of the store directly. A custom app with API integration is another option but less desirable as it doesn't seem necessary and would appear to be a lot more work.
EDIT: Tried piggybacking the order (thinking orders are unique to users) but it doesn't appear that the order object is created until the checkout is complete so that isn't really useful since I want to be able to attribute the user to a session click that led them to the store.
You will want to use an App. First, off, that is the only way for you to alter any objects in Shopify. Secondly, you can easily store simple things like counter values on the Customer resource using metafields. Third, anything you do with metafields on the Customer would be easily visible to the customer, since you can expose those metafields using Liquid. Fourth, if you choose to use JS you must use the App Proxy pattern. Shopify will then send your JS XHR payload to your App endpoint in a secure fashion.
So your needs and how to do are not new, they are old skool in Shopify terms and very straightforward to implement.

Restrict Users from Programmatically posting form data

I have a very old Application with a Web Form with 1 Dropdown Box and 2 Text Boxes and a Submit Button.
All 3 are mandatory fields. Based on the data entered, once the user clicks Submit Button additional details are shown on the next page from the database.
On Submit data is posted via Query String that looks like
Though the application is doing what is supposed to do, off late we came across lot of issues:
As couple of entities that are interested in our data wrote programs to programatically build the querystrings and hitting our server.
This is slowing down the server and regular users who manually search records are facing lot of slowness.
Due to come legal restrictions we couldn't implement CAPTCHA or have users get authenticated.
I would appreciate if you can let me know if any of you have come across this kinda situation and how you have dealt with it.
Thanks in advance.
You could implement source-based rate limiting. I.e. per IP address only allow so many requests per minute. If the requester makes too many requests you simply reject the requests. You could also blacklist the IP addresses that are hitting your app too aggressively. Both of these policies can be enforced by a load balancer like HAProxy or nginx.

Is it possible to manipulate the database through mail in oracle apex?

I was having the similar problem as mentioned in the below link, Select and Display the table in oracle APEX mail body. I followed the mentioned steps and it worked!! .
Now, I just want to extend the same question and wanted to know, Is it possible to manipulate the the database through click on the button in the mail?
If I crate the html Button APPROVE, It should be able to manipulate database table.
Suppose, APPROVE performs delete operation: delete ename from emp where dno=10.
If you are sending an HTML email to a user and you want that user to interact with the system from the email, you could generate an HTML form that submits to a particular URL (some APEX page with some set of parameters) that actually implements the DELETE.
Assuming that the client email application would allow the user to submit a form, which would generally be a security issue and would probably not be possible from some clients, you'd probably have security issues to worry about on the server side. I'd assume, for example, that you don't want to allow any random person that works out the URL to call to be able to delete whatever row you want from your system. You probably want to require that someone is logged in before you'd allow them to delete a row. And you probably want to make sure that they have permission to delete that particular row.
It's certainly possible that you could work around both the client and the server side permission issues by doing something like creating a unique token that expires after a short period of time and gets passed in with the form to verify that the user has permission to delete that particular row. But by the time you're building that sort of infrastructure or sending users to a login page, you're probably better off just creating links in your email that point to a page in your application and letting users go there to request the actual delete. That's going to work more reliably than a form that submits a request and it will probably involve less work for you.

CRM 2011, REST, OData and Security Roles

Is there any special security privileges that i need to give my users so that they can run some custom code? I have a javascript library that is triggered on a button click that then gets all of the selected items in a subgrid. When I get all of the check-boxed items I then feed that into an update operation and upload the string if items (in the form of GUIDs) into a Single Line Textbox field on my entity. Once that field is updated they will trigger a dialog which consumes the textbox field and does some more work on it.
The problem is that nothing happens. I solved one issue once I figured out that the user needs Organizational write access to the entity, but now I see another exception " missing prvReadWorkflow privilege" does that mean these users need Read Access on Organizational workflows?
Am I missing anything else?
I don't have an explaination for why you require read access to workflows for this update operation, but this microsoft CRM forum post appears to be about the same issue you are having.
Tanguy suggests you add read access to processes for the affected user.