SoundCloud activityType for ChromeCast - soundcloud

i know there are YouTube and Netflix, but is there appId for sending SoundCloud tracks to ChromeCast?

It seems like this page says that other DIAL listed apps are valid as well: (under Activity launch)
However, SoundCloud is not listed there. I haven't tried any other DIAL apps either.

I'm about 95% certain the answer to that question is no. If they (Google) haven't advertised specific apps as being available, then there is no App Id for it. At least not one that's publicly available. But, you could write an app to do it.

Check out Mono for casting SoundCloud and much more..


App requests successful, but no notification shown

I am using the normal setup for sending invites through the requests dialogue:
method: 'apprequests',
message: "Please add me, I am doing the same, thanks!"
function(response) {
The response is successful, shows multiple ids. So sending these invites works like it should. The problem is that these apprequests are not shown up as notifications like they usually do, instead the only place to find them here.
Has the API changed? Looking for answers has given me no results, though I did find this bug report from February 15th 2013.
Is Facebook just testing yet again, or has the API changed but not the documentation? I am truly grateful for any insights!
There's two simple things that might cause that problem.
One is that you application is missing the Canvas. Just add it from the your App panel in Facebook Developers.
The second one - make sure your app is NOT in SandBox Mode. If it is it won't send any notifications. I lost hours before figuring that out and changing the code in all possible ways.
Hope that helps.
Its not facebook bug its a problem in your facebook app configuration :
Follow the below configuration and its working like a charm.
You just need to go in to the Facebook developer and select your app and goes in to the setting of your app and click "Add Platform" and select "App On Facebook" and than add canvas url in it. now try to send invitation and it will show the notification.
or go to facebook developers,
Change 111 to your APP ID
This was posted yesterday in facebook bugs site.
However, it is still not working for me even though I'm utilizing the exact code that the FB comment is referencing.
I realize this is not complete answer to the question and should be put in the comments. However I am a newbie and don't have enough reputation on StackOverflow to post comments. Emil, could you please let me know if you resolve this issue.
Had same issue, I added Secure Canvas URL, etc. But problem was I haven't provided iPhone Store ID inside iOS section in Settings.
As of Graph API 2.3, Game requests are only available to games.
As mentioned in Game Requests description, you have to create Facebook Web Games in App Portal, then you will get the notification with Game Request. Not for website anymore.
I had to implement facebook ‘apprequests’ instead of the deprecated ‘appinvites’ in an existing cordova app and spent hours debugging.
‘apprequests’ are only available in Facebook Apps categorized as ‘games’.
You can send notifications only to platforms (iOS, Android, Facebook web games) that are involved with the facebook app. That means, you will never receive a notification in your browser if you miss ‘facebook web games’ as platform. My expectation was to be notified in the facebook browser app if I was invited from a Mobile app.
iOS devices don’t get notifications.
In my case, I’ve missed to fill the app store id in the Facebook app platform configuration. After that, notifications appeared instantly.
If you like notifications in the fb browser app, you have to add ‘Facebook web games’ (formerly known as ‘canvas’) as plattform.
You can save yourself a lot trouble by creating test users in the app role category of your facebook app.

Uploading audio to facebook from iOS app?

I've been trying to integrate my app with Soundcloud, but I'm just finding that impossible and way too difficult, and there are no good tutorials out there. Are there any other ways to upload audio files to facebook for playback? Any other services besides Soundcloud? Or does anyone know a useful tutorial for setting up Soundcloud with iOS?
you can use their api to do what you want. first upload the audio file to soundcloud and then post the link to the file on facebook.
here is a link to iOS sharing and here is a link to the soundcloud api wrapper.
iOS sharing will help you post the link to Facebook.
This is kind of cheating, but you could upload your "audio" to youtube, and then use the facebook api to post the link (pretty easy using facebook api). Uploading to youtube would have better support, like this
The soundcloud instructions here aren't terrible, a little tricky at first. Perhaps you could share with us what you've done on these three requirements. Where are you getting stuck?
1)Getting the users connections
2)Provide UI for choosing connections (public sharing) or mail addresses (private sharing)
3)Upload the file
Additionaly, here is a useful tutorial link for soundcloud uploading
Both SoundCloud and Facebook have Cocoa wrappers and tutorial for their APIs:
SoundCloud Cocoa API Wrapper + tuts
Facebook iOS Tutorial
Hope these help.

Accessing voicemail in iPhone

Is there any way to access the voicemail from the SDK. As I know this cannot be done. At least in the new SDK have they given any control over it?
You may not be able to directly access the voicemail from your app, but several operators provide a direct call number for people to dial directly into their voicemail.
You could then have people enter this voicemail number in the preferences and access it using a url like tel:1-408-555-5555
More information about this in the iOS Reference Library
Correct, this cannot be done from the SDK.

Publish picture to Facebook from my iphone app

Who can explain step by stem how to publish on the Facebook user account pictures and albums from my iPhone app?
I know about FB iPhone sdk, but cannot understand the whole process.
1. Should I register application on the FB?
2. Can I publish my local pics, or must use links on the previously published pics on hosts like
Yes, implementing FB iPhone SDK for the first time is subject for a book...
Have you seen this video?
It's a little outdated, but it was a good help for me to begin understanding the whole process...
As for question 2., I believe you can upload and publish the picture to FB user account, if you request the appropriate permissions.
You can also try ShareKit:
It makes things real easy :)

How to use facebook-connect invite friends iphone app?

My app needs to invite friends from facebook conenct is this possibl e?
Any examples ?
Please help !
If you don't see it in the API, then it's probably not supported:
You could load the page, in a UIWebView. The downside is the user would have to log in then.
You might want to contact the FB API folks and request it as a feature.
You can find info about using FBC on the iPhone here
there are two modes you can use it in. One where your developer secret is in the phone app, if that makes you nervous you can proxy the authentication through your own server. FB developer site has the info along with programmer supported wikis