Meteor: apply function after rendering things from mongodb - mongodb

I am using sage cell to convert html to math stuff
Template.home.rendered = function(){
\\ apply sagecell and mathjax
However, the content that are rendered comes from mongo, so it's sometimes loaded after sage cell is applied to it. I can do something like this
Template.home.rendered = function(){
if (Content.findOne({_id: ...})){
\\ apply sagecell and mathjax
It's better but still doesn't work all the time. Is there other things I can use to detect the content is completely rendered?

Edited with new response:
<template name='pendingAnswer'>
The answer to your question, coming back whenever, is:
<template name='answer'>
fromSage: function () {
Invoked whenever - from a button, from navigating to the page, on blur...
function GetAnswerFromSage(data) {
callHTTP(website,data, callbackFromSage)
function callbackFromSage(err, data) {
if (err) then log(err);
Session.set('fromSage', data);
Earlier: try transform upon retrieval of mongo:
From Meteor Doc
// An Animal class that takes a document in its constructor
Animal = function (doc) {
_.extend(this, doc);
_.extend(Animal.prototype, {
makeNoise: function () {
// Define a Collection that uses Animal as its document
Animals = new Meteor.Collection("Animals", {
transform: function (doc) { return new Animal(doc); }
// Create an Animal and call its makeNoise method
Animals.insert({name: "raptor", sound: "roar"});
Animals.findOne({name: "raptor"}).makeNoise(); // prints "roar"

The script
<script type='text/javascript' src=""></script>
that is supposed to be in the head needs to be removed and instead be loaded after the content is completely loaded like so:
Template.content.rendered = function(){
// sage
if (Session.get('contentChanged')){
// loading this script causes mathjax to run
$.getScript("", function(d, textStatus){
if (textStatus=='success'){
// this converts <div class='compute'> to a sage cell
inputLocation: 'div.compute',
evalButtonText: 'Evaluate',
hide: ['editorToggle']
and if I go from 1 content template to another content template, it seems that nothing is rerendered and so the mathjax was not applied. The only fix I can think is to force a page reload:{
'click a': function(evt){
location.href = evt.currentTarget.href;
which makes the site much slower, unfortunately.


Can I use save my forms into my local database?

I'd like to use in order to allow my admin users to create a new forms but I want save all data into my database, not in platform. Is it possible?
I want use form builder but at save time I want save the form structure into my database.
I don't understand if this option is possible.
Step 1: Store your components in your database. If you use the form builder, you can get them by a call to builder.schema.
Step 2: Retrieve your components from your database and render the form.
Step 3: Save the data to your DB.
components = {{component string from DB}}
let formio = new Formio.createForm(document.getElementById(element),
saveDraft: true,
readOnly: ((readonly) ? readonly : false)
).then(function (form) {
if (data) {
var subm = JSON.parse(data)
form.submission = { data: subm };
form.on('submit', function (submission) {
//Submission Code
form.on('change', function (x) {
//Change Code
form.on('error', (errors) => {
//Error Code
form.on("render", function () {
//Any Render Overrides?
}).catch(function (ex) {
Some of this stuff is well documented. Some - not so much. Lots of trial and error. (Mostly error).
Something similar is what works for me. Note this is for saving the schema for the Form Builder. This schema can be deserialized and used as a source for the Form Renderer
var form;
var formTemplateToSave; // this is the serialized form template to save
window.onload = function() {
var builder = Formio.builder(document.getElementById('builder'), {}, {builder: {}
}).then((_form) => {
form = _form;
form.on('change', function(payload) {
formTemplateToSave = JSON.stringify(form.schema, null, 4);
formTemplateToSave = JSON.stringify(form.schema, null, 4);
<div id='builder'></div>
Don't forget to include the libraries (as well as your usual jquery stuff)
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<script src=''></script>
You can then save the formTemplateToSave variable as the JSON to rehydrate your forms

Insert custom button on Insert/Edit Link dialog?

I want to add a custom button on the Insert/Edit Link dialog/popup in tinymce v5.
I only got this code for the setup option where I put in call to a function.
function tinyMceEditLink(editor) {
editor.on("click", function(e) {
console.log("this click");
I'll be the first to admit this is a bit hacky, but you could try:
function tinyMceEditLink(editor) {
editor.windowManager.oldOpen =; // save for later = function (t, r) { // replace with our own function
var modal = this.oldOpen.apply(this, [t, r]); // call original
if (t.title === "Insert/Edit Link") {
'<button title="Custom button" type="button" data-alloy-tabstop="true" tabindex="-1" class="tox-button" id="custom_button">Custom button</button>'
$('#custom_button').on('click', function () {
//Replace this with your custom function
console.log('Running custom function')
return modal; // Template plugin is dependent on this return value
This will give you the following result:
selector: "#mytextarea", // change this value according to your HTML
plugins: "link",
menubar: "insert",
toolbar: "link",
setup: function(editor) {
// Register our custom button callback function
editor.on('init',function(e) {
// Register some other event callbacks...
editor.on('click', function (e) {
console.log('Editor was clicked');
editor.on('keyup', function (e) {
console.log('Someone typed something');
You can replace $('.tox-dialog__footer-end')... with $('.tox-dialog__footer-start')... if you want your button on the left hand side of the footer.
This currently works on the default skin, changes to .tox-dialog__footer class could break this.
Any updates to the library that change the title "Insert/Edit Link" will break this.
The above example requires jQuery to work.
This is a bare minimum example. Use the configuration guide to customize the toolbar, setup events etc.

Proper DOM event for when an HTML template is to be made (with VueJS)

I want to run a METHOD when a template element is rendered but I'm not sure which DOM event to use:
<template v-on:something="method(parameter)">
Try mounted (One of Vue's life cycle hooks):
mounted: function() {
console.log("Your Vue application is mounted!");
use updated()
try {
catch(err) {

Jquery-ias breaking clickable row

I am using jQuery 2.1.1, and have been using it to add 'clickable' to rows returned from a database using this:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( function($) {
$('tbody tr[data-href]').addClass('clickable').click( function() {
window.location = $(this).attr('data-href');
That has been working fine. I have now added jquery-ias (2.1.2), and only the first page of returned results has clickable rows.
My jquery-ias code is as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Infinite Ajax Scroll configuration
container : '.wrap', // main container where data goes to append
item: '.item', // single items
pagination: '.nav', // page navigation
next: '.nav a', // next page selector
negativeMargin: 250,
Jquery-ias is working fine, the pages are loading as needed, but the resultant rows are not clickable.
Inspecting the page in Chrome shows that the subsequently loaded rows have not had the clickable attribute added.
The relevant row in the php is this:
<tr class='resultsrow item' <?php echo "data-href='carddetail.php?setabbrv={$row['setcode']}&number={$row['number']}&id={$row[1]}'"; ?>>
All works fine if I use either, but how do I get them to play nicely together?
OK, I have worked around it using the jquery-ias built-in pageChange event.
jQuery.ias().on('pageChange', function(pageNum, scrollOffset, url) {
var delay=1000;
jQuery( function($) {
$('tbody tr[data-href]').addClass('clickable').click( function() {
window.location = $(this).attr('data-href');
This way when ias finds a page change, it waits a second for the page structure to load, and then applies the clickable class.
I can't see this working if it's waiting for images though... doesn't have to for this instance, but there's got to be a better way to do this.
Any pointers?
the better way would be to use the rendered event, for example:
jQuery.ias().on('rendered', function(item) {
var $items = jQuery(items);
$items.each(function() {
jQuery('tr[data-href]', $this).addClass('clickable').click(function() {
window.location = $(this).attr('data-href');

Mootools stop form submit method

I don't want to use an <input type=submit /> button to submit a form and I am instead using an <a> element. This is due to styling requirements. So I have this code:
myButton.addEvent('click', function() {'myForm').submit();
However, I have also written a class that improves and implements the placeholder attribute on inputs and textareas:
var FDPlaceholderText = new Class({
Implements: Events,
initialize: function() {
var _self = this;
var forms = document.getElements('form');
forms.each(function(form) { // All forms
var performInit = false;
var i = 0;
var ph = [];
form.getElements('input, textarea').each(function(el) { // Get form inputs and textareas
if (el.getProperty('placeholder') != null) { // Check for placeholder attribute
performInit = true;
ph[i] = _self.initPlaceholder(el); // Assign the placeholder replacement to the elements
i ++;
if (performInit) {
_self.clearOnSubmit(form, ph);
clearOnSubmit: function(form, ph) {
form.addEvent('submit', function(e) {
ph.each(function(el) {
if (el.value == el.defaultValue) {
el.value = '';
initPlaceholder: function(el) {
el.defaultValue = el.getProperty('placeholder');
el.value = el.getProperty('placeholder');
'focus': function() {
if (el.value == el.defaultValue) el.value = '';
'blur': function() {
if(el.value.clean() == ''){
el.value = el.defaultValue;
return el;
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
new FDPlaceholderText();
The above class works great if a form is submitted using an actual <input type=submit /> button: it listens for a submit and clears the inputs values if they are still the default ones therefore validating that they are essentially empty.
However, it seems that because I am submitting one of my forms by listening to a click event on an <a> tag the form.addEvent('submit', function(e) { isn't getting fired.
Any help is appreciated.
well you can change the click handler to fireEvent() instead of call the .submit() directly:
myButton.addEvent('click', function() {'myForm').fireEvent('submit');
keep in mind a couple of things (or more).
placeholder values to elements that lack placeholder= attribute is pointless
if you detect placeholder support, do so once and not on every element, it won't change suddenly midway through the loop. you can go something like var supportsPlaceholder = !!('placeholder' in document.createElement('input')); - remember, there is no need to do anything if the browser supports it and currently, near enough 60% do.
you can otherwise do !supportsPlaceholder && el.get('placeholder') && self.initPlaceholder(el); - which avoids checking attributes when no need
when the form is being submitted you really need to clear placeholder= values in older browser or validation for 'required' etc will fail. if validation still fails, you have to reinstate the placeholder, so you need a more flexible event pattern
avoid using direct references to object properties like el.value - use the accessors like el.get('value') instead (for 1.12 it's getProperty)
for more complex examples of how to deal with this in mootools, see my repo here:
This is because the submit() method is not from MooTools but a native one.
Maybe you can use a <button type="submit"> for your styling requirements instead.