Mootools stop form submit method - forms

I don't want to use an <input type=submit /> button to submit a form and I am instead using an <a> element. This is due to styling requirements. So I have this code:
myButton.addEvent('click', function() {'myForm').submit();
However, I have also written a class that improves and implements the placeholder attribute on inputs and textareas:
var FDPlaceholderText = new Class({
Implements: Events,
initialize: function() {
var _self = this;
var forms = document.getElements('form');
forms.each(function(form) { // All forms
var performInit = false;
var i = 0;
var ph = [];
form.getElements('input, textarea').each(function(el) { // Get form inputs and textareas
if (el.getProperty('placeholder') != null) { // Check for placeholder attribute
performInit = true;
ph[i] = _self.initPlaceholder(el); // Assign the placeholder replacement to the elements
i ++;
if (performInit) {
_self.clearOnSubmit(form, ph);
clearOnSubmit: function(form, ph) {
form.addEvent('submit', function(e) {
ph.each(function(el) {
if (el.value == el.defaultValue) {
el.value = '';
initPlaceholder: function(el) {
el.defaultValue = el.getProperty('placeholder');
el.value = el.getProperty('placeholder');
'focus': function() {
if (el.value == el.defaultValue) el.value = '';
'blur': function() {
if(el.value.clean() == ''){
el.value = el.defaultValue;
return el;
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
new FDPlaceholderText();
The above class works great if a form is submitted using an actual <input type=submit /> button: it listens for a submit and clears the inputs values if they are still the default ones therefore validating that they are essentially empty.
However, it seems that because I am submitting one of my forms by listening to a click event on an <a> tag the form.addEvent('submit', function(e) { isn't getting fired.
Any help is appreciated.

well you can change the click handler to fireEvent() instead of call the .submit() directly:
myButton.addEvent('click', function() {'myForm').fireEvent('submit');
keep in mind a couple of things (or more).
placeholder values to elements that lack placeholder= attribute is pointless
if you detect placeholder support, do so once and not on every element, it won't change suddenly midway through the loop. you can go something like var supportsPlaceholder = !!('placeholder' in document.createElement('input')); - remember, there is no need to do anything if the browser supports it and currently, near enough 60% do.
you can otherwise do !supportsPlaceholder && el.get('placeholder') && self.initPlaceholder(el); - which avoids checking attributes when no need
when the form is being submitted you really need to clear placeholder= values in older browser or validation for 'required' etc will fail. if validation still fails, you have to reinstate the placeholder, so you need a more flexible event pattern
avoid using direct references to object properties like el.value - use the accessors like el.get('value') instead (for 1.12 it's getProperty)
for more complex examples of how to deal with this in mootools, see my repo here:

This is because the submit() method is not from MooTools but a native one.
Maybe you can use a <button type="submit"> for your styling requirements instead.


Can I use save my forms into my local database?

I'd like to use in order to allow my admin users to create a new forms but I want save all data into my database, not in platform. Is it possible?
I want use form builder but at save time I want save the form structure into my database.
I don't understand if this option is possible.
Step 1: Store your components in your database. If you use the form builder, you can get them by a call to builder.schema.
Step 2: Retrieve your components from your database and render the form.
Step 3: Save the data to your DB.
components = {{component string from DB}}
let formio = new Formio.createForm(document.getElementById(element),
saveDraft: true,
readOnly: ((readonly) ? readonly : false)
).then(function (form) {
if (data) {
var subm = JSON.parse(data)
form.submission = { data: subm };
form.on('submit', function (submission) {
//Submission Code
form.on('change', function (x) {
//Change Code
form.on('error', (errors) => {
//Error Code
form.on("render", function () {
//Any Render Overrides?
}).catch(function (ex) {
Some of this stuff is well documented. Some - not so much. Lots of trial and error. (Mostly error).
Something similar is what works for me. Note this is for saving the schema for the Form Builder. This schema can be deserialized and used as a source for the Form Renderer
var form;
var formTemplateToSave; // this is the serialized form template to save
window.onload = function() {
var builder = Formio.builder(document.getElementById('builder'), {}, {builder: {}
}).then((_form) => {
form = _form;
form.on('change', function(payload) {
formTemplateToSave = JSON.stringify(form.schema, null, 4);
formTemplateToSave = JSON.stringify(form.schema, null, 4);
<div id='builder'></div>
Don't forget to include the libraries (as well as your usual jquery stuff)
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<script src=''></script>
You can then save the formTemplateToSave variable as the JSON to rehydrate your forms

How can we validate just the mandatory fields in a form in SAP UI5?

I am trying to create a form which has some mandatory fields that requires validation on form submission.
Could anyone suggest me the best possible way to do that in SAP UI5? The mandatory fields are in greater number, thus i don't want to check all fields separately by their ID.
You can do this in two scenarios. While entering a value, or when submitting the form as in your question.
CheckRequired: function(oEvent) {
var aInputs = [this.getView().byId(oEvent.getSource().getId())];
var sError = false;
jQuery.each(aInputs, function(i, input) {
if (!input.getValue() || input.getValue().length < 1) {
sError = true;
} else {
return sError;
This function is to be used with the onLiveChange property. It checks if the control is filled with at least one character.
If you would like to check everything when you press submit. you could use a function like this with your form:
_onSubmitCheck: function() {
var oForm = this.getView().byId("form").getContent();
var sError = false;
oForm.forEach(function(Field) {
if (typeof Field.getValue === "function") {
if (!Field.getValue() || Field.getValue().length < 1) {
sError = true;
else {
return sError;
It will loop over your form controls to check if the getValue() method exists as part of the control. If that returns yes, it wil check if it has a value of at least 1 character.
There are kind of two ways.
"sap.ui5": {
"handleValidation": true,
to your manifest.json and type & constraints to your inputs
<Input type="Text" value="{path: 'NoFioriValidationsInDefault', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.String', constraints: { minLength:2 }}" valueLiveUpdate="true" enabled="{= ${editView>/nfvid/enabled} && ${editView>/creating}}" visible="true" width="auto" valueHelpOnly="false" maxLength="0" id="inp_cond_nfvid" required="{editView>/nfvid/required}"/>
This gives just visual feedback to the user, if you need the status in your controller you can either iterate over all the inputs and check them by hand, or use
Just by calling
var validator = new Validator();
if (!validator.isValid()){
//do something additional to drawing red borders? message box?
in your controller, the view will mark missing required inputs with the ValueState.ERROR (red borders) and tell you if all inputs inside the supplied control are valid.
I am doing it the old-school way. The input fields do get the required=true property and then I loop over all controls found with this property:
// store view ID to compare with control IDs later
var viewId = this.getView().getId();
jQuery('input[required=required]').each(function () {
// control has wrapper with no id, therefore we need to remove the "-inner" end
var oControl = sap.ui.getCore().byId(,''));
// CAUTION: as OpenUI5 keeps all loaded views in DOM, ensure that the controls found belong to the current view
if (oControl.getId().startsWith(viewId) && (oControl instanceof sap.m.Input || oControl instanceof sap.m.DatePicker)) {
var val = oControl.getValue();
if (!val) {
bError = true;
return false;
} else {

Dropzone - multiple instances get id

I have multiple dropzone forms
<form action="/upload" class="dropzone" id="group1"></form>
<form action="/upload" class="dropzone" id="group2"></form>
<form action="/upload" class="dropzone" id="group3"></form>
How do I get the id of the form the file is dropped into?
To hook into a Dropzone action like a file being added, you'll need to use an event handler. From the docs:
Dropzone triggers events when processing files, to which you can register easily, by calling .on(eventName, callbackFunction) on your instance.
So you'll need to manually instantiate your Dropzones, to get access to the instance.
If you're using jQuery:
// Don't automatically instantiate, we'll do it manually
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
// Using the jQuery syntax shown in the docs
$("#group1, #group2, #group3").dropzone({
init: function() {
var formID =;
this.on("addedfile", function(file) {
console.log('Image dropped on form ID', formID);
If you're not using jQuery:
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
var dz = [],
forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
dz[i] = new Dropzone(forms[i], {
init: function() {
var formID =;
this.on("addedfile", function(file) {
console.log('Image dropped on form', formID);

AngularJs Directive: Using TemplateURL. Replace element. Add form input. Getting form.input.$error object

Not sure if this is possible but I'm trying, and keep coming up short.
I want a 'E' (element) directive that is replaced with a more complex nested HTML node using the 'templateUrl' feature of directives.
HTML defining the directive (form tag included for complete mental image):
<form id="frm" name="frm">
TemplateUrl contents which 'replaces' the above directive 'ds-frm-input-container' HTML element:
placeholder="{{dsPlaceHolder}}" />
<span ng-if="showErrs" class="label label-danger">FFFFF: {{dsModel}}</span>
Controller and Directive:
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$ = "Nacho";
$scope.user = {};
$scope.user.firstName = "";
.directive('dsFrmInputContainer', function(){
var ddo = {
priority: 0,
restrict: 'AE',
frmName: '#',
inputName: '#',
dsPlaceHolder: '#',
dsModel: '=',
frmObj: '='
templateUrl: 'template1.html',
replace: true,
controller: function($scope)
$scope.showErrs = true;
compile: function compile(ele, attr) {
return {
pre: function preLink(scope, ele, attr, controller)
post: function postLink(scope, ele, attr, controller)
var txt = ele.find('input');
txt.attr('id', scope.inputName);
txt.attr('name', scope.inputName);
txt.bind('blur', function () {
console.log("BLUR BLUR BLUR");
angular.forEach(scope.frmObj.$error, function(value, key){
var type = scope.frmObj.$error[key];
for(var x=0; x < type.length; x++){
return ddo;
The directive replaces just fine and the input element is named just fine. The form object however doesn't include the input element name in the error information. This makes it impossible for me to single out the input element during a 'blur' event that is setup in the directive.
I am doing this trying to reduce the show/hide logic 'noise' in the html for error messages (spans) and it should be reusable.
UPDATE (2014.01.28):
Added promises. There is a service that allows validation on button clicks. NOT USING built in angular validation anymore found some compatibility issues with another library (or viceversa).
Here is my form validation directive vision completed (plnkr link below). Completed in concert with the help of the stack overflow community. It may not be perfect but neither are butterfingers but they taste good.
So here is a link that has the name variables set as expected on the given input form error object.
The only difference is that the inputName is read from the attrs object and is not part of the scope. This is then read before the link function is returned, in the compile phase, to set the template DOM correctly.
I have just spent quite a while trying to sort this problem out, and while this is not exactly what you were looking for, his is my attempt. It uses bootstrap for all the styling, and allows for required and blur validation, but its definitely not finished yet. Any thoughts or advice much appreciated.

Handle selected event in autocomplete textbox using bootstrap Typeahead?

I want to run JavaScript function just after user select a value using autocomplete textbox bootstrap Typeahead.
I'm searching for something like selected event.
$('.typeahead').on('typeahead:selected', function(evt, item) {
// do what you want with the item here
updater: function(item) {
// do what you want with the item here
return item;
For an explanation of the way typeahead works for what you want to do here, taking the following code example:
HTML input field:
<input type="text" id="my-input-field" value="" />
JavaScript code block:
source: function (query, process) {
return $.get('json-page.json', { query: query }, function (data) {
return process(data.options);
updater: function(item) {
var $fld = $('#my-input-field');
return item;
Your input field is set as a typeahead field with the first line: $('#my-input-field').typeahead(
When text is entered, it fires the source: option to fetch the JSON list and display it to the user.
If a user clicks an item (or selects it with the cursor keys and enter), it then runs the updater: option. Note that it hasn't yet updated the text field with the selected value.
You can grab the selected item using the item variable and do what you want with it, e.g. myOwnFunction(item).
I've included an example of creating a reference to the input field itself $fld, in case you want to do something with it. Note that you can't reference the field using $(this).
You must then include the line return item; within the updater: option so the input field is actually updated with the item variable.
first time i've posted an answer on here (plenty of times I've found an answer here though), so here's my contribution, hope it helps. You should be able to detect a change - try this:
function bob(result) {
alert('hi bob, you typed: '+ result);
var result = $(this).val()
//call your function here
According to their documentation, the proper way of handling selected event is by using this event handler:
$('#selector').on('typeahead:select', function(evt, item) {
// Your Code Here
What worked for me is below:
source: ['test1', 'test2'],
afterSelect: function (item) {
// do what is needed with item
//and then, for example ,focus on some other control
I created an extension that includes that feature.
source: function (query, process) {
return $.get(
{ query: query },
function (data) {
limit: 10,
data = $.parseJSON(data);
return process(data);
afterSelect: function(item) {
Fully working example with some tricks. Assuming you are searching for trademarks and you want to get the selected trademark Id.
In your view MVC,
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.TrademarkName, new { id = "txtTrademarkName", #class = "form-control",
autocomplete = "off", dataprovide = "typeahead" })
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.TrademarkId, new { id = "hdnTrademarkId" })
<input type="text" id="txtTrademarkName" autocomplete="off" dataprovide="typeahead" class="form-control" value="" maxlength="100" />
<input type="hidden" id="hdnTrademarkId" />
In your JQuery,
$(document).ready(function () {
var trademarksHashMap = {};
var lastTrademarkNameChosen = "";
source: function (queryValue, process) {
// Although you receive queryValue,
// but the value is not accurate in case of cutting (Ctrl + X) the text from the text box.
// So, get the value from the input itself.
queryValue = $("#txtTrademarkName").val();
queryValue = queryValue.trim();// Trim to ignore spaces.
// If no text is entered, set the hidden value of TrademarkId to null and return.
if (queryValue.length === 0) {
return 0;
// If the entered text is the last chosen text, no need to search again.
if (lastTrademarkNameChosen === queryValue) {
return 0;
// Set the trademarkId to null as the entered text, doesn't match anything.
var url = "/areaname/controllername/SearchTrademarks";
var params = { trademarkName: queryValue };
// Your get method should return a limited set (for example: 10 records) that starts with {{queryValue}}.
// Return a list (of length 10) of object {id, text}.
return $.get(url, params, function (data) {
// Keeps the current displayed items in popup.
var trademarks = [];
// Loop through and push to the array.
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
var itemToDisplay = item.text;
trademarksHashMap[itemToDisplay] = item;
// Process the details and the popup will be shown with the limited set of data returned.
updater: function (itemToDisplay) {
// The user selectes a value using the mouse, now get the trademark id by the selected text.
var selectedTrademarkId = parseInt(trademarksHashMap[itemToDisplay].value);
// Save the last chosen text to prevent searching if the text not changed.
lastTrademarkNameChosen = itemToDisplay;
// return the text to be displayed inside the textbox.
return itemToDisplay;