iAds constatly didFailToRecieveWithError - iphone

I run these apps on the iOS simulator only: I created a iOS application that I have never released and has been working fine for the iPad and iPhone simulator for the past year. Two days ago the app was working fine. I didnt' change anything or even login to my Mac and tonight I go to test the app before adding additional features and the iAds stop appearing. I check over my code to verify nothing has changed. When I run the app I keep getting constant 'didFailToRecieveWithError' over and over in the log window. I know I used to get these intermittently in the past between test ads, but now that's all that I get. Has anyone else experienced this? Do the iAd test servers go down once in a while?


iPhone started hanging after activating developement

I know this is weird question but I am not getting why this is happening.
When I run app for testing on my colleague iPhone he starting complaining that his iPhone hangs for 2-3 seconds sometimes.
At first, Colleague iPhone was not set for development. I activated the development.
Hanging process starts anytime. Not necessary when he open that app.
Also his iPhone is registered with another apple accounts also (means different account provision files)
Have iOS 6.1.3 on colleague iPhone.
The problem is colleague iPhone started hanging after I activated the developer account.
Someone have any idea why this is happening?
This is something wrong, but this is happening.

iAd showing test advertisement on some devices

I released an iOS app 1 week ago with iAd banner. On my wife's iPad the iAds show up normally. However on my iPad and iPhone they keep displaying test advertisement.
I've searched thru the site and google, removed the development version and downloaded the distributed app from app store, even reset the settings of my iPad still showing test advertisement.
I don't think it's an issue from apple since my wife's device is seeing real ads, it must be something for my iPad but I couldn't figure out...
Okay, I found the solution myself -> what I did is to use "restore" in iTunes to wipe my device - that solves the issue. If you had same issue as I did and couldn't find other way, this will do the trick :)

After iOS 5.0.1 upgrade, Test iAds unavailable on iPad 2

Both versions of my first App "Puffer's Train challenge" are currently sitting in the Apple queue "In Review". Saturday night I upgraded my iPhone 4 from 5.0 to 5.0.1 and also installed 5.0.1 on a new iPad 2.
Built & installed Lite versions of my app with iAds onto both devices. 5.0.1 initially caused both to crash. I was able to resolve that quickly (bad order of framework calls on my part) However! I spent the REST of Sunday trying to chase down any reason that test iAds are being served up to my iPhone (using wireless connection only to compare apples-to-apples), but the same code and the same calls fail with the error message "No inventory available" on my connected "wireless only" iPad 2.
App is built using xcode 4.2 for iphoneos, not universal, so I verified that the iAd framework call: ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait is returning 320x50 as it should. I "think" this rules out any problem that would be caused by different sized iAd requests.
Has anyone else experienced this same issue with Apple's test Ads using an iPad 2 device upgraded to 5.0.1? If so, I'd love to know that so I can stop (or at least slow down) pulling my hair out!
ps. Google's AdMob ads with which I replace iAds when not available, work Just Fine!
Because you're doing a Build & Install you're not using the Live (read: App Store) version of your app. This is why you're seeing Test Ads instead of actual Live ads.
Any time I've ever install an app to a device with Xcode I'm greeted with Test Ads from Apple. I believe this is because Apple intelligently looks at your app (either the version numbers or the provisioning file baked into the app) and knows that it's a developer build.
Now, if you're seeing Test Ads from the version of your app you've downloaded from the App Store then that's an entirely different problem. I've seen this as well but it doesn't sound like your problem.

iAds fail to appear when app is installed from App Store

I recently released my free app SchoolTool w/ ads into the store. I did all the proper testing beforehand to make sure iAds were working. However, once the app was approved and I installed it, the iAds failed to load. Anyone have a similar experience?
I had the same experience. After a couple of days of it not working, I emailed Apple to ask what was up with my app. A day or so later, my iAds started showing.

App freeze and then crashes on splash screen

I have an iPhone App published for a while, developed under the SDK3, and everything works great. Some weeks ago, when Apple released the SDK4 I made some changes to my app to support multitasking (it plays audio in the background).
In my simulator and my device (iPhone 3GS iOS4) the app runs great, there is no problem at all. But, now when I submit the update, a lot of users are contacting me because they say that the app freezes on the splash screen and after waiting about 40-60 seconds, it crashes.
By asking to the users, I have determinate that the problem is only in those devices that haves iOS4 (iPhone 3Gs and 4G).
I tested the app over and over in my simulator and my device but it never happens to me!! Some one have any idea or information about this?
I will really appreciate it. Thanks.
After search for the crashes, and try over and over, I can't reproduce the bug on
my devices. So, I decide to start reading at the Apple Developer Forums and I
found a thread where my suspicions are affirmed: this problem is caused by an internal
iOS4 bug.
"There's a bug in the App Store's code signing process. Talk to DTS: they can
help you with the workaround. Mention rdar://7909951."
"...but it should be the cause of nearly all "failed to launch in time" inside
libobjc:_mapStrHash..." (This appears in some of my app crashes)
Here is the link to the post: failed to launch in time in iOS4
There is no certain solution, but some suggest that a start is changing from arm6 to arm7 and try.
You can try changing some code in the app for producing a different binary and submit it again.
I hope it can help anyone else.
Check the crash report on itunesconnect.apple.com
iPhone 3G also supports iOS 4, except it "doesn't support multitasking" (presumably due to lack of RAM?). If you're only seeing crashes on the 3GS and 4, then that might be the issue.
Default.png is shown on launch, but it's also shown on the foreground when the OS didn't manage to get a screenshot while backgrounding, or for various other reasons (e.g. your app was launched with openURL, so the UI is likely to be different).