iAd showing test advertisement on some devices - iphone

I released an iOS app 1 week ago with iAd banner. On my wife's iPad the iAds show up normally. However on my iPad and iPhone they keep displaying test advertisement.
I've searched thru the site and google, removed the development version and downloaded the distributed app from app store, even reset the settings of my iPad still showing test advertisement.
I don't think it's an issue from apple since my wife's device is seeing real ads, it must be something for my iPad but I couldn't figure out...

Okay, I found the solution myself -> what I did is to use "restore" in iTunes to wipe my device - that solves the issue. If you had same issue as I did and couldn't find other way, this will do the trick :)


Blank screen on some user devices. No crash reports. Can't replicate the bug - how to fix it?

I released an iPhone/iPad app some weeks ago. From 15 reviews (worldwide) I got a dozen 1 star reviews from users saying the app does not work, they only get a blank screen. The other three are happy and it works for them.
I tested the app on an iPad 1, an iPad 2, an iPhone 3GS and several iPhone 4s - it worked on every device flawlessly. And it passed the app store submission process, so it must have worked at Apple...
The crash report in iTunes Connect is empty - the app obviously does not crash, it just hangs somewhere.
Unfortunately there is no way to contact the users where it doesn't work :-(
I know its really hard to help with that less information, but I don't know what to do when I can't replicate the problem on my side...
So does anybody has any idea?
If its a memory problem - shouldn't the app crash then?
I use AVFoundation to play a movie and I know of some flaws since its a relatively new library - does somebody know of this problem (a blank screen) in relation with AVFoundation?
It would be helpful as well if you could download the app (the name is "Hyperactive") and test if you get a blank screen. If so I would be glad to learn the exact device and the iOS version. I hope this is not missunderstood as spam, thats not what I intend...
Thanks in advance,
best regards,
This is a longshot, but maybe the user had the application running for a long time, receiving a viewDidUnload, and something you unload is not getting reloaded on the viewDidLoad.
Try running a "Simulate Memory Warning" on the iphone simulator options.
Both iPhone and iPad versions work fine on iPad 1.
Application won't install on iPhone 3G with iOS 4.2.1.
Have you tested your application on a jailbroken device?
It turned out that the black screen only happens on an iPod Touch and the solution is very easy:
You need an additional entry in the .plist file for the iPod Touch:
Main nib file base name ...
iPod Touch 4G thinks it's an iPad

iPhone iAds Not working on iPhone 4

I have an iPhone app in the app store, but I am having a problem with iAds. iAds are showing up as they should on iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS phones that have downloaded the app, but the iAds are not showing up on any iPhone 4 phones. They are all running the latest software version (iOS 4.2.1). Also, both iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS phones were both correctly displaying test iAds during my testing phase. Does anyone know what might be causing this issue? Thanks in advance.
The iAds service currently has a really low fill rate (ie, you won't receive an advert every time you request one and, particularly outside the US, are often quite a bit more likely not to receive one). Quite probably either what you're seeing is a coincidence or the particular ads that Apple happens to be running at the minute in your territory aren't being supplied for the iPhone 4 with your app's combination of other ad-relevant metadata (and exactly what Apple use is undisclosed, just assume all the information you supply about your app may be relevant when picking which adverts to serve).
If your app showed the test iAds correctly then it'll show proper iAds correctly. Since Apple require that you properly implement showing/hiding of the iAd bar based on whether you receive an advert, it's safe to assume that they test this feature of your app.

apple has rejected my iPhone app saying it must run on iPad as well

I've just submitted my app to review (for the App-Store), and apple has rejected my app, saying the following:
"On iPad, the application displays a
black screen and no content loads.
This review was conducted on iPad
running iOS 3.2.2 as well as iPhone 4
running iOS 4.1. A screenshot has been
attached for your reference. "
am i obligated to create an iPad version of my app? or maybe i've set some property "on" and made apple think i would like the app to work on iPad?
to be more clear,
i want my app to run on iPhone only.
is it possible? and if do, what need to be set (project properties? info.plist?) to mention that the app should run on iPhone only? so that apple will not test it on iPad...
appriciate your help.
Note - this historic QA is 5+ years old.
All issues mentioned in the QA are no longer relevant in iOS development! Enjoy
The problem is almost certainly that you (accidentally) made the app universal.
IF you made it universal, you MUST have both an iPad and iPhone version in there.
If you make the app normal, iPhone only, you do NOT have to (indeed, you can't) have an iPad version in there.
To be clear, Apple are talking about the "ACTUAL" iPad version. Of course, your iPhone app will run using the "blow up mode" on an iPad. Apple are not referring to the "blow up mode."
It is rather silly that in that particular form letter, they do not say something like: ,"You have almost certainly accidentally made your app universal instead of iPhone only" since that is the situation 100% of the time when that happens.
Good luck on waiting another 2 weeks :-/
You do not have to create a specific version of your app for the iPad, however all iPhone apps must also be able to run on the iPad. You might want to try searching google for resources on how to make your app iPad compatible.

App freeze and then crashes on splash screen

I have an iPhone App published for a while, developed under the SDK3, and everything works great. Some weeks ago, when Apple released the SDK4 I made some changes to my app to support multitasking (it plays audio in the background).
In my simulator and my device (iPhone 3GS iOS4) the app runs great, there is no problem at all. But, now when I submit the update, a lot of users are contacting me because they say that the app freezes on the splash screen and after waiting about 40-60 seconds, it crashes.
By asking to the users, I have determinate that the problem is only in those devices that haves iOS4 (iPhone 3Gs and 4G).
I tested the app over and over in my simulator and my device but it never happens to me!! Some one have any idea or information about this?
I will really appreciate it. Thanks.
After search for the crashes, and try over and over, I can't reproduce the bug on
my devices. So, I decide to start reading at the Apple Developer Forums and I
found a thread where my suspicions are affirmed: this problem is caused by an internal
iOS4 bug.
"There's a bug in the App Store's code signing process. Talk to DTS: they can
help you with the workaround. Mention rdar://7909951."
"...but it should be the cause of nearly all "failed to launch in time" inside
libobjc:_mapStrHash..." (This appears in some of my app crashes)
Here is the link to the post: failed to launch in time in iOS4
There is no certain solution, but some suggest that a start is changing from arm6 to arm7 and try.
You can try changing some code in the app for producing a different binary and submit it again.
I hope it can help anyone else.
Check the crash report on itunesconnect.apple.com
iPhone 3G also supports iOS 4, except it "doesn't support multitasking" (presumably due to lack of RAM?). If you're only seeing crashes on the 3GS and 4, then that might be the issue.
Default.png is shown on launch, but it's also shown on the foreground when the OS didn't manage to get a screenshot while backgrounding, or for various other reasons (e.g. your app was launched with openURL, so the UI is likely to be different).

How can I test my iPad app on my actual iPad?

I am developing my first iPad app using the iOS SDK 4 and Xcode 3.2. I have written a simple Hello World and have been able to run it in the iPhone simulator. I would like to figure out:
How can I get an iPad simulator?
Is it possible to test my app on my actual iPad without signing up for a developers license for $99?
There are unoffical ways to get your app onto your device, you have to jailbreak it and install software called AppSync from cydia. This voids your warranty if Apple find out (restoring the device to it's original settings using the restore button in itunes means they can't tell, so jus trestore before you go to an Apple shop) and if they do find out it might prejudice them against you as a developer (but chances are very slim)
(I have no problem giving specific details as the US Government has said that jailbreaking is legal)
The SDK includes an iPad simulator. I don't have my Mac in front of me, but you should be able to choose which device to target when you launch the simulator. You can also switch between iPhone and iPad mode from within the simulator - check the Hardware menu.
Yes, you have to have a paid developer membership to deploy code to your device. That's the only official way.
If you have jailbroken, then install app sync from the Hackulo.us repo. Just sync your app in iTunes without signing it. It will work easy as Pi!
This is yet another way to keep flash from getting to iPads, if you could put your own on the device without going through apple then you could also put someone else's. I think it should be allowed, but if something doesn't work on software that isn't officially released it shouldn't be supported by Apple.