win-interactive How to bind class to an existing Div - microsoft-metro

Hi I want to dynamically bind a class name to an existing div inside an itemTemplate when the data source gets populated.
Heres the html code for winJs
<div data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<div data-win-bind="class:classFromServer"></div>
But this is not happening when I am binding the class in data source. the click event front he previous question does get execute but cannot bind class. Any work around or other way around ?

You got a bit of code wrong Here :)
it will be <div data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<div data-win-bind="className:classFromServer"></div>
class will be actually classame for Binding


Display html element from JSON object on ionic App

I have been trying to embed html element from JSON object, and It is currently displaying the html as raw code instead.
Can someone please help me ?
this.questionsData[i].question_type.title = "<ion-input type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Short answer\"></ion-input>";
<ion-item *ngFor="let question of questionsData">
Text : {{question.question_type.title}}
<div [innerHTML]="question.question_type.title">
Isn't it should be input box under the text : , anyone know why it's not rendered ?
InnerHtml will only help to render pure html code on run time, you can't use ionic components to render dynamically using innerhtml. I think you need to use dynamic component loader feature in angular here. You can refer this link on use cases of this feature
Your approach needs to change, do not include html tags in component block, instead add parameters as json data and set it at component. Then you can interpolate the tags in the template view.
at the component:
this.inputDataArray = [{"title":"What cartoon do you like to watch?", "name":"inp1","placeholder":"short answer"},{"title":"What movie do you like to watch?", "name":"inp2","placeholder":"short answer"}];
at the view:
<ion-item *ngFor="let question of inputDataArray">
Text : <input name={{}} placeholder={{question.placeholder}} />
Its just a reference, Hope it helps
This worked for me.
<div [innerHTML]="data.text"></div>

Popover isn't working when attribute is injected after page renders.

I'm trying to use popover for certain parts of paragraphs that I'm fetching from my DB and using ng-repeat I load to my html and serve to the front-end.
The relevant part of my DOM, looks like this
<div ng-repeat="i in comments" class="ng-scope">
<div popover="test2" class="task ng-binding"> text1
<span popover="test" class="highlight-a">text2</span>
the ... is injected into the DOM from after some process in the back-end, so the basically the DOM is modified after it loads and renders.
At this point, clicking on the won't trigger any popovers.
I'm wondering if there's a work-around for re-initiating the popovers or anything like that. Even when I call on to load the popover in the end of the process it doesn't work.

Creating Custom Content Element in TYPO3

Cany anybody tell me how to render the following structure in
typo3 without developing a new extension.
<div class="sidebar-details">
<div class="sidebar-details-title">
<h4><span>MY TITLE</span></h4>
<div class="sidebar-details-body">
What would be the best/recommended way to achieve this ?
Start using gridelements.
Gives you exactly what you want.
You can activate the RTE html mode and put it in its source or make use of HTML element, but that's depending on your needs.
If you want to keep RTE functions for editing the text what I mentioned first is the recommended way. Have done it several times myself.
If you are using Template mapping using Templavoila so, you can create FCE(Flexible content element) for it and you can map this part.
If you are using fluid template mapping so, you can create gridelement for it. and map all part.

A GridView inside a Wizard in wicket fails to render error feedback messages

I have a custom Wizard, defined as follows:
<form wicket:id="form" class="wizard">
<span class="wizardoverview" wicket:id="overview"/>
<div class="wizardheader" wicket:id="header"/>
<div wicket:id="view" class="wizardpage"/>
<span wicket:id="feedback"/>
<div class="buttons">
<span wicket:id="buttons"/>
The wizardpage is in this case a Panel with its own form.
This form contains a new Panel, which in turn contains a GridView.
The GridView contains a set of Panels, which each contain a FormComponentFeedbackBorder, which in turn contains input TextFields.
So we have this:
When TextField fails validation, no feedback is rendered at all.
If I add a FeedbackPanel to the GridContainingPanel the error messages are rendered, but FormComponentFeedbackBorder renders nothing.
Any pointers as to what can be wrong?
I had a similar problem with a ListView instead of GridView, but that problem was resolved when I set listView.setReuseItems(true);
Is there a similar setting for GridView, or is there a different solution to this problem?
That was it:
gridView.setItemReuseStrategy(new ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy());
solved the problem.
Thanks, rotsch.

adding a page to jqtouch

So I have something like this:
<div id="jqt">
<div id="page1">
<div id="generic">
Some generic page to use as a template
and I want to create a new page on after everything is loaded and the user does some action.
$('#generic').clone().attr('id', 'some_new_page').appendTo('#jqt');
What happens is the new page ends up showing up in front of everything and doesn't seem to have and jqtouch events or styles added.
How do initialize this page (or at least have jqtouch reinitialize the whole html file)?
I don't want it to show up at first, I just wanted loaded and ready in the background.
Have you tried to do a deep clone with data and events instead?
$('#generic').clone(true, true).attr('id', 'some_new_page').appendTo('#jqt');