A GridView inside a Wizard in wicket fails to render error feedback messages - wicket

I have a custom Wizard, defined as follows:
<form wicket:id="form" class="wizard">
<span class="wizardoverview" wicket:id="overview"/>
<div class="wizardheader" wicket:id="header"/>
<div wicket:id="view" class="wizardpage"/>
<span wicket:id="feedback"/>
<div class="buttons">
<span wicket:id="buttons"/>
The wizardpage is in this case a Panel with its own form.
This form contains a new Panel, which in turn contains a GridView.
The GridView contains a set of Panels, which each contain a FormComponentFeedbackBorder, which in turn contains input TextFields.
So we have this:
When TextField fails validation, no feedback is rendered at all.
If I add a FeedbackPanel to the GridContainingPanel the error messages are rendered, but FormComponentFeedbackBorder renders nothing.
Any pointers as to what can be wrong?
I had a similar problem with a ListView instead of GridView, but that problem was resolved when I set listView.setReuseItems(true);
Is there a similar setting for GridView, or is there a different solution to this problem?

That was it:
gridView.setItemReuseStrategy(new ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy());
solved the problem.
Thanks, rotsch.


tinymce on multiple instance of same TextArea

Two instances of a partialview are loaded on a page.
Partialview has a textarea with id 'newNote'. Hence, when page loads we have two textarea elements with same id - 'newNote' but under two different containers.
<div id='container1' style="display:none">
<textarea id='newNote'/>
<div id='container2'>
<textarea id='newNote'/>
I want to convert textarea to tinymce Rich text editor based on the active container (in above case container 2).
Can someone pls tell me how to handle two instances with same id.
You should never have two elements on the same page with a non-unique id

How to use protractor to find the fading in content of tooltip generated by Angular-UI?

I am using Protractor, and trying to find the content of tooltips on the page. These tooltips are generated by Angular-UI, and fading in with moveMouse over them like below. Those tooltips are similar with ng-bind, but I cannot use binding to find them. Also, I tried to getAttribute of this tooltip, but it also didn't work for me, maybe cause protractor cannot detect this element name. Do you have any idea of how to read the content of those tooltips? Many thanks.
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label" id="label_Merchant_Number" translate>merchant_NUM</label>
<input ng-model='searchCriteria.MERCHANT_NUMBER' tooltip="{{'merNumber_tooltip'|translate}}" class='form-control input-sm' type='text' id='MERCHANT_NUMBER' name='MERCHANT_NUMBER' maxlength='16' erng-validations>
we are using getAttribute('tooltip'), works how it should be ...

win-interactive How to bind class to an existing Div

Hi I want to dynamically bind a class name to an existing div inside an itemTemplate when the data source gets populated.
Heres the html code for winJs
<div data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<div data-win-bind="class:classFromServer"></div>
But this is not happening when I am binding the class in data source. the click event front he previous question does get execute but cannot bind class. Any work around or other way around ?
You got a bit of code wrong Here :)
it will be <div data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<div data-win-bind="className:classFromServer"></div>
class will be actually classame for Binding

twitter bootstrap modal in navbar opens behind mask

I'm using the form navbar-search. I want to have an "advanced search" modal that opens from a link within the navbar.
If I put the modal div within my tag in the navbar, when the modal opens it is behind the darkened area that is normally outside of the modal window. Clicking anywhere closes the modal and the darkened mask.
I can fix this by moving the modal div outside of the navbar (and, thus, outside of my form) but then it breaks my form functionality. The advanced search modal is supposed to function as an extension of the form field directly in the navbar but if I use two different forms to fix the modal problem, the forms don't work together any longer. Does that make sense?
If I enclose the entire nav bar plus my modal (which is outside the navbar) in a tag, it works but screws up some of the navbar formatting so I'm thinking this is not a very clean solution.
So, I either need to a way to fix the modal display issue or a way to make my form situation work properly (as in, linking two forms together without having a ton of duplicate markup for hidden fields and the like).
Thanks for any ideas!
Here is what I have now (which I've gone ahead and just adjusted css afterward to make things line up). I don't think it is semantically correct according to how bootstrap's navbar is supposed to be used, but my form is working correctly and that is a big deal to me. :)
I am a little unsure what you are asking, but this is a stab at what I think you are asking. The modal does not actually need to put the code for the modal in the form itself. The only thing you need in the navbar is the link and trigger activating the modal.
<div class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<ul class="nav">
<li>Advanced Search</li>
<!-- Modal -->
<div id="myModal" class="modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
<h3 id="myModalLabel">Advanced Search</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
<p>Put your search fields here. </p>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Close</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary">Search</button>
See working link.

Autocomplete Styling customization

For some unavoidable reason, I had to wrap autocomplete result in two divs, so my final output is as
<div id="resultDiv">
<div id="scrollerDiv">
instead of
But this removes all styling and events from my result (i.e. <li>s). My 'select' event was getting called, results were navigatable using up and down arrows, background of selected record was getting highlighted etc. before adding these divs but all this functionality is gone. Is there any change/s I can do in 'jquery.ui.autocomplete.js' and/or 'query.ui.css' to add this div existance and get everything working back?
I achieved this by applying css class of <ul> to <div> dynamically.