adding a page to jqtouch - jqtouch

So I have something like this:
<div id="jqt">
<div id="page1">
<div id="generic">
Some generic page to use as a template
and I want to create a new page on after everything is loaded and the user does some action.
$('#generic').clone().attr('id', 'some_new_page').appendTo('#jqt');
What happens is the new page ends up showing up in front of everything and doesn't seem to have and jqtouch events or styles added.
How do initialize this page (or at least have jqtouch reinitialize the whole html file)?
I don't want it to show up at first, I just wanted loaded and ready in the background.

Have you tried to do a deep clone with data and events instead?
$('#generic').clone(true, true).attr('id', 'some_new_page').appendTo('#jqt');


How do I get rid of reblog/like history on photo reblog page on tumblr?

As in the photo above, I would like to get rid of the scroll bar along with the history of all the likes and reblogs which are located once you click on the photo on my blog. Where would I locate this in the custom CSS on tumblr and which code would I use?
I have been looking at this code, but not sure where to go next.
{block:IndexPage}{LinkOpenTag}<div class="photo"><img src="{PhotoURL-500}" alt="{PhotoAlt}" width=250px/></div>{LinkCloseTag}
<ul class="like_and_reblog_buttons">
Thank you.
OK, so in the template on line 408 I simply wrapped the notes component in html comments so they don't get rendered in the browser.
Simply changing:
<div class="notes">{PostNotes}</div>
<div class="notes">{PostNotes}</div>
Full html template saved here:
I've also removed the redundant
</center></center> that tag is obsolete:
Nothing is being rendered in those erroneous tags.

Popover isn't working when attribute is injected after page renders.

I'm trying to use popover for certain parts of paragraphs that I'm fetching from my DB and using ng-repeat I load to my html and serve to the front-end.
The relevant part of my DOM, looks like this
<div ng-repeat="i in comments" class="ng-scope">
<div popover="test2" class="task ng-binding"> text1
<span popover="test" class="highlight-a">text2</span>
the ... is injected into the DOM from after some process in the back-end, so the basically the DOM is modified after it loads and renders.
At this point, clicking on the won't trigger any popovers.
I'm wondering if there's a work-around for re-initiating the popovers or anything like that. Even when I call on to load the popover in the end of the process it doesn't work.

How do i get content into my projectpages? (data-url)

I have an issue getting content inside the projectpages. (I literally tried to figure this out for 4 days now, searching the web - i will give my right arm for solving this)
So I have a simple index.html page with 7 projects (7 thumb images representing each portfolio project). When i click on one of the images i would like to get to the page showing its content - i get to the new page /#/WORK1/ but i can't figure out where/how to insert my content in this new url?
You can see the problem at my site here:
Here is the code i am using for the 7 projects. WORK1, WORK2 etc.
<div id="projectPages">
<div class="project page-project" data-url="/WORK1/" >
<!-- Will be fetched on-demand -->
(So I don't know how I get it to be "fetched on-demand")
And here is the 7 clickable thumbs:
<div id="projectThumbs" >
<div class="wrapper">
<a class="project "href="/WORK1/" >
<div class="project-image"><div class="intrinsic"><div class="content-fill"><img data-src="/img/upcoming.png" data-image="/img/upcoming.png" data-image-dimensions="2500x1401" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" alt="work" data-load="false"/><noscript><img src="/img/upcoming.png"></noscript></div></div><div class="project-item-count">0</div></div>
<div class="project-title">Titel1</div>
Pleaaase help
You need to use write some JavaScript code using JQuery.
There are methods you need:
click() – to add click event handler.
data() – to get value from data attribute.
load() – to load contents from some URL to some element.
There is an example of using these methods. Does it fit your case?
You need to update your HTML code on the server.
Pay attention to data-project-id="1" and id="project-id-1". And update numbers respectively.
In data-url set your relative path. If you want to load WORK1.html file, you should write: data-url='/WORK1.html' (without / at the end).
The connection between blocks are made by data-project-id="1" and id="project-id-1" attributes.
I change the way to get url. I leave it in <a href="..."> and removed from <div class="project page-project">.
But for now I realised that I don't understand why you need many <div class="project page-project"> elements. Why not to use just one?
And you need to know about CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) –
You could load contents just from your web site. It'll fail if you will try to load page from external web site.
You could use history.pushState(null, null, link.href); to update the URL of the page.
Updated JSFiddle:
You won't see URL changes at JSFiddle because it runs in a frame.
Try it on your page.
Add link to JQuery library to the <head> of your page but before my script.
Add my script wrapped with $(function() { /* JS code */ }); to execute it properly.
<script src=""></script>
$(function() {
/* JS code from JSFiddle */

Show/hide Iframe

I am using wordpress for my website and I am trying to set up my pages so that a user has to click a button to view the content. Yes, very simple with show/hide etc but the button I Want the user to click is this
To display that in my page i need to use an iframe which is where it gets tricky. I have set up the show/hide code so that when a user clicks the like button (or anywhere in the iframe) it will display the content. But, no such luck!
This is my code
<div id="imagebox" style="display:none;"><?php $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_field('image'), 'full'); ?>
<img src="<?php echo $image[0]; ?>" alt="<?php get_the_title(get_field('image')) ?>" /> </div>
<div onclick="ShowDiv()"><iframe src=" href=" allowTransparency="true">
<script language="javascript">
function ShowDiv()
document.getElementById("imagebox").style.display = '';
I know that it is hard to use iframes to do what I am trying to do, but i am a total newbie when it comes to this stuff. Any help would be great!
Have tried giving your div an id="imagebox"?
This was already answered here.
But, I didn't realize at first sight that you're loading something in the iframe that is not coming from your own domain, so you're going to fall in a cross site scripting event, which is not allowed.
Afaik, you have to redesign some way your implementation.
For instance, you could retrieve the generated html from facebook using curl and then outputting in your own div. Something like that should work.

jQuery mobile show and hide don't seem to work on iPhone

I'm trying to use jQuery show and hide which seem to work ok in Safari, when I try it on the iPhone, it doesn't work at all. Here is my code;
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#showSearch").click(function () {
It's a button that when clicked, will show the search form. The form doesn't show on iPhone. Also when I add $('#showSearch').remove(); in there, it doesn't get removed, even if I add a function as the second parameter of show() it still doesn't hide the button.
Thanks for your help.
jQuery Docs: (Shows) (Hides) (Deletes) (Show/Hide)
Live Example:
$('#viewMeButton').click(function() {
$('#viewMe').toggle(); // used toggle instead of .show() or .hide()
$('#removeMeButton').click(function() {
<div data-role="page" id="home">
<div data-role="content">
<div id="viewMe">
Hello I'm in the div tag, can you see me?
<br />
<button id="viewMeButton">Show / Hide</button>
<br />
<div id="removeMe">
Click the button to remove me
<br />
<button id="removeMeButton">Remove Me</button>
I know this is an old question, but I recently had a similar problem. Hopefully this will help someone else if they find this question, too.
I was trying to hide a set of ui-block-* elements in a JQM grid. On the same grid cells, my media query for the iPhone was setting display: block !important. That was winning.
The !important directive was unnecessary in my case and when I removed it the calls to hide() and show() began working as expected.