Creating Custom Content Element in TYPO3 - typo3

Cany anybody tell me how to render the following structure in
typo3 without developing a new extension.
<div class="sidebar-details">
<div class="sidebar-details-title">
<h4><span>MY TITLE</span></h4>
<div class="sidebar-details-body">
What would be the best/recommended way to achieve this ?

Start using gridelements.
Gives you exactly what you want.

You can activate the RTE html mode and put it in its source or make use of HTML element, but that's depending on your needs.
If you want to keep RTE functions for editing the text what I mentioned first is the recommended way. Have done it several times myself.

If you are using Template mapping using Templavoila so, you can create FCE(Flexible content element) for it and you can map this part.
If you are using fluid template mapping so, you can create gridelement for it. and map all part.


If class exist in first parent then apply CSS

If class 'hello' visible then apply some css to 'banner2' class. is it possible? Looking for CSS solution not Javascript.
<div id="banner">
<div class="hello"></div>
<div class="banner2">
It's not possible to select a div based on visibility in CSS alone. You can easily use jQuery / JS, but since you don't want that I'd suggest trying out some trickery with CSS combinators and the checkbox hack, depending on how you are planning on changing the visibility of "hello".
The option doesn't exist yet in CSS.
When Selectors 4 will be available you could do it this way:
.banner:has(> .hello) + .banner2
But as of this moment, you can only do it with javascript

TYPO3 Image From Extension

I'm a typo newbie, and was wondering, how I can make the following code work in my HTML Template file:
<img src="EXT:extension-name/Resources/Public/Images/Logo/logo-white.png" alt="logo.png">
Looking forward to your anwers, thanks.
This cannot be done in an HTML file but within a Fluid template file you should use the uri.resource viewhelper:
<img src="{f:uri.resource(path: 'Images/Logo/logo-white.png')}" alt="Actual explanation of the logo content">
If used within an Extbase plugin there is nothing else to do.
For templates using the FLUIDTEMPLATE content object you'll need to set the extension name, for example with an extensionName: 'MyExt' as argument:
<img src="{f:uri.resource(path: 'Images/Logo/logo-white.png', extensionName: 'MyExt')}" alt="Actual explanation of the logo content">
Alternatively use controllerExtensionName in your TypoScript setup.

TinyMCE instances in jquery sortable class all MCE Instances

I've encountered a problem when combining JQuery sortable and TinyMCE.
My issue is similar to:
TinyMCE instances in jquery sortable; but I don't know how to "classed all MCE Instances with .tinyMCE", described in the solution.
It would be grateful if anyone can help me out of this.
You need add "tinyMCE" class for all textareas that used tinyMCE.
If you want use solution from example solution you also need to have unique id for each textarea. Like this
<textarea class="tinyMCE" id="textarea1"></textarea>
<textarea class="tinyMCE" id="textarea2"></textarea>

How can I enable tinyMCE in Umbraco to add a div with a class attribute and contain a paragraph?

I need to allow add a div with a class attribute in tinyMCE in Umbraco. I can add a div, but all content in the div is just text. I need that text has a paragraph, and finally add a class attribute for the div.
It's a little hard to understand what you are asking, but I think this should help.
You can basically associate a stylesheet with the tinyMCE and then add styles to it that will appear in the style dropdown
You may use
tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand('insertHTML', false, '<div class="section'></div>');
This will insert the specified html into the editor at the local caret position.
Be aware that your valid_elements and valid_children configuration settings won't strip out anything from the html that you insert.
If you can paste your template code then we can be more of a help to you.
What you want to do is wrap your <umbraco:Item field="aliasOfYourRTE" runat="server" />
with the div you want so in your case your code will look like this:
<umbraco:Item field="bodyText" runat="server" />
The umbraco RTE automatically spits out <p> </p> tags when content is inserted. Also, make sure you are publishing your node so that your content is viewable on the front end.
Hope this helps.
Go to Settings - Styles.
Open the stylesheet with the styles for the Format dropdown of TinyMCE in Data Type Richtexteditor.
Add a style with the Alias div.class, e.g. div.alert alert-danger.
If you then click in TinyMCE on a paragraph and then choose in the Format dropdown this style the paragraph is formatted as follows:
<div class="alert alert-danger"> ... </div>
Is this what you wished to do?

Typo3: adding elements inside an list item <LI>

Im trying to get something like this:
<h3>Some header</h3>
<p>Some text</p>
inside a Text element, but when I try to apply the blocktype to the content of the <li>, it applies it to the whole content.
Im using rtehtmlarea. What can I do?
Strange - this works in my installation. You should check the RTE configuration in page TSconfig. I assume something like this:
RTE.default.proc {
allowTagsOutside = img,hr,[your Tags]
Another suggestion is: Disable the Rich Text Editor (there is a checkbox below the textarea), enter your tags, then enable it again. The tag structure should be preserved.
If not, drop me a line, I will post my RTE configuration.
If you need a waterproof solution, try playing around with your RTE.default typoscript.