I sell real products through my application? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I always used to in-app virtual goods or subscriptions, but my client wants to sell real products as toy art. Someone could tell me how it works?
I sell real products through my application? How would I do this using in-app or pay pal? The apple approve.

In app purchase is just for the content in the app, bonus levels, virtual coins and subscribes. Of course you can sell real world items in your app, Apple accepts this kind of app, but remember you can not use Apple's in app purchase to charge users. Your must turn to other payment method, like Paypal or credit card.
Because it is something related sensitivity data (for money, you know). So maybe you have to supply your own use term and assurance to make your users trust you.
If you plan to use Paypal to implement the payment, you might want to see the Paypal's iOS SDK.

Apple doesn't allow selling real-world products by in-app purchases.
Here you have guide from Apple. Check pages 3 and 6.
If it comes to the second part of the question, you can redirect a user to prepared site to finish transaction as long as it's not stuff for the app. More about this you can find here.


sell ebooks in app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I will be making an iPhone app that will sell ebooks. we have a website version of this and we want to have mobile version also. So, my question is what is the best approach(approved by Apple) for this kind of model? In our website version, we do payment by paypal. In my understanding, selling digital goods via paypal that is integrated within the app is not allowed(correct me if I'm wrong). Also, we have like 5000+ books on the website, so adding all books in iTunes(if it can be done) is no cake work I think. :D So help me out guys, this is my first app that involves buying and paying. After a successful payment, this book can now be read from within the app. Thanks!
Your correct, Apple does not allow any payment method for in app content that circumvents the IAP model.
You have two real options. One is to use IAP (In app purchase). This will give users the best native experience and will allow you to use apples framework BUT there are two downsides:
- Apple takes a 30% cut of all IAP revenue
- There is a chance that patent trolls Lodsys will come after you for unauthorized use of IAP (its not actually unauthorized, but they will try and argue that it is and sue you for it, google 'IAP Lodsys' for more info)
The other option that gives you more control over the payment system and gives you full revenue it to allow users to purchase books for their app on your website (The way kindle works). Not the best experience for users, but definitely best for your wallets.
Unfortunately I am not aware of any other payment methods, would be interesting to hear of some if anyone has any.
Hope that helps :)

Accept credit card payment in iPhone app [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I accept credit card payments from within my iPhone app? The Credit Card Terminal is a good solution but that would mean my app's users have to have their iPhone app installed as well!
How can I do it all from within the app (using a UIWebView if need be)?
I did check out related questions on SO but none really answered the question.
This is not for in-app purchases (we can use StoreKit for that). This is for donations (and the app would be free as the Apple guidelines suggest)
May be you can donate through PayPal API but I am not sure whether Apple will approve it.
PayPal API for iOS:
Refer to this link before you start:
PayPal API for iOS - allowed?
I think there is no other option. UIWebView can open a site in your application which accepts credit card payments but I am not sure how good and appealing it would be to a user.
Hope this helps you
If you use anything apart from PayPal and In App Purchase, then I fear that your app will be rejected by Apple.

Apple Developer Program Enrollment [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Can i enroll for Apple Developer Program from different country because Apple Online Store is unavailable in my country, and can someone else pay for my account?
You can technically enroll from any country, regardless of country.
I know of a man that had the same problem in Ukraine. His problem was solved by depositing the money via a bank account to a bank account at Apple. I would contact Apple and wait about 48 hours before taking any actions because usually that's the time apple needs to reply to mails.
Please don't ever trust random people to pay for services like this. If they paid for your developer account, the developer account technically belongs to them, and so do their contained products ;]

Multiple bank accounts for different apps in iTunes connect [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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As we are developing an iPhone app for a customer and he wants to charge for that app, we are wondering if it is possible to have multiple bank accounts in iTunes connect to have the revenues directly on the customers bank account. Whats the best practise for that?
Many thanks in advance
It sounds like you want to distribute the app yourself on the store, rather than having the customer do it. As someone who does this kind of work himself, I can tell you that this is just silliness. Your customer should be sending you the certificates for you to sign the app, you send him the app for submission, etc. Never put this up under your account, really.
EDIT: You should tell your customer that he needs his own developer account, then guide him through getting you the certificates you need.
You need to set up another developer account in that case.
I'm not sure if you mean multiple accounts for the customer to be charged at or multiple accounts for your developer to receive their payments at.
If it is the former that sounds impossible to me (your payment is through Apple as a mediator, you should have no knowledge of customer payment methods).
If it is the latter, couldn't you either a) make a different account per app or b) talk to Apple support about this as it is a billing question?

iPhone in app purchase for charitable donations [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing an app for a registered charity in the United Kingdom and would like to touch base with you folks to see if any of you have experience with donations via in app purchases.
The donations will likely consist of pre-defined amounts, such as:
My questions is: does Apple allow in app purchases for donations? I understand Apple will want to take their cut despite the charity status (they're evil, after all), but, I mean, a donation is effectively a purchase without any physical or digital goods in return, so will this be allowed under the in app purchase terms?
Thanks friends.
It seems like from the App Store Review Guidelines, you can't use in-app for donations:
21. Charities and contributions
21.1 Apps that include the ability to make donations to recognized charitable organizations must be free
21.2 The collection of donations must be done via a web site in Safari or an SMS
https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/ (from http://www.iphonedownloadblog.com/2010/12/24/apple-is-denying-in-app-donations-to-developers/)